
Wicket or Grails for a content centric site?

I want to build a web application like a wiki and a forum. There will be much more readers than editors. My favourites to implement it are Grails and Wicket. Grails: I like the integrated environment with which you can start quickly. I think the classic stateless mvc approach is well suited to a content centric website. Disadvantages ar...

How to specify a custom salt on Acegi with grails?

I have a need to specify a custom salt when encoding passwords with acegi 0.5.2 plugin for grails. I have found a tutorial that shows how to use a ReflectionSaltSource using a parameter of the user (possibly the username). However, I was unable to get that to work and I actually need to be able to control the salt more than just pickin...

Mapping result of a native SQL query to Grails domain class

Hi Is it possible to map the result of a native SQL query to a collection of Grails domain class instances? ...

Investing in Grails?

Today someone told me I should give Grails a try. So we can still use our old java code for some things, but develop much faster. This isn't really a debate on what programming language is better, although if you have tips I'm all ears, but really my question is: Is Grails just an overhyped fashionable thing to use, or is it here to st...

How to check for resource file existence at run-time [grails]?

I need to test whether a resource file (an image, for instance) exists and if not, I will display another image. My GSP view code looks like: <% if (resExists(dir: "images", file:"img.jpg")) {%> <img src="${g.resource(dir:'images',file: 'img.jpg')}"> <% else { %> <img src="${g.resource(dir:'images',file: 'noimg.jpg')}"> <%}%> How ...

How to use existing java class from grails

Hi, how can I call a method residing in an existing Java class from Grails app ? Is it necessary/recommended to wrap that up in a service? ...

Grails calendar plugin

Hi! I have a groovy application which uses the grails calendar plugin grails calendar plugin. Up to now I was using the calendar version 1.1.1 which has some bugs under IE. I've upgraded to version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT3 but now I am getting this exception, therefore I had to downgrade to my previous version. Any hint how to workaround this p...

Problem authenticating with shiro in grails app

I have a grails 1.2 app and I want to use declarative security in order to restrict accesses based on roles. I decided to try shiro, installed the plugin, but when I try to authenticate, the message "Invalid username and/or password" shows up in the header. I check the db entry and the user is there with the sha'ed password. No messages ...

Visual GUI Buider

Is there a visual GUI builder, such as GWTDesigner that one could use in developing with Grails? I am new to Grails and am presently working from the command line and using a text editor. I have briefly looked at using Eclipse and Netbeans as IDEs. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

Grails - Find by non-native types

I'm very new to grails (day 2). First, I find it hard to find easily browsable resources (the documentation is very raw, and the tutorials are spread out and only show 'hello world' types of examples ). I've set up my domain class with a relationship to other data types. class ShopCategoryPage{ //some stuff ProductProcedure procedure;...

Why does grails add a hidden checkbox to a form - and what does it do with it?

I have a checkbox on my GSP page as follows (which was stolen directly from the scaffolded "create" code for my domain object)... <tr class="prop"> <td valign="top" class="name"> <label for="isSelling"><g:message code="person.isSelling.label" default="Is Selling" /></label> </td> <td valign="top" class="value ${hasErrors(bean: personI...

Does Grails have a neat way of copy domain properties from a URL query string?

I know Grails has a map based constructor for domain objects, to which you can pass the params of a URL to and it will apply the appropriate field settings to the object using introspection, like this... myDomainInstance = new MyObject(params) I was wondering whether there was an equivalent method of taking the params and applying the...

grails database migration

Hi, There are at least two Grails plugins that emulate the database migration functionality of Rails. Autobase Liquibase Is there a consensus about which of these is best, or is there another plugin that does database migration which is better than either of the above? Thanks, Don ...

Grails and Domain Packages for Classes

How come it is good practice within Grails to place classes in packages (e.g. mycompany.Book)? I know it is a prerequisite in order to deploy Grails solution to the Google App Engine (using the plugin), but other than that and a well structured code library for large projects, what other benefits are there in describing packages for cl...

Adding search/filter to a scaffolded list.gsp

Hi, I've been looking in some of the latest Grails books and many open source projects for samples and best practices for adding search/filter functionality to scaffolded list.gsp:s, eg making it work with pagination and sorting etc. This may be a simple task, but being a Grails newcomer it would be of great benefit in having some thorou...

configure properties of LocalSessionFactoryBean in grails

I have grails project using my existing Java domain classes of a spring project and I need to configure typeDefinitions. In the spring project it is possible to configure this property of the LocalSessionFactoryBean - but how do you do that in a grails project? ...

How can I change the way GRAILS GSP fieldValue formats Integers?

I have a field in my domain object which I define as an Integer... Integer minPrice I then access it in a GSP page as follows: ${fieldValue(bean: myBean, field: 'minPrice')} and what I get in my HTML is... 100,000 which is not an Integer, it's a String. Worse still it's a formatted String in a particular locale. This is a prob...

managing associations over multiple requests in grails application

i am currently implementing a grails web-app, with a couple of complex forms where modifications on an association graph should be managed "in-memory" (that is the http session) as long as the entity or top-level domain object is not saved. e.g. top-to-bottom: Document -> Categories -> Sub-Categories ... requirement: modifications to ...

removeFrom* not working and with no errors

I have what I think is a simple problem but have been unable to solve... For some reason I have a controller that uses removeFrom*.save() which throws no errors but does not do anything. Running Grails 1.2 Linux/Ubuntu The following application is stripped down to reproduce the problem... I have two domain objects via create-dom...

Grails way to prevent bad request "ids" on url

Like here in stackoverflow if i force put bad characters on URL in id place it redirects you to a page error. I would like to know if with Grails it has some kind of plugin for prevent id like: "123$#3" or an easy way because i have a lot of actions and do something like below dont seems to be the best way: def find = { def v...