
How Do I Find Good Graphic Designers for my Web Application Projects?

While this isn't strictly programming related, it's something I've run into as a web developer on several occasions, and I imagine others have run into as well. For that reason, I hope this question can remain open. As web developers, we know how to make our applications work. But clients/customers/visitors aren't necessarily happy with...

Haskell pixel drawing library linux

I wish to draw individual pixels on a screen in a window or something for real-time display in haskell. I'm just getting started with haskell (but not functional programming, and not graphics), so I'm trying to create some rudimentary graphics things with it. I have tried to use SDL, but the following code gives me a blank screen: imp...

Is this image segmentation?

I've been writing a Java program that aides in cutting and working with sprites, such as CSS sprites. The main idea is that the image is segmented into subregions, so the software understands the "spritesheet" is composed of multiple sprites. The algorithm I developed works by scanning horizontal (x) and vertical (y) axes for breaks, ba...

API to get the graphics or video memory

Hi, I want to get the adpater RAM or graphics RAM which you can see in Display settings or Device manager using API. I am in C++ application. I have tried seraching on net and as per my RnD I have come to conclusion that we can get the graphics memory info from 1. DirectX SDK structure called DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC. But what if I dont want...

Picking in java 2d

I am using java2d to draw a simple graph at the moment I have implemented picking by calling contains(MousePoint) for each object/shape, this works but scales linearly. Is there a more efficient method for picking in java2d? ...

Drawing text on a framebuffer in Linux from C

How can a program draw text on a frame buffer mapped in as an array? What is needed is both a means of representing the individual characters, and of drawing the characters pixel by pixel in a manner that is not too inefficient. The representation of the characters should ideally be defined solely in code, and no third party libraries wo...

Resizing Columns Algorithm

I have a set of columns of varying widths and I need an algorithm to re-size them for some value y which is greater than the sum of all their widths. I would like the algorithm to prioritize equalizing the widths. So if I have a value that's absolutely huge the columns will end up with more or less the same width. If there isn't enough ...

Calculate a bezier spline to get from point to point

I have 2 points in X,Y + Rotation and I need to calculate a bezier spline (a collection of quadratic beziers) that connects these 2 points smoothly. (see pic) The point represents a unit in a game which can only rotate slowly. So to get from point A to B, it has to take a long path. The attached picture shows quite an exaggeratedly curv...

Drawing a grid in javascript ( game of life, for example )

Essentially, I had this idea in my head for a sort of evolution simulator, not exactly like Conways Game of Life, but the one part where they do match is that they will both be based on a square grid. Now, personally, I like working in HTML+Javascript+ for simple apps, since it allows fast UI creation, and if you're not doing something ...

C# Windows form Control to Image?

I am trying to create an image of a Panel and save it to a folder. The problem is the panel has scrollbars and the image generated is only for the visible portion of the Panel. The code I use is something like Panel.DrawToImage. Could there be any help out here to save the entire Panel as a picture and not just the visible portion? ...

pic: does anyone use it for diagrams? is there a version that outputs svg? (vs. troff or TeX)

I'm in the middle of reading More Programming Pearls and read the chapter on the Pic language (see also Kernighan's paper) with some interest. Anyone out there using it? It seems like it might be fairly easily translatable into SVG. There's a GNU version (w/ docs by Eric Raymond!) but it only outputs groff and TeX. ...

Compiling OpenGL SOIL on Mac OS X

How would I link in or compile SOIL ( into my C++ OpenGL project on Mac OS X? ...

Where can I go to get tips / advice on graphic design

I am the only guy on a big project - so I have to do everything include the graphical parts such as icons and images. I'm doing my best but I need some help and my company won't be keen to hiring a real graphic artist to do the work. I am having trouble scaling down my logo to something that will work in an Icon at 32pix, where would I...

Those geometric icon avatar thingies

Possible Duplicate: what is the algorithm used to generate those little gravatar identicon images? Nobody I know seems to know where to find some code (preferably Java) to autogenerate those geometric avatar icons, such as used here on StackOverflow. Anyone have a source or can point to some working code? Thanks! ...

Good reasons NOT to design websites with a vector graphics application?

All the (web)designers I've known or worked with, used photoshop almost exclusively, and yet, now that I wanna try my hand at web-design for a personal project, I feel compelled to use a vector graphics application (namely Inkscape). The idea of the actual design process just seems more rational with VG, given that I'll be experimenting...

Won't draw rectangle

I am creating a rectangle as a custom control object that is placed within a Panel control. The control rectangle is created and evidenced by the Panel's Paint event: void myPanel_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { Graphics g = e.Graphics; foreach(ControlItem item in controls) g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Brushes.Blue), new Rectan...

Getting R plots into LaTeX?

I'm a newbie to both R and LaTeX and have just recently found how to plot a standard time series graph using R and save it as a png image. What I'm worried about is that saving it as an image and then embedding it into LaTeX is going to scale it and make it look ugly. Is there a way to make R's plot() function output a vector graphic an...

Java graphics performance

I was programming a simple game and wanted to display it via the Java Graphics + Swing API. It felt a little slow, of course, so I measured how long it took to repaint, which was around 32ms. Then I read about accelerated Java graphics and used the method described here: Space Invaders However, somehow this is even slower. It now takes ...

Resizing an image in c# without losing lower an right pixel-parts

I have a c#-class that looks roughly like this: class ImageContainer { Image image; internal ImageContainer getResized(int width, int height) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height); //Create a System.Drawing.Graphics object from the Bitmap which we will use to draw the high quality scaled image System.Drawing.Graphics...

Transformation matrix C#

The Christmas is coming and I got idea to send electricity card (little program). Something like dropping snow would be fine. But it is little bit boring something nice extra effects would be nice. Then I find this little flash example. But I don’t have idea how to conve...