
Fonts in R plots

What graphics devices let me use system fonts for text within charts? The base graphics system only has a small amount of documentation around the par(family=...) options. Ideally I'd like to be able to use any font I can browse through a tool like xfontsel on Linux or the equivalent utilities on other platforms. My current solution is...

How to print R graphics to multiple pages of a PDF and multiple PDFs?

I know that pdf("myOut.pdf") will print to a PDF in R. What if I want to Make a loop that prints subsequent graphs on new pages of a PDF file (appending to the end)? Make a loop that prints subsequent graphs to new PDF files (one graph per file)? ...

Accurate BoundingBox on Microsoft ISF?

I have a set of Microsoft ISF (Ink Serialized Format) images, which I am attempting to convert to PNGs to include in a web page. I have successfully used the C# package Microsoft.Ink to draw the ink to a Bitmap and save as PNG: byte[] data; // data has the raw bytes of the ISF file Ink ink = new Ink(); Renderer renderer = new Renderer()...

Is my understanding of the functions of compass & GPS correct in AR apps ?

In an AR app whereby you annotate objects or buildings in a camera view, I want to understand the role, that different hardware bits - on the phone (iPhone/Android) - play to achieve the AR effect. Please elaborate more on the following: Camera: provides the 2D view of reality. GPS: provides the longitude,latitude of the device. Compas...

Generic solution for resolution of image in SVG

I have an xml file which I need to visualize in a pdf file. I use xslt to do transformations and an svg image in the pdf. The svg will finally draw some information and also display a tiff image, for which the path and the resolution is in the xml file. The problem is that the image can have different resolutions which I need to fit int...

How can I draw a WPF polygon with openings?

I have a collection of custom "PlanarMember" objects exposing Boundary and Openings properties. The Boundary property is a custom "Polygon" class exposing vertices and segments, etc. The Openings is an IEnumerable basically describing openings in the larger polygon. I can guarantee that the openings do not overlap/intersect, the outer ...

Why is Gosu hiding my mouse pointer?

I'm doing some graphics programming using the Gosu gem. The thing is, when I create a Window my mouse pointer is hidden. I can guess where the mouse is at a certain moment, and I can intuitively click, but my users may not. Is there a way to show the pointer? ...

Graphics-Related Question: Mesh and Geometry

What's the difference between mesh and geometry? Aren't they the same? i.e. collection of vertices that form triangles? ...

As relates to texture atlases, what is a "quad"?

It is my understanding that a texture atlas is basically a single texture that contains many smaller textures and that they are useful for making games or animations faster because they allow you to access many animation frames by loading a single file rather than files for each and every frame. So, in discussions of texture atlases, I ...

A few x86 Assembly language questions...

I've just started using assembly language (felt like learning something new), and have run into a few questions (so far) that all the tutorials I've been looking through don't answer, or are too old to know. 1) I've tried a few searches (maybe I just don't know the right keywords), but I can't find an updated list of graphics modes for ...

How to change the background of an image with transparent pixels?

The exact background color is known. Imagine an anti-aliased font on a green background. Now we want to change the background color of the image to red. So.. How do I extract the "non-background" portion of the color from the pixel and add it (or "blend") on top of another bg color afterwards? We also know the font color, so we know w...

Java - Graphics to image

Hi all, Well I am a junior java programmer, in the last week I've been facing the following problem: I've got an image and a panel. Both image and panel are inside a ScrollPane, and they both need to move in the same time. When I try moving them together I get a flickering effect. Moving each of them alone though, works fine. I've read ...

java changing attributes of shapes programatically.

I want to create a number of straight lines connecting small circle shapes. then I want to change the color and width of the lines from within my program. I was thinking of using Canvas to do this but there does not seem to be a way to access individual shapes drawn on canvas to change their attributes after they are drawn. What would be...

Recommendations for graphics within a web site

I have more graphics than StackOverflow, but less than CNN. What should I know about the graphics files I am uploading? Should I process my graphic with some utility before I add them to my web site? What formats should I avoid? I want the graphics to look great but load fast. Thanks. ...

Mobile phone application design guidelines

Any documents or articles that contain design guidelines for creating mobile phone applications? How applications should be built for ideal user experiences. User Interface & Keypad Graphics Languages Links from specific manufacturers are also welcome. ...

Stop LinearGradientBrush repeating

I'm trying to figure out how to stop LinearGradientBrush to repeat along with shape I'm drawing. So, for example I created gradient with height equal to 50, but next I draw rectangle with height equal to 150. In that case gradient will repeat itself three times. But I'd like to draw only first gradient and draw nothing for the rest of re...

Running graphics display on multiple systems, keeping synched.

I have a series of systems on a LAN running a synchronized display routine. For example, think of a chorus line. The program they ran is fixed. I have each "client" download the entire routine, and then contact the central "server" at fixed points in the routine for synchronization. The routine itself is mundane with, perhaps, 20 pos...

How does Doctype do its screenshot manipulation?

Doctype does some pretty neat screenshot manipulation, you know, the paper curl effect with the clip, shadow, etc. What amazing serverside library does this? or can do this? I know of ImageMagick which does all sorts of image manipulation but it doesn't come close to the kind of stuff that Doctype's screenshots are made of. ...

BlackBerry - draw image on the screen

How to draw png images with specific size and position on the screen? ...

C# GDI+ - Remove just above bottom half of ellipse on gloss method

Hello all, I have a gloss method and I'm trying to get a inverted half moon like effect. On the below code I'd like to remove just above bottom half of this ellipse and then draw it. Does anyone know how I might begin to do that? PS. The gloss is also turning out too white. I've tried messing with the alpha to no avail, does anyone know...