
How to use the GDI+ drawing in WPF?

I want to use the GDI+ drawing in my WPF control. ...

What language is good to write simple nice GUI apps?

Hi, I never did to much GUI programming (besides a bit of QT and Delphi). I need to write simple GUI app which would interactively visualize graphs. Very similar tool to "GraphViz GUI for Mac". What would you suggest? Thanks. ...

On Visual C++, How to make a simple paint program?

I want to make a simple paint program on visual c++ which allows the user to draw a path of a series of straight lines which follow on from each other. Once the user is done this, they should double click to stop drawing. It is important that I record the co-ordinates of the beginning and end points of each line of the path because I wan...

Direct3D rendering 2D images with "multiply" blending mode and alpha

I'm trying to replicate the Photoshop filter multiply with Direct3D. I've been reading and googling about the different render states and I've got the effect almost working. The problem is that it's ignoring the alpha value of the textures. Here's an image that explains the sitution:

Change Google Maps Infowindow Close Icon

How can I change the default graphic for the Infowindow close button? ...

Delphi/GDI+: When is a Device Context created/destroyed?

Normally using GDI+ in Delphi you can use a TPaintBox, and paint during the OnPaint event: procedure TForm1.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); var g: TGPGraphics; begin g := TGPGraphics.Create(PaintBox1.Canvas.Handle); try g.DrawImage(FSomeImage, 0, 0); finally g.Free; end; end; The problem with this paradigm ...

XNA: Getting a struct as a texture to the GPU

I use XNA as a nice easy basis for some graphics processing I'm doing on the CPU, because it already provides a lot of the things I need. Currently, my "rendertarget" is an array of a custom Color struct I've written that consists of three floating point fields: R, G, B. When I want to render this on screen, I manually convert this arr...

How can I get an OpenGl texture of a polygon shape from an image?

I have an image and a convex polygon defined by an array of x,y coordinates. How would I go about getting a Texture2D representation of the part of the image encompassed by the polygon? Basically I just need a texture from the image with the part outside the polygon made transparent. If the resultant texture were also clipped to the...

How can I draw a portion of my Java2D simulation that doesn't change to an image/buffer so I don't have to redraw it's primitives each time?

How can I draw a portion of my Java2D simulation that doesn't change to an image/buffer so I don't have to redraw it's primitives each time? I have a portion of my Java2D simulation that requires me to draw thousands of small lines. However, this portion of the app doesn't change once drawn so it doesn't make sense to re-draw thousands...

What is the difference between texture filtering and texture sampling?

Are these concepts one and the same? I've seen them used in multiple contexts. ...

BitBlt() equivalent in Objective-C/Cocoa

I made a scrolling tile 2D video game in visual basic a few years back. I am translating it to Cocoa for the Mac. Is there a framework that would allow me to use BitBlt? Or is there an equivalent to BitBlt without using OpenGL? Thanks! ...

Problem with PNG images in C#

Working in Visual Studio 2008. I'm trying to draw on a PNG image and save that image again. I do the following: private Image img = Image.FromFile("file.png"); private Graphics newGraphics; And in the constructor: newGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(img); Building the solution gives no errors. When I try to run it, I get this: A ...

Package for drawing queue networks with LaTeX?

Does anyone know how to draw queue network graphs that can be included within LaTeX documents? ...

Optimizing random-access bilinear sampling

I'm working on an old-school "image warp" filter. Essentially, I have a 2D array of pixels (ignoring for the present the question of whether they are color, grayscale, float, RGBA, etc.) and another 2D array of vectors (with floating-point components), with the image being at least as large as the vector array. In pseudo code, I want to ...

Opacity of a TWinControl?

How could one change the opacity of a TWinControl based control? And why didn't they add this capability to TControl/TWinControl level (why only TForm)? ...

Gnome icons pack

Does anyone know where can i find this icon set for download (pngs + svgs) and also, is the icons license allows it to be used in commercial applications? ...

Lattice problems: lattice objects coming from JAGS, but device can't be set

Hi All, I ran JAGS with runjags in R and I got a giant list back (named results for this example). Whenever I access results$density, two lattice plots (one for each parameter) pop up in the default quartz device. I need to combine these with par(mfrow=c(2, 1)) or with a similar approach, and send them to the pdf device. Nothing I tried...

Vector drawing tool for iPhone development

This isn't strictly a programming question, but I'm asking it here because it's certainly a software development question, if you take "software development" to include all aspects of creating a software system. I am an independent iPhone developer. Except for translations, I handle all aspects of my apps myself—graphics included. I h...

How do I controll clipping with non-opaque graphics-item's in Qt?

I have a bunch of QGraphicsSvgItem's in a QGraphicsScene that are drawn connected by QGraphicsLineItem's. This show's a graph of a tree-structure. What I want to do is provide a feature where everything but a selected sub-tree becomes transparent. A kind of "highlight this sub-tree" feature. That part was easy, but the results are ugly ...

JfreeChart XYPlot freezing after zoom in/out

In this demo application, XYPlot is drawn with dynamic data. With every new data the graphic slides to left dynamically. But the problem is if you zoom in or zoom out on XYPlot the graphic stops sliding and new data can not be seen on XYPlot. Is this a bug for JFreeChart or is it default behaviour for XYPlot ? ...