Hello All..
I have just entered into the Grails arena.
I have a requirement where I want to put one drop down and one button on one page, and by clicking on button only that drop down values should be changed, other controls on the page should remain unchanged.
My code is as follows :
<div id="mappedDeviceDiv">
Is there any way of configuring the embedded tomcat (from run-app) to respond to myapp.localhost:8080 instead of localhost:8080/myapp ?
I tried to access Datatable outside gui tag, but failed.
Could some tell me why?
the code like this:
<gui:dataTable id="myDataTable" .../>
var data = GRAILSUI.myDataTable;
alert("hi, " + data);
it ends with "hi, undefined"
I have a groovy file that is trying to call some methods from a Java class that I have set up using docx4j to parse .docx files
When I set up a pure java test program in eclipse, I am able to do this fine. However, when I have my .groovy file set up, I get no compilation errors, but at runtime I get this stack trace:
I need to add a JNDI datasource from a legacy database to my Grails (1.2.2) application.
So far, the resource is added to my Tomcat (5.5) and DataSource.groovy contains:
development {
dataSource {
jndiName = "jdbc/lrc_legacy_db"
I also created some domain objects mapping the different tables to comfortably load...
Is it possible to test the sort 'propertyName' which is defined in the staticMappingBlock
This works during the integration phase but not during the unit phase where my domain has
static mapping = {
sort 'lastName'
void testDefaultSortOrder(){
def agent1 = new CommissionAgent(firstName: 'fred', lastName: 'b', active:true).s...
Is there an app or a script that is available that will allow me to auto generate grails domain classes based on the tables in an existing database?
I have a similar problem here.
I have a page which accepts 3 parameters. i enter the parameters and the control goes to the list action.
The list action has the code to query db and get the data on list.gsp page.
Now when i hit "download to excel" on the same page, i want the same list action to get triggered and the same query to be run...
When I try to run a grails app, I'm told that grails can't resolve the following dependencies:
:: org.grails.plugins#code-coverage;1.1.8: not foun...
I have a controller and a gsp. I go ahead and attempt to build the project but receive issues on my gsp.
It is telling me "The current scope already contains a variable of the name it"
<title>Book Collector</title>
<meta name="layout" content="main" />
<h1>Book Editor</h1>
Below is my code in the controller.
I have a page that takes empId and empDt as an input. based on that the query is run and results are displayed on the screen. I want these tabular results to be exported to an excel. For that I installed the export plugin.
and put
However, I m not able to export to excel.
I think I am doing somethi...
I am trying to send mails from a Grails application, but without any success.
I've used gmail and other smtp server (without ssl!) but the same error occurs:
org.springframework.mail.MailSendException: Mail server connection failed; nested exception is javax.mail.MessagingException: Exception reading response;
nested exception is:
I'm planing to start working on a medium sized application (not too complex but not too simple either) that'll run on the google app engine. I had earlier decided to use Gaelyk because of the support it provides for GAE but I have discovered that it has no templating support. Is Grails then better suited for this purpose? Or can Grails t...
Hi everyone,
Using a standard log4j configuration for my grails app, with a custom conversion pattern like that :
log4j = {
appenders {
console name:'stdout', layout:pattern(conversionPattern: '[%-7p][%d{dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS}] %C %m%n')
root {
warn 'stdout'
additivity = true
error 'org.grails.plugins.springsecu...
I'm running some old (but valid, i'm told) tests on a legacy application, and notice that many of them arent working. The error message usually is 'No method signature for some dymamic method'
After using mockDomain I managed to solve that problem.
However, I can't figure out how to test controllers that create objects inside.
My question is how do i get the grails navigation plugin to show subItems?
I did a simple thing and added the following to top of my Controller:
class DummyController {
static navigation = [group: 'tabs',
title: 'dummy',
action: 'list',
subItems: ['create', 'sa...
Hey I am learning Grails. I've been playing with it for a while but nothing too serious.
And let's say I have two drop down boxes, one with the type of animal and the second with the breed. How do I give the second box the values??
For example,
If I select dog, it should only show me dog breeds, not the cat ones.
Thanks in advance.
Using Grails 1.3.3, when requesting url link:
then params injected value into Grails controller will contain :
assert params.p1== ['v1','v1']
It would have been logical to me that params.p1 equals to 'v1', no?
In any case, is there any way to change this behavior?
Thank you.
Hi there,
I am deploying to a unix box running Jboss. We are using SQL Server 2008 as our database. Once deployed I push the changes by re-deploying the war to the environment.
I see server.log has errors, seems hibernate tries to re-generate/modify tables already created. I am using dbCreate = "update" setting in my datasource.groov...
If I have a FooBar entity with a fizzBuzz field, what will the resulting table and column names be in HSQL? Would they be FOO_BAR and FIZZ_BUZZ? Or FooBar and fizzBuzz? Or . . .