
Searchbar attached to top of keyboard in Objective-C

Does anyone know how, in Objective-C on the iPhone, to bring up a keyboard with a search bar connected to the top of the keyboard? ...

Open source VideoPlayer / AudioPlayer / MediaPlayer GUI / UI resource available?

Hi, I'm looking for a user interface for a MediaPlayer which should be able to play video as well as audio files. Furthermore it needs the following things (nothing fancy): TextView for playing time Progress Bar for progress visulization Play/Pause/Stop buttons NO playlist functionality required, the player will only play a single i...

In-game GUI in a Flash game

Hi! I'm currently working on my first flash title using Flex and AS3. At the moment I'm designing my in game GUI. The game is using double buffered rendereing using bitmaps and I want to add a textbox type control. Is it possible to use one of the flex controls in the rendering pipeline (while maintaining the text editing properties) so...

Resizing panels in GUIs without changing size of the contents (MATLAB)

Hi, Does anyone know how to change the size of a panel in the gui editor (guide) without changing the size of the contents? At the moment, if I change the size of the panel, I have to spend three times as long changing the size of the contents, and its a real pain. Thanks James ...

Hiding an entry from a QMenuBar in Qt4?

I can find no non-deprecated way of hiding an item in a menu bar in Qt4. This post: gives a method that uses deprecated Qt3 compatibility functions. Is there a better way? ...

Updating GUI axes in MATLAB

I am making a GUI for a program I have created, where I need to be able to change the position of a load along a beam. I have set up the axes and the slider properly, but I am unsure how to get the axes to update, as I can't find any examples that show how to do this on the internet. At present, as I move the load, the position updates...

How to draw a filled circle in Java?

I have a JPanel with a Grid Layout. In the "cells" of the grid I can put different elements (for example JButtons). There is no problems with that. But now I want to put a filled circle in some of the cells. I also would like to relate an ActionListener with these circles. In more details, if I click the circle it disappears from the cur...

What is a simple way to create a text field (or such) that only allows the user to enter ints/doubles in Java?

I am looking for a way to ensure that my text field (JTextField, JFormattedTextField) is returning a double or int rather than a string when I call .getText(). What is the best way to do this (if possible)? Thanks! badPanda :D ...

Can I add a component to a specific grid cell when a GridLayout is used?

When I set the GridLayout to the JPanel and then add something, it is added subsequently in the "text order" (from left to right, from top to bottom). But I want to add an element to a specific cell (in the i-th row in the j-th column). Is it possible? ...

WPF assign Z-Order of owned windows without changing focus.

Hi, Due to OpenGL airspace issues I have several windows that are owned by the main window but look and act like controls. I also have some data readout/sort windows that show real-time data and need to be normal floating windows, also owned by the main window so that they remain floating above the main window even while operations ar...

Unresponsive UI when using BeginInvoke

Bckground I have a networked application written in C#. my server program has a UI and several communication threads, that read from tcp sockets and display messages on controller UI. Communication with each client is done through a seprate thread. When i recieve some stream of messages from one client , the thread for that client write...

Error compiling Win32 API GUI code with MinGW

Hey guys, this is my first post. I'm just getting started with win32 API programming in C++ and I'm having trouble compiling the winnie tutorial ( with MinGW. My input and output: C:\Users\Eric\Projects> g++ winnie.cpp -o winnie.exe /mingw/lib/libmingw32.a(main.o):main.c:(.text+0xd2): undefin...

GUI for linux c

is it possible to develop a GUI in linux c?? how can be do that?? ...

Can I add elements to a Java GUI?

I want to know how I can make a Java program where an unknown amount of objects can be added to a GUI depending on user input. I can program in objects one at a time within the program, but I haven't seen a more dynamic program. Can I do that with Java? If not, what can I do it with? For more information, here's a picture. There ca...

how to create a window in c

hello i want to create a window,for that i know i hve to use gtk+ toolkit bt how to use it??? ...

How to detect the position of the system tray with java?

Hi, i have to detect the position of the systemTray with java. I already placed an icon in the tray but don't know if its possible to get the position of that icon? Best regards Hemeroc ...

Java/Swing (and GUI in general) - technique or patterns to build dynamic search form with criterias/filters

I feel recurrent the need of building a search formula or filter panel using logic and expression. Here are some example expressions: search all item with price >= $100 and available in stock. filter all files with (name like *.log or name = toto.txt) and modification date < 2 hours from now I know how to implement such a search/filte...

Handling Complex Rules in in GUI applciations (C++ or C#)

Im working on a dialog box in which several rules must be satisfied before the OK button is enabled. Currently any action on the page such as entering data or selecting an item from a drop down list (amongst other things) calls a single function called ProcessEvent() - this function handles all logic and either enables or disables the O...

Automatic testing of GUI related private methods

When it comes to GUI programming (at least for web) I feel that often the only thing that would be useful to unit test is some of the private methods*. While unit testing makes perfect sense for back-end code, I feel it doesn't quite fit the GUI classes. What is the best way to add automatic testing of these? * Why I think the only m...

UI suggestions on how to display suggested tags for a given text to a user?

I am writing a web-app that uses a tagging system to organize the user's submitted reports. Part of it uses ajax to get suggestions for tags to present to the user based on the content of their report. I am looking for suggestions on how to present this information for the user. I'm not quite certain what a friendly way to do this woul...