
What is real object-oriented (ROO) ?

I recently heard a lot about ROO for "Real object-oriented". What is all that about ? Where does it come from ? Thx ...

springdoclet usage?

is springdoclet use to generate bean defination xml files? servlet-config.xml..etc ? i trying to find out what is the different springdoclet compared to spring roo ...

Spring roo Vs (Wicket and Spring)

Spring roo is new framework and I found it very interesting. I have been working on web application for last 3-4 years and Always found JSPs are hard to maintain across teams if everyone is not disciplined enough about separation of markup and serverside logic. I have used JackBe/BackBase in last projects and I enjoyed xml templates work...

Can I use Spring roo in existing project that doesn't use Maven?

Spring Roo can be use in existing projects that follow standard maven layout. So far this appears to mean that projects that doesn't use maven are out of luck. I am wondering what (if any) are the options for such existing projects. Re-arrange the project layout to conform to Maven layout? This appears to be very difficult path for ...

How to create Roo Shell project in SpringSource Tool Suite?

Just have created a Spring project in STS and shown the view 'Roo Shell'. It's dialog has a link which opens a dialog 'Roo Shell Project Selection'. User is asked to select among a list of project one to work with the shell. Problem is that the list is empty. Is there a way to create a Roo Shell project or RooShellify an existing one? ...

appfuse vs roo - what would you use

Appfuse vs. Roo, what would you use and why? What are the sweet spots of each. ...

Problem with Maven in Spring roo

I was trying to run the Wedding RSVP sample given with Spring Roo 1.0.0.RC3. I am running on Maven 2.2.1 and JDK 1.5.0_19, Java and M2 Home are properly set. Unfortunately none of the commands that involve Maven calls (example: "Perform test" or 'Perform eclipse") work and there is no error either. The cursor immediately returns on the r...

Modifying show method of generated roo controler

I am learning Roo and have a database with a student object that has associated score objects. I would like to display the score objects when the show method is executed on the student controler. The StudentController.java file contains no code, am I correct in assuming I need to modify the associated .aj file? If so how do I tell Roo to...

spring roo vs appfuse generate service /dao layer

I am looking for feedback from experienced users on spring roo and appfuse. Which do you think does a better job reverse engineering database tables and generating a service layer, dao layer, and jpa entities? If I am not mistaken, spring roo currently cannot reverse engineer a database. ...

Spring ROO like Console Application

I am looking to build a console driven application, which would somewhat like look like the Spring ROO Console, any ideas ?. ...

Grails vs Roo - why SpringSource is pushing two very similar technologies?

SpringSource (now VMWare) has two very similar technologies: Grails and Spring Roo. I have been using Grails, but I see that SpringSource is actively working on something that is a competitor for that technology and that makes me worried about the future of Grails. Does anyone know how these technologies relate, are they going to be mer...

Roo - add custom finder

Hello, I used Roo to create a project that uses existing database. Im able to create dynamic finders, but I want to implement custom finder that will receive 4 parameters and use some of them to create Like condition and others for equals condition. What is the best way to do this with Roo. Thank you in advice, Oleksandr ...

Spring Roo how to maintain state between commands

I have written a couple of simple addon's for Spring Roo. How do you maintain state between succesive commands? ...

Code Analysis Tools and Inter-Type-Declarations

I have a maven project generated by Spring Roo and use several tools (checkstyle, pmd etc.) to collect information about my project. (namely I am using codehaus' sonar for this) Roo makes heavy use of AspectJ Inter Type Declarations (ITD) to seperate concerns like persistence, javabeans-getter/setters etc. These ITDs are woven in at co...

JSON and XML from Roo RESTful controllers

Hi, I've got my Spring Roo project set up and it's all great, but the views are rendered with Tiles, and I'd love to have them just rendered to JSON (possibly to XML) so that I can use them directly as webservices. Do you have any suggestions to how I should do this "the Roo way"? Cheers Nik ...

Do aspects substitute repositories?

I started experimenting with Spring Roo just recently. It does a very nice job helping one build a domain model with integrated persistence rather quickly. As it adds persistence functionality in aspects, I started think about the following question: Roo adds finders (load an instance of a class from the database which meets variable cr...

Why do I get a NullPointerException when initializing Spring

Hi guys, I've got a problem running a batch job on my server, whereas it runs fine from Eclipse on my development workstation. I've got my Spring environment set up using Roo, made an entity, and make a batch that does some work, and test it well on my develompent box. I initialize my context and do the work, but when I run my batch on...

How to create the file browser in view for spring roo?

I'm new in spring roo. I want to create a page with file upload. I used spring roo to create all pages and i try to use it to create a file browser button in file upload page. The problem is spring roo using spring form tag which doesn't have file browser. I solve this problem by using html input type="file" tag instead, but the sprin...

How to run Spring Roo generated tests against a different database to Tomcat?

I have a collection of integration tests that have been generated by Spring Roo for my domain objects (and DAO ITDs). They appear to be fixed to use the "production" applicationContext.xml, which reads the database.properties and connects to the MySQL database schema I have set up for experimenting with the project: privileged aspect A...

JPA+Hibernate - Reconnecting entities from a @OneToMany relationship

Hello everybody. Consider the following simple example: One team has many players and a player may only belong to one team. @Entity public class Team { @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "team") @Cascade({ org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.ALL, org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE_ORP...