
Creating dynamic maps on the web

My company uses a sales model of dealers, territory managers and regional managers, each with a different level of area scope (IE manage based on zips codes, states, or regions.) I want to create a slimmed down map that is similar to this US state map that would allow our users to manipulate who manages what. What are some good resourc...

Hole in a Polygon

I need to create a 3D model of a cube with a circular hole punched at the center of one face passing completely through the cube to the opposite side. I am able to generate the vertices for the faces and for the holes. Four of the faces (untouched by the hole) can be modeled as a single triangle strip. The inside of the hole can also be...

Literature and Tutorials for Writing a Ray Tracer

I am interested in finding recommendations on books on writing a raytracer, simple and clear implementations of ray tracing that can be seen on the web, and online resources on introductory raytracing. Ideally, the approach would be incremental and tutorial in style, and explain both the programming techniques and underyling mathematics...

Can I avoid bad/different rendering of FillPolygon versus DrawPolygon?

I am using FillPolygon with a semi-transparent color to draw a triangle (an arrow pointer). I have noticed that FillPolygon gives awkward results with an isocel triangle. One of the sides is overlapping DrawPolygon's side, while the two others aren't. I would have expected none or all, but not something in between. Here's a sample: Draw...

Javascript Library for hierarchical flowchart

Do you know any Javascript libraries which can present graph visually in a web page? Clarification: by graphs I mean something like workflow trees or decision trees. Sorry for not being clear. ...

Graphics library for embedded systems without Linux?

It seems that any kind of graphic library like DirectFB or MiniGui requires some sort of underlying operation system like Linux or uClinux. I am challenged with writing a software for a micro controller with just 512kb flash, an LCD display and a touchscreen to display and handle some pictures and GUI parts. Do you know any library whi...

Get Data from OpenGL glReadPixels(using Pyglet)

I'm using Pyglet(and OpenGL) in Python on an application, I'm trying to use glReadPixels to get the RGBA values for a set of pixels. It's my understanding that OpenGL returns the data as packed integers, since that's how they are stored on the hardware. However for obvious reasons I'd like to get it into a normal format for working wit...

Convert string to Brushes/Brush name in C#

I have a configuration file where a developer can specify a text color by passing in a string: <text value="Hello, World" color="Red"/> Rather than have a gigantic switch statement look for all of the possible colors, it'd be nice to just use the properties in the class System.Drawing.Brushes instead so internally I can say something...

Does anyone know of any good tutorials for the Slick 2D lib?

There is a 2D java graphics library called Slick 2D ( that seems to be used by a bunch of indie games (mostly applets), but the documentation is a little lacking. Does anyone know of any good tutorials for this lib? ...

Understanding colors

Hello everyone, Kindly point towards theory/material to read for understanding colors and what makes a good color combinations. Mind it that I am not interested in say "Color combinations for web application" etc. More of the lines of say "Colors and humans". Material free to read is what i am looking for. Thanks ...

Speeding up text output on Windows, for a console

We have an application that has one or more text console windows that all essentially represent serial ports (text input and output, character by character). These windows have turned into a major performance problem in the way they are currently code... we manage to spend a very significant chunk of time in them. The current code is ...

Programmatically create Photomosaic

Goal: Create Photomosaics programmatically using .NET and C#. Main reason I'd like to do this programatically is to be able to record which image and where it goes myself, so I can create an animated effect of the images coming together to create the photomosaic. It would be great to just find something existing already that I could us...

Managed Direct3D or XNA for non-game related 3D graphics programming?

Which is the preferred approach for doing .NET 3D graphics programming: Direct3D or XNA seem to be the current technologies, but which is best for non-game related programming? Also, has Managed Direct 3D been discontinued? XNA doesn't really seem to be appropriate for non-game development. ...

Recommend javascript graphics tutorials

I need to learn about graphics in javascript. Can someone recommend good tutorial material? In particular I'd like to mix graphics and formatted text in layers, if that helps. Update: Eugene asks a good question, but the answer is really "yes." I don't know much about graphics in js from any point of view. I'm particularly unclear o...

Resources for Development Using DirectX in C#?

Could some one provide me some good resources for development using DirectX in C#? ...

Projecting a 3d sphere into a 2d circle on the screen

What are some rasterization algorithms that can just project a 3d sphere into a pixel grid? I want to avoid ray casting. Essentially, given a 3d coordinate and a radius, is there a quick way to just create a 2d circle/ellipse on a pixel grid? For example: circle at (2,2,2) with radius 4 gets projected to five pixels: p1(2,0)p2(0,1) p3...

Java graphic library for multicoloured text

I would like to know the recommended library or procedure for dealing with multi-coloured text within Java. My current usage of java.awt.Graphics, while function, appears to be a bit more complex than necessary. The main issue involves the frequent change of colour, creating a new java.awt.Colour() object whenever a new colour is need...

Desktop graphics - or "skinned" windows

I'm looking for a way to draw animations right on the desktop. No window frames and with transparent background. I'm using Python in windows XP for it, but it doesn't have to be cross platform, although it'd be a nice bonus. Does anyone know about a python library that can do this? ...

Full-justification with a Java Graphics.drawString replacement?

Does anyone know of existing code that lets you draw fully justified text in Java2D? For example, if I said, drawString("sample text here", x, y, width), is there an existing library that could figure out how much of that text fits within the width, do some inter-character spacing to make the text look good, and automatically do basic w...

Is it possible to get high quality graphics in 2D?

I'm considering between using 2D and 3D for a game am leaning towards 2D, but most of the 2D games that I see look like they're hand drawn and the graphics don't really look good. Is it possible to create slick-looking graphics in 2D at all? I was thinking of animations such as: Rays coming out of the hands/eyes of a player that attac...