
Hooking into Grails Domain object save()

I'm writing a grails plugin and I need to hook into the domain save() method to do some logic after the save. I need to do this across multiple domain classes. I'm trying to avoid hibernate events in the cases where a plugin user is not using hibernate with GORM. I've tried many thing but below is what I think should have had the best ...

Groovy and Grails book

What a the best books for learning Groovy and Grails for an experienced Java developer? ...

Grails application root path

Is there a variable where I can find out the root directory of my Grails application? for example, I have a folder named "chart" under \%root%\web-app\images\ where I put my charts in. Once I deploy my grails application on Jetty, I will get FileNotFoundException because the root path becomes /srv/www/vhosts/domain-name/jetty-version/ ...

Grails Scaffolding is not storing reference for given domain structure

Hello, Usecase: Player may have award or may not have. If player never had any award then Award will be null, ( 1. Is there any other way to do this.. without null.. I don't feel its good idea) I am generating scaffold for following domain structure. class Player { String name Award recentAward static constraints = { ...

Grails GORM & Enums

I've a problem using Enumeration in Grails: I try to use an enumeraion in a grails domain object code: package import java.util.Date; class Task { String name String description Priority priority static belongsTo = [user:User, project:Project] static constraints = {...

Best Way to place temporary Data for an Webapp

My newest project is able to generate documents with information from a database. So I copy the document template on demand to an temporary folder for a user and modify it. I do this because every template must be available during modification. Afterwards the user is awarded with his document via a download link from my webapp. My que...

How to overload some Groovy Type conversion for avoiding try/catch of NumberFormatException ?

I am sick of encapsuling each call of asType with try/catch block like : def b = "" def c try { c = b as Integer } catch (NumberFormatException) { c = null } println c instead I would like to write in my code the following: def b = "" def c = b as Integer and if b is not well-formatted, then I want to have null be assigne...

Grails g:select to autocomplete

I've changed a g:select field to a yui autocomplete (without using the yui plugin) and now I'm getting: Failed to convert property value of type [java.lang.String] to required type... println the params in the controller looks identical in both cases. I can go ahead and use the String id in the params and get the required domain ...

@ExpectedException in grails unit tests

Anyone used this annotation in grails unit tests? Didnt seem to work for me. Thanks. D Update: the last line of my test below does throw the expected exception. However the test fails (Stack trace too big for here...). I'm using grails 1.2 and running the test in eclipse's junit runner. Maybe grails is using an earlier version of junit...

Avoiding table changes when mapping legacy database tables in Grails?

I have an applicaton that contains some tables that are auto-generated from Grails domain classes and one legacy table (say table legacy) that have been created outside of Grails but are being mapped by Grails domain classes. Mapping the columns in the legacy database is trivial, but I would like to disable the adding of extra fields and...

does spring provide 2 mvc platforms, grails and spring mvc?

Just reading spring in action, and I know there is a chapter on MVC that I havent' got to yet. I also read about grails, is that another framework or built on top of spring? ...

GWT - Grails rpc with transfer object failing

GWT version: 2.0.0 Grail version: 1.1.2 Grails - GWT plugin version: grails-gwt-0.5-SNAPSHOT, used after 0.4.1 I'm calling a method from the gwt side passing a transfer object, which implements IsSerializable and resides in the client package, so to be compiled into js, also all class properties are of primitive types. Follows a brief s...

Grails: How to test the existence of a gsp/template file from a controller ?

I would like to implement the following: import as RCU class HomeController { def home = { def locale = RCU.getLocale(request) render view: viewExists("home_$locale") ? "home_$locale": "home" } } What is the code of boolean viewExists(String viewPath)...

Grails UI datatable dynamic dropdownOptions

Using the datatable, within the Grails UI plugin, does anyone know how to make the list of dropdownOptions dynamic? You can specify the dropdownOptions like this: [age:'Age', formatter:'number', editor:[type:'dropDown', controller:'demo', action:'tableChange', config:[dropdownOptions: ['Foo', 'Bar'], disableBtns:true]], sortab...

How to force Grails to use proper column type in MySQL for Map field

Hi, I have a problem in Grails 1.1.2 + MySQL. My domain class Something contains field Map<String, Map<Integer, Integer>> priceMap When I run the app, Grails creates table 'something' and sub-table 'something_price_map'. 'something_price_map' contains BIGINT(20) price_map VARCHAR(255) price_map_idx TINYBLOB price_map_elt The pr...

Coerce result row into object

Is there a way to coerce the result row gotten from calling a stored procedure into a specific object so I can pass just a list of that object into the view? I know I can use things like Node.list() to do this, but I am eventually going to replace getnodes() with a fairly complicated stored procedure that creates temp tables and does so...

Getting Stack Overflow when including query in grails validator

altEmailAddress(blank: true, nullable: true, validator: { if (it == null || it == '') { return true } else { return (User.countByEmailAddress(it) > 0 && User.countByAltEmailAddress(it) > 0) } } Stack trace: Testcase: testFindValidEmailAddress took 0.429 sec Caused an ERROR null java.lang.StackOverflowE...

Grails vs Roo - why SpringSource is pushing two very similar technologies?

SpringSource (now VMWare) has two very similar technologies: Grails and Spring Roo. I have been using Grails, but I see that SpringSource is actively working on something that is a competitor for that technology and that makes me worried about the future of Grails. Does anyone know how these technologies relate, are they going to be mer...

Java or Groovy CMS

Hi, I'm considering developing a school information system using the Grails web framework. Before a school can use the system, they will need to setup the following data School data Students Teachers Subjects Classes etc. I'm considering using a CMS in order to get the ability to CRUD these entities "for free". The CMS may also pro...

Grails - fetchmode - what's it do?

In my Grails domain I have something like the following class A { String name static hasMany = [ b : B ] SortedSet b static fetchMode = [ b:"eager" ] } class B implements Comparable{ A a ... compareTo method defined .... } What I'm trying to do is to retrieve an instance of class A, and at the same time have i...