
Hudson doesn't like Grails

I'm trying to get our CI-Server Hudson to run grails tasks and installed the Grails-Plugin, but it seems like the dependencies with ivy could not be resolved... [projectx] $ /usr/share/grails/bin/grails prod war projectx.war Welcome to Grails 1.2.0 - Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0 Grails home is set to: /u...

Grails set language (internationalization) via URL mappin

Hi all, I'm interested in supporting English and French in my Grails app with user-friendly URL. format: /appname/language/controller/action example: /store/en/product/list What is the best way without passing as a parameter (?lang=fr) then rewriting the URL. Thanks ...

What makes nimble better than shiro?

What makes nimble a better choice than shiro? I'm trying to decide between nimble and shiro for a new grails project right now and I'm curious what makes nimble the better choice. ...

My Grails App Server keeps restarting over and over

I was making various small changes to my app and at some point the grails app server decides that it needs to restart over and over and over. Anybody else seen this crazy behavior. I cannot really upload my whole app as an example. I have no idea what I did. I wasn't making any configuration changes or plugin changes. I'm using grai...

Configuring Grails Access Logging from run-app

Since calling run-app uses the tomcat-plugin in grails, how do I modify the grails AccessLogValve in the server.xml when it does not exists? I only need this for development since in production I will just deploy the war to tomcat. Thanks In Advance ...

binding a collection to a setter method of a domain class in grails

I have a domain object with a setter method that takes in a map of id, value pairs. This is not just a plain association, and this setter method has some login in it. For example: class DomainObj{ def setTheMap(map){ //do stuff with the map } } I have a form where the user can type in a value for each id. My goal is that when ...

What if I want to have my own plug-in architecture within Grails?

Suppose I want to define an interface, FooProvider, and then have multiple implementations of this interface available at runtime (maybe as individual services). In my controller class, I'd like to be able to have all known implementations of this interface injected at runtime so that I can expose them as "options" to the user for gettin...

How do I save a composite field value in Grails GSP?

I have a composite domain object as follows: class Person { static embedded = ['forSale'] Boolean isSelling House forSale } class House { Integer numBedrooms } I have a select control for the numBedrooms as follows: <tr class="prop"> <td valign="top" class="name"> <label for="numBedrooms"><g:message code="perso...

ACL on field level in Grails

Hello, in our new software project, we have the following requirement: A webpage shall show a set of data. This data shall be editable by some users (assigned to roles, i.e. manager), and only viewable by others. The tricky part is described by an example: A User-page consists of address data and account information. The addess data sha...

Grails Warnings/Errors during run-app

I'm currently seeing the warnings below when trying to run my Google App Engine/Grails test app in Eclipse. Warning, target causing name overwriting of name startLogging Warning: C:\Users\Some Person.grails\1.2.0\projects\test-grails\plugins\app-engine-0.8.8\grails-app\conf\spring not found. Warning: C:\Users\Some Person.grails\1.2.0\p...

Grails - Class "org.grails.tomcat.TomcatLoader" was not found in the CLASSPATH

grails run-app from within Eclipse is currently giving me the exception below for my Google App Engine/Grails test application: Enhancing JDO classes [enhance] DataNucleus Enhancer (version 1.1.4) : Enhancement of classes [enhance] Jan 24, 2010 5:11:42 AM org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager loadClasses [enhance] SEVERE: Class...

How does one make a Grails application designer friendly without the need to re-deploy after a change to the view?

It has been a long while since I have really worked with J2EE so please excuse my ignorance. My recent engagement in a Grails project has peaked my interest in Java once more and especially in Grails as it makes building web applications on the Java platform fun again. That being said, I would like an expert to comment on the following r...

Grails and Google App Engine - Should I use them together?

I've been playing around with Grails and Google App Engine for a day or so using Eclipse+STS+Google plugin and I've been running into a number of roadblocks. However, I'm not sure if this is just lack of experience with them on my part or if the Grails+GAE support is just not mature enough. Should I switch to Java+GAE until the Grails ...

What is the easiest way to front my grails application with LightHTTPD during development?

I'm not familiar with LightHTTPD and haven't been able to find any guides on how to configure this. I attempted reading the docs and configuring it a while back but failed.... What is the easiest way to front my grails application in development with LightHTTPD"? ...

Making Grails form development DRYer

Hi, When using Grails, the GSP code to render each form field looks something like this: <tr class="prop"> <td valign="top" class="name"><label for="username">Login Name:</label></td> <td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: person, field: 'username', 'errors')}"> <input type="text" id="username" name="username" value="$...

Grails Acegi plugin annotations

Hi, I'm using the annotations provided by the Spring Security (AKA Acegi) plugin. I have controller actions annotated with @Secured(['ROLE_ADMIN', 'ROLE_USER']) To indicate that they should be available to administrators and regular users. But now I need to indicate that an action is available to administrators and unregistered user...

Grails + GAE - Issue using app.servlet.version=2.5

Updating the servlet version in to 2.5 has no affect on the generated web.xml. The generated web.xml is still version 2.4. I'm using Grails 1.2.1. app.servlet.version=2.5 Also, if I try to execute "run-app" I get the exception below: Running Grails application.. Starting AppEngine generated indices thread. Star...

Extend JackRabbit or build up from Lucene?

I've been working on a site idea the general concept is a full text search of documents that also allows user ratings based on these rating I wanted to boost the item's value in the Lucene index. But I'm trying to find if I should extend JackRabbit or just build from the Lucene base. Is there any good way to extend JackRabbit in this way...

Grails Hibernate H2 problem

hi, I have an application with two domain classes as follows: DomainA : PK, name DomainB : PK, FK (points to DomainA.PK), name. And when I try to list elements that belongs to DomainA using the as order factor, as follows: def listings DomainA.createCriteria().list(params) { PK{ order('name','asc') } }...

How do you get Client IP Address in Grails controller?

I had code like this in Ruby @clientipaddress = request.env["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"] if (@clientipaddress == nil) @clientipaddress = request.env["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] end if (@clientipaddress == nil) @clientipaddress = request.env["REMOTE_ADDR"] end if (@clientipaddress != nil) comma = @clientipaddress.index(",") if (comma != nil && ...