
GUI options with python 3.x

Hello all: I was wondering what options are available for Python 3.x? I know Tkinter is available as well as qt, but what about the other libraries? Any word on when some of them may be ported over to 3.x? ...

How can I get a smooth, flicker-free GUI for an app run via Remote Desktop?

I realize there are a ton of questions floating around the internet about reducing flicker in Windows Forms applications. After copious experimentation, I found that the solution in my particular case was quite straightforward: setting the Control.DoubleBuffered property to true for the controls that were exhibiting flicker. I accomplish...

Any math approaches to state management of complex objects?

I usually use web forms for GUI, maybe one of most "stateful" technologies. But it applies to any technology which has states. Sometimes forms are tricky and complex, with >30 elements and > 3 states of each element. Intuitive way of designing such a form usually works for 90%. Other 10% usually find testers or end-users:). The...

java UnsatisfiedLinkError awt.image

I have a program that makes use of the following method to get a scaled instance of an image icon: public ImageIcon createScaledImageIcon(String filename) { ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(filename); Image image = icon.getImage().getScaledInstance(cardWidth, cardHeight, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); icon.setImage(image); return ic...

Interactive javascript logical expression builder?

I'm looking for some sort of a generic logical expression builder, like the SmartClient FilterBuilder but lighter - SmartClient weighs 500kb or ~160kb GZipped which is unacceptable for our application. Our server-side is Java/Spring-MVC, if it matters. Any suggestions? ...

Blackberry Storm - focus issue on bitmap field

in my screen there are 3 managers h1 h2 bmpf = new BitmapField added in order like this as backgroundmanager.add(h1) backgroundmanager.add(bmpf) backgroundmanager.add(h2) add(background manager); protected boolesn navigationClick() { int index1 = h1.getFieldWithFocusIndex(); int index2 = h2.getFieldWithFocusIndex(); return true; } ...

BlackBerry Storm - focus does not comes on focussable fields added after scrollable list field

searchlist = new FileList(list_vector,ind,j);//a custom list field searchlist.setRowHeight(40); searchListManager = new VerticalFieldManager( Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL |Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR) searchListManager.add(searchlist); objManager.add(searchListManager); HomeScreen1.this.add(header_manager); HomeScreen1.this.add(objManag...

Web GUI design issue

I'm writing a page with several text fields and a drop down. The fields in the drop down affect the value of the text fields. For example: the drop down options are "a" and "b". The text fields are "name" and "last name". When choosing "a", "name" is filled with "Joe". When choosing "b", "name" is filled with "Bob". I've written a class...

JPanel's child components paint/layout problem

I'm having a problem that when my frame is shown (after a login dialog) the buttons are not on correct position, then in some miliseconds they go to the right position (the center of the panel with border layout). -- update In my machine, this SSCCE shows the layout problem in 2 of 10 times I run it: import java.awt.BorderLayout; impo...

make a JLabel wrap it's text by setting a max width

I have a JLabel which has a lot of text on it. Is there a way to make the JLabel have a max width so that it will wrap the text to make it not exceed this width? Thanks ...

Testing a Gui-heavy WPF application.

We (my colleagues) have a messy 12 y.o. mature app that is GUI-based, and the current plan is to add new dialogs & other GUI in WPF, as well as replace some of the older dialogs in WPF as well. At the same time we wish to be able to test that Monster - GUI automation in a maintainable way. Some challenges: The application is massive. I...

is there a Java GUI for dummies ?

Hello, first I want to apologize about my english, it may not be clear enough. Well, I'm new to Java programming, and I've searched this website about the use of Swing, AWT, 2D, etc. but I didn't get the answer I was looking for. I want to know about a book or method to learn Java GUI programming (not even sure this is a proper term)....

How to design a rich UI in winform app in .Net?

I want to create a winform application in c# that uses a rich UI or better controls than the default windows controls. One example of the UI that comes to mind is that of main screen of latest edition of AVG free antivirus software ( Any idea of how a similar UI could be desi...

Making BoxLayout move components to top while stacking left to right

Hi, I have a JPanel which uses a BoxLayout in the X_AXIS direction. The problem I have is best shown by an image: As you can see the JPanel on the left is has been centered rather than aligned at the top. I would like them both to be aligned at the top and stacked left to right, how can I achieve this with this layout manager? The cod...

JRadio button with information link

I want to have a set of JRadioButtons and next to each one a little 'i' image which when clicked will open a new window with information about the text next to the radio button. What is the best component to use to align the little 'i' label next to the Radio button? ...

JSeparator wont show with GridBagLayout

I want to add a vertical JSeparator between two components using a GridBagLayout. The code I have is as follows: public MainWindowBody(){ setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); JPanel leftPanel = new InformationPanel(); JPanel rightPanel = new GameSelectionPanel(); JSeparator sep = new JSeparator(JSeparator.VERTICAL); Gri...

Qt: How to force a hidden widget to calculate its layout?

What I am trying to do is render a qwidget onto a different window (manually using a QPainter) I have a QWidget (w) with a layout and a bunch of child controls. w is hidden. Until w is shown, there is no layout calculations happening, which is expected. When I call w->render(painter, w->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)), I get a bunch of cont...

how to run and kill processes in fedora from a java GUI

Hi , I'm working in fedora. I want to create a GUI in java , with two buttons : START and STOP. i have two processes : p1 and p2. When i click on START , the process p1 should run in the background and process p2 should run in the foreground. < in terminal , we do this by giving ./p1 & ./p2 > And when i click on STOP , both the processe...

What's the fastest way to draw a Hello World in Java

What's the fastest way to draw a Hello World on the screen as a GUI in Java, 1- by using the minimum number of classes. 2- with the least byte code executed 2- the JVM tweaks so when I double click on the Jar file in Windows, the Hello World appears in no time (assuming the Runtime is not already loaded). ...

What operating system and UI toolkit is this?

What operating system and UI toolkit is this? It's not some fake Hollywood user interface. It's from Bloomberg. ...