
java simple JPanel management (see screenshot)

I have a JPanel that encapsulates two JPanels, one on top of the other. The first holds two JLabels which hold the playing cards. The second holds the player's text (name and score). However, when I remove the player's cards, the lower JPanel moves up to the top, which i would prefer that it not do. Is there a way to keep it in place...

BlackBerry - controlling video playback (play,pause,forward,seekbar)

Hi Anyone please help me to add video controls(play,pause,forward,seekbar) to my application ...

Appearance of a WPF ListView under Windows Vista and Windows XP is not the same

In a WPF application I have a ListView: <ListView Name="ItemSelList" ItemsSource="{Binding ItemColl}" SelectionChanged="ItemSelList_SelectionChanged"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn Header="Date" Width="90" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Date}"/> <GridViewColumn Header="Time" Width="90" DisplayMemberBindi...

What is the opposite of JAXB? i.e. generating XML FROM classes?

I am currently designing a solution to a problem I have. I need to dynamically generate an XML file on the fly using Java objects, in the same way JAXB generates Java classes from XML files, however the opposite direction. Is there something out there already like this? Alternatively, a way in which one could 'save' a state of java clas...

Java GUI guidance on building a chat box

I'm just looking for a little guidance as to how i might implement a chat box. There needs to be a text area for user entry, and a scrolling list of past messages. Is there an easy/standard way of going about doing this? Thanks ...

Blackberry - custom logic for checkboxes group

if i click on any checkbox all previous checkboxes must get checked "my logic works" if i uncheck a checkbox then all checkboxes after it must get unchecked "how to do that" MyLogic works for storm but not for other models what to do //well what i want to do is i have 5 checkboxes class myscreen { chk_service = new CheckboxField[5];...

What are the tools needed in order to create a GUI application?

in more easy way except the netbeans generated codes because i don't like the codes they generated. ...

How do I make dynamic windows in Swing?

I have a general question. I would like to have a window containing some buttons, radio buttons, text fields and so on. So, user can do something (write text, select options and press buttons). As the result of the user activity window should change it structure/appearance some element should disappear and some appear. How do I program ...

How to prevent GUI blocking?

Hi, I have a timer that ticks every 3 seconds. If the timer found something a messagebox will show. Then the timer should wait 30 seconds, before he show again the messagebox (the user of course must have time to react). How can I handle this? I tried a Thread.Sleep(30000), but the GUI blocks of course. My other Idea is a second time...

What is the relation between ContentPane and JPanel?

I found one example in which buttons are added to panels (instances of JPanel) then panels are added to the the containers (instances generated by getContentPane) and then containers are, by the construction, included into the JFrame (the windows). I tried two things: I got rid of the containers. In more details, I added buttons to a...

How to process forms in Java?

Using Swing in Java I wrote a form containing radio buttons, text fields and so on. In the very end I have a "Submit" button. Now I want to "send" the information given by the user to the program. How do I do that? Is there a good tutorial about that? Is it kind of similar to PHP? (I am asking just because I know how to do it in PHP....

Which language/framework to use for this desktop internet application?

I'd like to experiment with a new language/framework to work on some desktop tools for myself, which will do tasks related to internet services. I.e. i'd like to to monitor some of my servers for http or icmp response, also parse xml responses. I have experience with php, lua, mysql, and basic knowledge of java and c++. I'm also inter...


Does anybody know of a reliable, well-made tool for creating standalone desktop applications complete with GUI, using just PHP, or primarily PHP? I enjoy the R.A.D. and many other aspects of PHP and would like to use it for some non server/client projects. ...

BlackBerry - RadioButtonField, hide border on select

I have a screen with two RadioButtonField objects. By default, the first RadioButtonField shows a rectangle around it to show its selected, and the rectangle moves if you change the selection to the other RadioButtonField or other buttons and textboxes on the page. What I would like to know there a way to hide this border that sh...

How to disable current page links in ASP.NET MVC?

I'm investigating ASP.NET MVC now and noticed that in ASP.NET MVC application, which is created by Visual Studio by default, links "Home" and "About" are staying active when the user is on "Home" and "About" page correspondingly, and after clicking on the current page link page is reloading itself. What is the correct approach to disabl...

Java JFrame method pack() problem

Hi, I have a frame with 4 JPanels and 1 JScrollPane, the 4 panels are in border layout north, east, south, west and the scrollpane in the center. I have been trying to get the pack method for a frame fuctioning but when run you just get the title bar of the window. Any Ideas? Thank you in advance. JFrame conFrame; JPanel panel...

Convert GUI C++ app to a console one

I have a GUI C++ application (Visual Studio 2008) that needs to be converted to a console one. I don't have any experience in C programming. Mostly I use .NET. Where do I start? ...

xml vs java LinearLayout fills

the xml version below properly handles height and width and the java doesn't what is the java missing? xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:orientation="horizontal"> <...

Adding Columns to JTable dynamically

I have an empty JTable, absolutely nothing in it. I need to dynamically generate its table columns in a certain way. A simplified version for the code I have for my attempt: @Action public void AddCol() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { TableColumn c = new TableColumn(i); c.setHeaderValue(getColNam(i)); table....

Run Smalltalk on server without GUI?

Hi! I've got rather distinct question - I'd like to run Smalltalk on a production server without using graphical interface. Is this possible with VW or Pharo (maybe even Squeak)? I've got a VPS hosting without X and would like to have few websites running on Smalltalk, while developing them localy with full-blown Smalltalk env, includi...