
changing background on JLabel shifts components

Hi, The code I am using is: public class Test extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private static final Color TRANSP_WHITE = new Color(new Float(1), new Float(1), new Float(1), new Float(0.5)); private static final Color TRANSP_RED = new Color(new Float(1), new Float(0), new Float(0), new Float(0.1)); ...

How to get user input for 2 digit data

In a HTML form user is expect to fill / select some data and trigger an action probably a http-post. If your only requested data field is a "2 digit" you can use html text input element get some data. Then you want to make it useful; enable user easily select data from a 'html select' But not all of your data is well-ordered so eye-s...

Invalid Memory Acess for JavaFX ScrollBar on Snow-Leopard

I created the following JavaFX script, which when run, generates an Invalid memory access on Snow-Leopard. What is it about javafx.scene.control.ScrollBar that is causing a memory failure? Stage { title: "Scroll View" scene: Scene { content: [ ScrollBar { min: 0 max: 100 ...

Design a GUI browser to view a tree

I have a large tree. I want to be able to visualize it using a GUI tool. I want the ability to pan and zoom the tree image so that i can focus on part of the tree. Is there an existing tool to achieve this? If not i would like to write a small tool for myself to be able to do this. what is the simplest way of doing this? what computer ...

Calendar control GUI C++ library

Who knows a good component for a "calendar control" (NOT date/time picker)? "Calendar control" means something like Mozilla Sunbird: Requirements to the control: - C++; - Day/Week/Month view; - Support of several calendars; - Without MFC dependences; Nice to have: - Open source; - Cross plathform; - Free; - Minimum external dependen...

Which language should I use to program a GUI application?

I would like to write a GUI application for management of information (text documents). In more details, it should be similar to the TiddlyWiki. I would like to have there some good visual effects (like nice representation for three structures, which you can rotate, some sound). I also would like to include some communication via Interne...

Good books and resources on user interface testing

I am looking for good books and articles on user-interface testing. What they should contain (one or more of): different test methods/strategies examples, use cases naming pros and cons for different methods testing functionality testing usability (less important for my me but still good) something important I might have forgotten :-) ...

Windows forms application blocks after station lock

We're having a serious issue at work. We've discovered that after the station where the client was running is locked/unlocked the client is blocked. No repaint. So the UI thread is blocked with something. Looking at the callstack of the UI thread (thread 0) using windbg we see that a UserPreferenceChanged event gets raised. It is marshal...

Why I cannot add a JPanel to JFrame?

Here is the code: import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JLabel; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; public class GameWindow { private String[] players; private JFrame frame; // Constructor. public GameWindow(String[] players) { this.players = players;...

Dynamically Scaled UIs with VB.NET WinForms?

I'm wondering if anyone is familiar with designing UIs to be scalable to any resolution. Are there any libraries or functionalities of .NET that make this easy? We also have Infragistics controls as a resource. ...

Java GUI component to display an XML

What component would you choose to display XML data in a AWT/Swing Java GUI? Requirements: Editable Basic Syntax Highlight (tags vs.literals) Pretty-print (i.e. don't display everything in the same line if the XML contains no linebreaks). ...

How to change a QMenu text from english to russian by clicking a button

Please consider we have a menu which has text set "MyMenu" and I want to change the menu text by clicking a button in the same widget from "MyMenu" to "МойМеню". Could you bring a code snippet please for that operation? ...

Java - Lock Aspect Ratio of JFrame

Is it possible to lock the aspect ratio of a JFrame in Java Swing? For example, if my window is 200px by 200px, and the user wants to resize it, I want the ratio between the width and the height at 1:1, so that if the new width is 400px, the new height is forced to 400px. I'm aware of ComponentListener and componentResized, but I'm hav...

Cannot connect QMainWindow and QDialog

Hi, I have a QMainWindow displaying a QDialog: CalibrationDialog d(this); d.exec(); My QMainWindow class has a signal: signals: void PenOn( QPoint p ); And QDialog has a slot: public slots: void on_PenON( QPoint p ); I tried connecting PenOn event to on_PenOn in two ways: After instantiating QDialog void MainWindow::on_a...

How can I remove a JPanel from a JFrame?

Recently I asked here how to add a new JPanel to JFrame. The answer helped me to get a working code. But not I have a related question: "How can I remove an old JPanel". I need that because of the following problem. A new JPanel appears appears when I want (either time limit is exceeded or user press the "Submit" button). But in several...

Photo resizer using Java

Hi, I'm planning to make a simple Photo Resizer since I usually find myself having to resize huge images being sent to me. I know that there are a lot of online services and tools out there that already do this but I was thinking that it would be a good time to improve my Java and build something useful at the same time. The problem is...

Grails' gui datatable exception

HI I'm using gui's datatable in grails, but when I try to run the code, I get this exception: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: org.grails.grailsui.ResourcesTagLibService.stylesheetTag() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.lang.String...

Free WPF Flow charting Component

I am looking for a WPF Flow charting component. Something that will let you draw boxes and display lines between them based on some object structure/collection. Anyone know about anything like that out there? I prefer free as this is an open source project I plan to put it in. ...

change label text from a VB6 binary (not source code)

Hi, we have a VB6 binary executable that comes with no source code. And we need to change the label text for that VB6 application from "AAA" to "BBB". Is there any way or tools that can do that? The closest tool I can find right now is microsoft UISpy, it can read all the other elements but not the label. I hope there is a tool that c...

How to launch a mac application without a terminal window.

I've written an open-source c++ application and it works fine on Windows and Linux, I finally got a Mac Mini (with 10.5.8) so I've just been testing the Mac version. My application works fine when running it from inside a terminal window and typing ./appname , but if instead I double click on it from the finder, then it opens a termnial...