
What would be the preferrable way to deploy a grails 1.3.1 based war onto jboss 4.0.5 GA - to avoid errors

I've added the jboss-web.xml file to WEB-INF per i'm still getting this error: 2010-09-02 12:31:57,920 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR A "org.jboss.logging.util.OnlyOnceErrorHandler" object is not assignable to a "org.apache.log4j.spi.ErrorHandler" variable. 2010-09-02 12:31:57,920 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR The ...

can't resolve plugin class in grails

i've added a plugin called Image tool plugin for image resizeing... but when i called an instance of it def imageTool = new ImageTool() it gives me compilation error cause it can't resolve ImageTool class . i've tried to put import import org.grails.plugins.imagetools.ImageTool as a suggestion from a site .. but it didn't work .. so ...

Passing state between pages when using geb & spock

In the example below (Taken from the Book of Geb), we're clicking on a button that takes us to another page. class GoogleHomePage extends Page { static url = "" static at = { title == "Google" } static content = { searchField { $("input[name=q]") } searchButton(to: GoogleResult...

Stripes, Spring, Play (or ?) : which high performance Java framework to use ?

We are beginning to build out a webapp which will probably see a lot of traffic. We dont have a lot of money, so we want to reduce hardware cost. More or less, I think that means we will try to be as stateless as possible (as the Wicket way suggests - have bookmarkable URLs, etc. etc.) The other problem is that we are gonna be hiring co...

MSSQL's varchar(n) equivalent in GORM

I would like to know if it's possible to set the size of VARCHAR column if database is MS SQL 2005. Here's my domain: class UpdateTable { static mapping = { table 'UpdateTable' id column: 'UpdateFileId', generator: 'increment' version false fileName column: 'FileName', size: 50 } String file...

Grails:-How To display image in file system

I need to display image that is in file system not in project directory in grails.. i used < img src="${createLinkTo(dir: '/Users/ME/ddImages/reg/', file: '${userInstance.fileName}.jpg')}" alt="User Photo"/> but that doesn't seem to work so any help? ...

Grails: Alternatives to Grails Doc?

The documentation created by running grails doc is not completely satisfactory in my eyes. For example, actions in controllers appear as properties in the documentation, though I would wish the have an extra section to separate actions from actual properties (Strings etc.). Are there any tools that operate on JavaDoc-like comments and g...

Finding all controllers in application

Hello, How do i find all the controllers running in an application ? I am trying to create a menu using YUI where only registered controllers will have a menu shown. A controller class will create a static list with various properties detailing name, action, etc. (much like grails-nav plugin). I want to create a taglib that can find a...

Does Grails run the Bootstrap.groovy script when deploying the app as a war?

Bootstrap executes fine during run-app (database is seeded). But it doesn't appear to get invoked when Tomcat deploys the war (nothing in the database). Does the Bootstrap get run during war deployment? If not, is there a way to make it run? Specifically I am wanting my sample data to seed the database. ...

how to share sessions between independent tomcat instances

Hi I have several tomcat instances running in physically independent machines. I want to configure the tomcat to share sessions between this instances. I have tried to configure org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager from But I only see the session file when I shutdow...

Is there a nice GUI available for showing Hibernate statistics?

Hibernate exposes many internal metrics via the Statistics API. Is there an easy-to-use GUI that I can use to visualize these statistics? Bonus if there is a Grails plug-in for this. ...

Using a Grails "g:sortableColumn" to sort by the size of a "hasMany" (many to one) property?

Hi, is it possible to use the Grails "g:sortableColumn" tag to sort by a domain class "hasMany" property count? class Book { hasMany = [authors: User]} I want to sort all Books by the number of authors with a "g:sortableColumn" tag in my view, but how? Realy not possible? Thanks and best regards... ...

In Grails how do I capture multiply selected items in g:select?

I have a Contact Domain class that can be associated with multiple Organizations, which are also domain classes. I want to use a multiple selection box to allow the user to select the organizations that are associated with the current contact. The selection box is populated with the available organizations. How do I assign the selected i...

problem in imagemagick and grails

i have a new problem in image magick that look strange .. i'm using mac osx snow leopard and i've installed image magick on it and it's working fine on command .. but when i call it from the grails class like the following snippet it gives me "Cannot run program "convert": error=2, No such file or directory" the code is :- public s...

How to mapping primary key is VARCHAR2 type and excute my method to generate it.

Hi all, I'm grails newbie.i want to mapping primary key with VARCHAR2 and generate primary key using my method to generated to solve this problem? ...

Grails: use domain method in named query

Hi, in my domain model, I have a method that does something with my data. e.g. class Person { String lastname String firstname String bigname() { return lastname.toUpperCase() } static namedQueries = { withBigname { name -> eq(this.bigname(), name) } } } I want to use t...

Grails Integration testing: problems with get

Hi, I'm trying to write a simple integration test, but having some trouble with Domain Objects. I've read on unit testing but can't figure it out. This is my simple test: User user = User.get(1) controller.params.userid = "1" controller.session.user = user; The error message is: groovy.lang.Mis...

Performance problem in view framework in Grails

Hi I run some test to keep track of response time of a grails app. I use the layout-view framework of grails in this way: In a controller I determine what view and layout to use Then I render a genericView with a code like this: So this genericView do all the magic. I create a Performance filter that track how much time takes b...

Is it bad design to call Grails services from domain objects?

As I've been using Grails more and more, I find myself writing code in multiple controllers that really seems like it should be part of a domain class. Sometimes, this domain code contains a call to a service class. For example, I recently wrote a domain method that looked something like this: class Purchase { // Injected def p...

org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException when using grails dynamic finder

Using Grails i'm trying a dynamic finder like this one Policy.findAllByResourceAndUser(resource,user) But When i call this, grails raise this exception Caused by: org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing: gmedia.User; nest...