
What does the Flash VM use under the hood for drawing?

In windows--what does Flash use under the hood? It's a relatively simple question which I can never find the answer to. Is it GDI (for windows VM implementations) or something else? You don't need to go into any of the new GPU acceleration features of Flash. I just really want to the inner workings because it's NEVER discussed. ...

how could I load a bitmap file in a video feed?

I am using artoolkit to create an augmented reality based project.I can load vrml 3d objects in the video feed using openvrml. Now I wanted to load a bitmap or any other image file like jpg,png etc file on the marker in the video feed.How do I go about achieving this? ...

graph (node and edges) in access

We've got a pretty complex graph in an Access DB stored as nodes (node1, node2, etc.) and edges between the nodes (n1->n2 etc.). We'd like to visualize this in an MS Access application. What "graphics packages" would you suggest? How can these be integrated into Access? We're currently using Access 2002. NOTE: A tree control is not suf...

How to write directly to linux framebuffer?

How to write directly to linux framebuffer? ...

Recommended 3D Programming Aspects for Light/Laser Show Simulator?

Hey guys, I would like to develop a light/laser show editor and simulator, and for this of course I am going to learn some graphics programming. I am thinking about using C# and XNA. I was just wondering what aspects of graphics programming I should research or focus on given the project I am working on. I am new to graphics programming...

Drag+Drop with physical behaviour

I'd like to implement a dragging feature where users can drag objects around the workspace. That of course is the easy bit. The hard bit is to try and make it a physically correct drag which incorporates rotation due to torque moments (imagine dragging a book around on a table using only one finger, how does it rotate as you drag?). Doe...

How to write a GUI library using OpenGL?

I am looking for a book that discusses about how to write a GUI libray. ...

Wrapping an image around 3d object for easy 2d printing

Looking for method for wrapping a 2d image around a 3d object, such as a helmet, and then unwrapping it back to 2d image to allow printing. For example, you have a photograph that you want to use to wrap a bike helmet. You do not want the image to be distorted even though it will be wrapped on complex 3d object. Once sized and positioned...

How to load EPS files and draw them using WinForms

Is it possible to load and display EPS file using plain WinForms GDI+? If not, is there a free library to help out? I seem to remember that Windows GDI supported EPS files, but after Googling around a bit, I am starting to doubt that memory. All I want to do is load the file and draw it using a Graphics context. I am aware that I can ...

Convert graphics object to bitmap object

How can I convert graphics object to bitmap object using C#? ...

What is the best tool to allow web users to create flowcharts/diagrams?

I'm creating a web application in which teachers need to be able to easily create educational diagrams, flowcharts, basically: boxes and circles with text in them text labels ability to upload and embed graphics easy to make lines with arrows, etc. lots of ready-made icons and clipart would be nice free and opensource would be nice B...

Resource for learning Java Graphics

What do you think is the best resource for learning Java Graphics? (I would like a book but any good websites are also welcome). ...

Is there a way to detect the following Video Card Attributes using WMI/WIN32 in C#?

-Aspect Ratio -Max Resolution supported by the Graphics Card -Orientation -Number of output Ports I am able to get the first three for monitors that are connected but need help detecting this stuff for the Video Card. ...

Writing Name Using Bezier Curves In C#

I have to make a program that uses C# Generated Graphics to make a replica of my name that I wrote in cursive. Twist is, I have to use Bezier Curves. I've already called a function to make Bezier Curves using 4 points and a gravity concept. My question to you is, What would be the easiest way to make around 10 curves. Here is my functio...

How do I do a iPhone button-like fill

I'd like to spruce up some of the user controls I use and thought some attractive fills should do the job (part of it perhaps). Like the fill in the background of iPhone buttons or the Office 2007 ribbon bar (perhaps you know a few more). Edit: To clear things up, I don't need a simple gradient fill - there is a Windows API call for tha...

Android: How to overlay-a-bitmap/draw-over a bitmap?

I have two questions actually: Is it better to draw an image on a bitmap or create a bitmap as resource and then draw it over a bitmap? Performance wise... which one is better? If I want to draw something transparent over a bitmap, how would I go about doing it? If I want to overlay one transparent bitmap over another, how would I do i...

JOGL Double Buffering

What is eligible way to implement double buffering in JOGL (Java OpenGL)? I am trying to do that by the following code: ... /** Creating canvas. */ GLCapabilities capabilities = new GLCapabilities(); capabilities.setDoubleBuffered(true); GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas(capabilities); ... /** Function display(…), which draws a whi...

Problem with actionscript 3 erasing drawing

I have a based image and some sprites on top of the basd image movieclip... Some of the sprites can be drawn by the user using graphics api in actionscript 3. I can draw things on the sprites but I can't create an eraser like brush that can remove part of the unwanted drawings. I try using Alpha but no it doesn't work I have googled ab...

ASCII "graphics" library?

Is there a platform-independent C/C++ library that can draw simple "graphics" in pure ASCII in a console program? For example (VERY roughly) I could call a function in the library like rectangle(3, 6); to get the following output: ****** * * ****** Ultimately, I would love to be able to plot simple graphs based on input data tables...

OpenGL glGetTexImage2d type parameter?

Hi, reading the docs i see that the glGetTexImage2d() function has a 'type' parameter. The docs say that the type parameter "specifies the data type of the pixel data" and gives some examples of types such as GL_INT, GL_BYTE, etc. but what does it mean precisely when the image format is GL_RGBA and GL_INT ? is it an int for each channe...