
Static options menu

Hi, I wanted to create a static options menu for all my activity screens. I dont want to override onCreateOptionsMenu() in each activity. Since Menu class is an interface with a huge number of methods, its difficult to create a static object of the implementing class. Any other way of doing the same. Thanks ...

Using vertical splitter in Java Swing GUI?

I am developing a java desktop application. I have some doubts or problems in designing one thing which is as follows: I want to break the the main frame JFrame mainFrame = new JFrame("Demo"); into two parts (divided vertically) so that user can change their size by dragging the common boundary of both the parts to either left or rig...

Rapidly prototype GUI's...

G'Day, I am looking to prototype a windows based GUI. Ideally I would like: Be able create new GUI's and change existing ones quickly The resulting "thing" to be self contained Have the ability to include limited data where necessary ie. When showing a grid including the headers and perhaps a few rows of data for the grid. Allow cl...

What tools to choose for developing a simple GUI application?

I'd like to implement a very simple application, which would: Get a number from bar code reader Fetch some data from MySQL based on the number Based on the data, draw max 10 selection boxes on the screen of a touchscreen display User points at the boxes she wants to select Application updates database according to user's selection Th...

Windows forms: How to handle redrawing efficiently?

I have a form with a picturebox which displays a picture and some overlay drawn in the Paint event handler of the picturebox. The overlay updates itslef (basically changes opacity of different parts of the overlay) based on mouse movement. Currently, I am calling pictureBox.Invalidate() from mouse moved handler to ensure that the overla...

Ruby on Rails keyboard shortcuts

Hi all - does anyone know how to set-up keyboard shortcuts using Ruby on Rails on my website? For example if a user want to interact with the site using keyboard shortcuts instead of clicking buttons/links how would I do this? Any help is greatly appreciated. Max. ...

Ruby on Rails keybard shortcuts

Possible Duplicate: Ruby on Rails keybard shortcuts Hi all - does anyone know how to set-up keyboard shortcuts using Ruby on Rails on my website? For example if a user want to interact with the site using keyboard shortcuts instead of clicking buttons/links how would I do this? Any help is greatly appreciated. Max. ...

What is best couple for developing small and fast GUI application with some graphical editor features - C++ and (VB or Win32)?

It has to make some time consuming calculations, so i need it to work as fast as possible. Also thought about Delphi. So. Is it a question of taste(or habit) or not and what can you advice me then? ...

Netbeans GUI Form corrupted?

I was making a java gui application through netbeans IDE. All was working fine but yesterday when I opened the form in Netbeans, it said that the form had been corrupted and it could only open that form in read-only mode. When I opened that form in read-only mode, I found that the code was incomplete as severals lines of coding wasn't t...

NHibernate: best moment to store GUI changes

Hello, I am a little bit confused with NHibernate and Session. As I understood, I am supposed to use sessions "as quickly as possible", meaning that two different interactions get their own session. What do I do in case of UI interactions, I want to store in the DB. I have a simple example, where a treeview lists some items, and is bou...

UI Design: Ideas For User Look-Up / Selecting User

I'm trying to design an interface for a web-based application that allows the user to look-up people (in my case it's patients for their medical records). I'm trying to think of very fast but accurate ways to search for users by their name. I was thinking of typing the patient's name and it will match both first and last name, ordering ...

Drawing a point using OpenGL, but not in immediate mode

So I would like to draw a 2D point in OpenGL, but not in immediate mode. It's been a while since I've programmed in OpenGL so I'm a bit rusty, and I can't find it in the Redbook. All help is appreciated. Thanks! ...

What Java GUI framework is good for a first GUI project?

The title description basically says it all. I'd like to use something that requires a relatively short learning curve since it is my first project and I'd like to spend at least some of it actually writing the code, not just learning how to do it, but also something that has good documentation in a way that some new bleeding edge framew...

Property Editor Control for Cocoa?

Is there any Cocoa Widget which i can use to build a typical (well except in Interface Builder) GUI builder property inspector like RealBasic or Delphi has? And is there a website where additional 3rd party Cocoa widgets are listed? ...

Simplest way to integrate python gui app with c console app

I have a c console app which converts a c file to a html file, the c file location is passed to the program as a command line argument.(the app is for the windows platform) What I would like to do is have a python gui app to allow the user to select a file and pass the location of the file to the c app for processing. I already know ho...

Which event-driven applications are implemented in Haskell?

I've been looking at Haskell lately and it seems like a very nice way to watch programming problems from an alternative point of view - alternative to my usual imperative (I have a strong C++ background) view, at least. However, all the articles I see seem to deal with the same kinds of programming problems: Parsers Compilers Numeric ...

NetBeans should be named "Mexican Jumping Beans"

I have been trying to set up a Java form in NetBeans with 15 - 20 visual components (buttons, textfields, etc.) and I have been using the Free Design layout paradigm on the MAC. According to what I've read, the Free Design layout gives me various alignment guides, but does not try to force my alignments to specific row and column deli...

Which C++ cross platform GUI framework has good skinning ability?

What is a cross-platform C++ GUI framework that has good skinning ability? So I could (and give the users) the ability to customise the GUI. ...

Qt signaling across threads, one is GUI thread?

What does it mean to move a object from one thread to another in Qt using moveToThread? Everything seems to work even before using moveToThread, which moves the object from one thread (GUI thread) to a another thread ( worked) and Qt:connect calls the appropriate slot on object. Is there any difference because of where the object lives,...

.NET GUI testing with JSystem

Does somebody know a free tool, which can be easily integrated with jsystem to test .net based windows GUIs? ...