
Android - Way to appear bordered text on the TextView ?

Hi guys. Is there a way to appear bordered text on the TextView ? Thanks in advance. ...

Android MapView + Tab example

Hi, i need to have an mapview on a tab. The attached example shows how to do this if using intents. Now i want to change the zoom level of the mapview(s). How can i do this, although i'm using intents (or is there completely different solution)? Activity code: public class TabMapsExample extends TabActivity { TabHost mTabHos...

Blackberry - getPreferredWidth ignored in 4.5?

I've created a ButtonField with an automatically-calculated width. The button's width will be determined based on how many other buttons are in it's parent's HorizontalFieldManager (HFM). So if there's 3 buttons, each button will be about 33% of the width. If there's 5 buttons, each one will be about 20% of the width, etc... Basicall...

What should the assembly names be for an application providing both a GUI and command-line interface?

I've written a few desktop applications in .NET that provide both a front-end GUI for normal use as well as a command-line interface for other needs (e.g. extending, scheduling, automating, advanced usage, etc). What is the best practice for naming the two executables, since they are built to the same directory? I've seen or done some of...

Approaches / libraries for resize dragging

I'm currently working on a WYSISYG editor that allows the user to move, resize and rotate shapes by directly manipulating them. The resizing seems to be fairly complex when the shape is rotated. I got this working for non-rotated shapes, but it will take some trigonometric calculations to resize shapes that are rotated. The registration ...

Making an Unfocusable Window in Java

(SOLVED: a WindowStateListener and a deferred call to toBack whenever the window is focused) Hello all! I've been trying to figure out how to make a java.awt.Window (any subclass will do) so that it cannot be brought to the front. I'm working on a Java "Samurize-like" program that appears below all the application windows and displays ...

Interactive Python GUI

Python have been really bumpy for me, because the last time I created a GUI client, the client seems to hang when spawning a process, calling a shell script, and calling outside application. This have been my major problem with Python since then, and now I'm in a new project, can someone give me pointers, and a word of advice in order f...

Java: mytextarea.setText("hello") + Thread.sleep(1000) = strange result

I have something like this: for(int i=0; i<5; i++){ mytextarea.setText("hello " + i); try{ Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); //to give time for users to read } catch(Exception e){} } I'm expecting it will display "hello 0" in the text area, wait for 1 second, then display "hello 1", then wait for 1 second, etc. ...

Ideas for structure of .net GUI app

Hey all- I'm looking for a strategy on how to structure a GUI app. I have a application that is basically an interface to a database. It is comprised of a TabControl with 6 tabs, each tab has a few custom controls and performs a business operation on the database. Tab Functions: Parse an XLS into SQL inserts and commit to ...

Win32 GUI flickering on resize

I have a Win32 GUI program with a tab control, each tab having a list view control. There is massive flickering whenever the window is resized. I've tried the following things: Handling WM_ERASEBKGND in the main wndproc and returning TRUE. No effect. Filtering out all WM_ERASEBKGND messages in the event loop. No effect. Setting the WM_...

XCode immediately show filecontent on click

I'm new to XCode. I use XCode 3.1.3. In my project, i have on the left side the list of my project files, on the right side there is a textwindow showing code, and on top there's another small field showing some info about the file. At first, when i clicked in the left list on a file, the file content immediately showed up in the textfi...

Integration of Python console into a GUI C++ application

I'm going to add a python console widget (into a C++ GUI) below some other controls: Many classes are going to be exposed to the python code, including some access to GUI (maybe I'll consider PyQt). Should I run the Python code in a separate thread? I think it's a good approach, because GUI won't be frozen while executing long co...

Logging Options with BackgroundWorker in

Hey- I have a GUI class and a database class. I do something like: Dim db as Database = getDatabaseObject(logTxtBox) db.executeNonQuery("some update command here") Within executeNonQuery I connect to the db, execute the command, disconnect and catch the exceptions. logTxtBox is the GUI txt box I want log messages written to. Curr...

rapidly create webpage front end

Exposition: I'm familiar with C/C++/Scheme & OpenGL. I have this client/server program written in Clojure that serves as a todo-list/wiki/forum. The server is written in Clojure. The client is written in Clojure and uses SWT. Question: I want to rapidly create a web client version of this. What is the best way to do this? (I Don't use...

Maintaing JTextArea scroll position

I have a JScrollPane with a JTextArea set as its view port. I update the (multi line) text shown on the JTextArea continously about once a second. Each time the text updates, JScrollPane goes all the way to the bottom of the text. Instead, I'd like to figure out the line number that is currently shown as the first line in the original ...

JComponent not displaying text - Swing is pwning me!

Hello, everyone, I'm a High School AP Computer Science student doing an independent study project in Java. I have chosen to write an application for beginning piano students in which the computer displays a picture of the keyboard with a note highlighted. The user then selects the name of the note that corresponds to the highlighted key,...

Getting the Visual of a multi-layered WPF control

I've got a control that is essentially an Image with an AdornerDecorator layer on top which acts as a layer for mouse selection. What I'm trying to do is to get the section of the Image which has been selected without having to deal with mapping the co-ordinates of the selection back to the image (as there potentially many transforms whi...

GUI Problem!Network Problem!

Hi, I have two applications,one is for server and the other is for first I run my server application .then I will run the client application.When you run the client application,one frame will be shown which get user name and password and if they were correct,the other frame will be shown.but when I click on the Sign In button ,...

grails ui dialog

I am trying to do something which I would've thought was very simple, but it's causing me a huge headache. I am using Grails ui plugin to get a dialog box. I have a number of instances - some where dialog boxes need to appear when a button is clicked. This I have got working. But I also need to have some that appear when the page is lo...

Is there a common term for GUI applications that wrap a command-line program?

It happens everywhere with desktop programs and scripts: a GUI application wraps some command-line program to provide a visual experience to its functionality. Is there a common term that describes this kind of GUI application? I'm looking for a technical one or two-word term, not just "command-line wrapper application," etc. ...