
How to get each pixel position (Coordinate) of a Hollow Character drawn using Core Graphics?

I am using UIView subclass to draw an alphabet using Core Graphics.Using this code only hollow characters are drwan(By Making the stroke color- black color).Here I need each pixel(Coordinate) position of the character.Please give me an idea how I will get each pixel point(Only the black point's pixel value) of the hollow character. Sour...

Display 360 Image in Silverlight 3.0 (Not Panorama)

I have a lot of images taken from a 360 camera which I would like to be able to display in Silverlight 3. They are NOT regular panorama images. The camera which took the image actually creates a distorted jpeg that becomes undistorted once wrapped around a sphere as a texture. I have desktop software that will allow viewing of the image ...

Easiest way to create and render 3D model by rotating a 2D silhouette

I have a black and white 2D drawing of a silhouette (say, a chess piece) that I would like to rotate around an axis to create a 3D object. Then I want to render that 3D object from multiple angles using some sort of raytracing software, saving each angle into a separate file. What would be the easiest way to automatically (repeatedly) ...

question about Graphviz

due to the size of graph, Grapgviz sometimes exceeds its memory so I want to ask except Grapgviz, if there any software can be used to plot my large graph Thanks ...

Direct3D Mesh with combination of lines and triangles

I need to create a Direct3D mesh consisting of some vertices (generated at run-time) which I need rendered as a combination of LineList and TriangleList. i.e. some vertices are rendered as a LineList and some of them as a TriangleList. How can I create this Direct3D mesh? ...

How can you draw 32bppargb images with the Win32 AlphaBlend function?

I've been fussing with this for the better part of the night, so maybe one of you can give me a hand. I have found GDI+ DrawImage in C# to be far too slow for what I'm trying to render, and from the looks of forums, it's the same for other people as well. I decided I would try using AlphaBlend or BitBlt from the Win32 API to get better...

AvoidXferMode to replace a color on canvas

I'm trying to replace a color for something that is drawn on a Canvas using AvoidXferMode. From the android docs it looks like it's exactly what I need: AvoidXfermode xfermode will draw the src everywhere except on top of the opColor or, depending on the Mode, draw only on top of the opColor. What I'm trying is something like this:...

Drawing two-dimensional point-graphs

I've got a list of objects (probably not more than 100), where each object has a distance to all the other objects. This distance is merely the added absolute difference between all the fields these objects share. There might be few (one) or many (dozens) of fields, thus the dimensionality of the distance is not important. I'd like to d...

Direct3D: What does the stream number do in device->SetStreamSource?

Where else is the stream number used other than in these two places: GetStreamSource and SetStreamSource? ...

Graphics in ASP.Net (c#)

I need help with my latest project. It involves graphics. I need to draw a circle and have several lines going from the middle to the edge (radius). This is the part I know how to do. The next part is the part I don’t know how to do and would appreciate some advice. The users need the ability to grab the lines with their mouse an...

C# Drawstring clear rectangle Or no rectangle? possible

here is the code i'm using, i really need to make it so the text does not appear inside of a box. is that possible? int width = (int)g.MeasureString(line, f).Width; int height = (int)g.MeasureString(line,f).Height; b = new Bitmap(b, new Size(width, height)); g = Graphics.FromImage(b); g.Clear(Color.Empty); g.DrawString(line,f, new S...

Displaying the axis values for a mouseover event in a chart image

I return a chart image (with axis x and y) to the browser created my matplotlit. Now I want to show the axis values when there is mouseover event. ...

Most underused data visualization

Histograms and scatterplots are great methods of visualizing data and the relationship between variables, but recently I have been wondering about what visualization techniques I am missing. What do you think is the most underused type of plot? Answers should: Not be very commonly used in practice. Be understandable without a great de...

float vs double on graphics hardware

I've been trying to find info on performance of using float vs double on graphics hardware. I've found plenty of info on float vs double on CPUs, but such info is more scarce for GPUs. I code with OpenGL, so if there's any info specific to that API that you feel should be known, let's have at it. I understand that if the program is mov...

Java: Graphics in Linux

Does X-Windows have to be installed on a Linux-box in order for Java to display fullscreen graphics? ...

What is the best way to do 2D animation?

I'm writing a 2D animation class, and I've got TGA pictures in which the player animation is stored. These pictures are 8x8 tiles (so on each row there are 8 frames of a moving character) However, I don't have a clue on how to animate this in code. I was thinking about updating it by moving the u-v coordinates each frame and returning ...

Java 2D Graphics

Hi Im trying to get to grips wth java 2d graphics Ive basically got a JPanel with a backgrounfd image in it like so: public MapFrame(Plotting pl){ =pl; this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(984,884)); this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); try { getFileImage("stars.jpg"); } ...

How to re-shape form?

I have a form in an application developed using C#. In that form I have created a graphic shape (a circle). At run-time I want my form also to be of that shape only. That is, I want to display only that graphic and not the form back ground or title bar or anything. I want to display only that graphic. But the thing is I'm not able to sha...

DOS EGA Graphics Programming in Mode 0Dh

I'm doing a bit of retro programming for fun. What I want to create is a DOS game using EGA graphics but I am having a bit of trouble finding a good reference on the web. Everybody who talks about doing DOS programming assumes that the programmer will use mode 13h, and although some pages mention the other graphics modes, I haven't fou...

shape back color

Hi everyone, I have created a User Control using graphic's fill property. It's a circle. It's like a speedometer hence it has many colors and filled using different shapes. I need to have it's empty space to have back color to some thing other than the default color. How to change the back color of the graphic's shape??? ...