
Python27 IDLE GUI stopped working

Hi For some reason my Python IDLE interface stopped working :( I ran a some code which seems to have been buggy since i couldn't even exit it with ctrl+F6. I had to close the IDLE window down and since then it won't launch anymore. Reinstalling Python didn't make any difference....any ideas to help me get it runnig again would be great....

REST development plugin for browser with all HTTP methods

Is there a plugin for any web browser which gives you a GUI to perform PUT's, DELETE's etc? I've written a navigable REST app, and I would like to be able to poke around a bit with my browser to try it out and to demo the API, but since they all lack DELETE and PUT it becomes cumbersome. ...

Enter key pressed event handler

Hi. I want to capture the text from the textbox when enter key is hit. I am using WPF/visual studio 2010/.NET 4. I dont know what event handler to be used in the tag ? I also want to do the same for maskedtextbox. ...

How to update a view from code in an Eclipse RCP app.

I have a View class (extends ViewPart) that contains a ScrolledForm created from a FormToolkit. When certain events happen in other views in the app I want to change the form in this view and have it update in real time to the user. I have property change support support added now and the following method in the View public void p...

quick jslider question

I have a JSlider in my gui that goes from 0 to 100, for some reason, there is a text above the slider position that reads the current value of the slider and it follows my slider around. I.e., if I move my slider halfway, "50" appears above where my slider currently is. However, I can't figure out what that text field is called, all I ...

How should I implement an "object viewer/visualizer" ?

As one of the features in an in-house testing tool I'm interested in allowing the user to view the fileds' values of Java objects in a graphical way. So, as far as I understand, the object's class needs to implement Serializable -and according to Effective Java book, preferably the custom form of the read/write methods. This way I can ...

Matlab GUI Automation?

Lets say someone made a Matlab GUI using GUIDE. Now I want to use that code in a programmatic environment - that is no human-in-the-loop. What's the easiest way for me to "script" the human interactions with the GUI so as to manipulate the various controls in the appropriate sequence to make the tool crunch my numbers and get its results...

Separated GUI and game logic class hierarchy?

Im developing a game on Java, and wanted to keep my code separated in packages for the hud/gui and the game logic so that code can be reused in some other project, and where objects to be drawn call methods from another class or classes (maybe a "rendering context" like a group of classes just made for the drawing or something like that)...

Determine what is blocking UI thread

Hi All I am working on a rather large .NET WPF real-time application. The application is working great and as expected, except for one BIG issue - UI Update is slow. This application is highly event driven, there are events raised all over for all sorts of things - through these events the UI is updated. One or many of these events is...

Where is the Xap file content viewer in Visual Studio?

Where can I find following viewer within Visual Studio? ...

How's Python GUI development today (Sep/2010)?

Last time I saw, GUIs in Python were extremely ugly, how's it today? (saw some beautiful images on google images, but I don't know if are really Python's) ...

Is it possible to put a custom GUI on top of an Excel spreadsheet?

A friend of mine has a very complex Excel spreadsheet with many formulas and lots of data that he uses for work. He wants to put a custom GUI on top of it and then wants to sell it to other people in his profession. Basically he wants to make some freestanding software out of his spreadsheet? Is there any way to put a custom GUI on top o...

What .Net controls are available for diagram markup?

We need to mark up diagrams of body parts to indicate the location and extent of injuries. For example, to shade an area of the body to mark a burn, or a diagram of a hand with an amputated finger. What 3rd party controls are available that would be suitable for embedding into a .Net application? ...

Xbap arrow keys jump to the address bar

In an xbap application, when navigating listboxes, comboboxes etc with the arrowkeys, reaching the end of the list will result in focus jumping to the addressbar of the browser. Very annoying.. Any ideas on how to avoid this behaviour? ...

Technique to create object when there is a filter

I have one dumb question. Is there any standard technique to create a new object when you have some filter and pagination? For example, what shall I do if I have a list of users filtered by name "John" that are divided on several pages (e.g. I'm on 4-th page out of 10) and I created a new user with name "Nick"? Shall I add this user onto...

Efficiently updating a QTableView at high speed

I'm using a QTableView with a subclass of QItemDelegate to control the look and feel of the tableview's cells. Each cell displays the name and status of a of an externally connected device, and as many as 100 devices may be connected at once. The name and type of each device is essentially static, updating very rarely (perhaps once an ...

GUI update issue in J2ME

Let's say I have two forms: form1 and form2. After pressing a NEXT_COMMAND in form1, I need to change the value of the gauge in form2 and then show form2. Thus: public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) { .... else if (displayable == form1) { if (command == NEXT_COMMAND) { form2_gauge.setValue(valu...

How can I replicate the home screen dots?

On Android, the home screen has dots to indicate which screen you are on. I want to do something similar in my app. Is there a control that contains dots and lights up? ...

Qt4 Designer and Ruby, what am I doing wrong?

So I've been trying to make ruby read my Qt4 design and it's not working, at all. I've created a design in Qt4 Designer and saved it as a .ui file. Then I used rbuic4 to convert it to a design_ui.rb and Qt4. My current ruby main file looks like this: require 'gui/design_ui.rb' require 'Qt4' class AppMain < Ui_MainWindow def initialize...

How do I create a pie chart in Java

I want to create a pie chart that displays percentages. How do I create a pie chart using JFrame in Java? This is what I have so far: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; public class PieChart extends JFrame{ private int Midterm; private int Quizzes; private int Projects; private int Final; public PieChart()...