
Command for click on Tkinter treeview widget items? Python

I'm creating a GUI with Tkinter, and a major part of the GUI is two Treeview objects. I need the contents of the Treeview objects to change when an item (i.e. a directory) is clicked twice. If treeview items were buttons, I'd just be able to set command to the appropriate function. But I'm having trouble finding a way to create on-click...

Qt: How to put collection of GUI-Elements into independent SubClass (with seperate *.ui file)

Hi, I'm trying to collect an often used subset of GUI-Elements together into one Subclass, which can be "included" into the real GUIs later without rewriting the given functionality (don't ask why, I wanna learn it for later use). The Subclass should use it's own *.ui-File and should be put into an QWidget resding in the real GUI. After...

How do I draw colored circles in Java on a JPanel?

Hey everyone, I'm doing another Java project for my class. In this assignment, we have to create a checkerboard and populate it with the appropriate number of checkers. I built the checkerboard correctly which displays nicely, but I'm having a hard time using the Graphics class to draw. Here's the code that I have so far: import javax...

Searchbar just like twitter app in android

I wounder if there some example on how to create a searchbar just like twitter app in android? and also I wounder about the popup. are there any samples? ...

Where to start if I want to create a custom combo with popup tree viewer

The normal SWT combo can only show a popup list when you click the triangle button. For some reason, I want to orgnize the selectable items in tree instead of list. It turns out I've to customize the combo to realize this. Can anyone tell me where should I begin with? ...

Service starting a process wont show GUI C#

Hey, I am trying to get a service to start my program but it isn't showing the GUI. The process starts but nothing is shown. I have tried enabling 'Allow service to interact with desktop' but that still isn't working. My program is a computer locking device to stop unauthorised users from accessing the computer. I am running windows 7 wi...

Android List widget question..

I have been googling for a couple days now searching for a sortable list widget similar to the one provided by stock android music app. What I would like is ability to sort a list similar to how you can sort your music playlist. I am coming to the conclusion that I am obviously not using the proper keyword to find my answer. Any help ...

How to insert trademark symbol in LabelField on Blackberry

I'm trying to figure out how to add a trademark symbol on a LabelField in Blackberry API v5.0. Can anyone please help me? Thx in advance. ...

Creating JButtons in Java

Hi, I'm fairly new to Java and I've been having some difficulties with Swing. I'm trying to create a very simple GUI program which should be create a set of buttons but my code doesn't work. Here's my code; myPanel = new JPanel(); JButton myButton = new JButton("create buttons"); myButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { ...

different sets of notification icons based on notification bar color

I am displaying a notification icon which is dark gray. It looks fine on Nexus One, where the notification area is light gray and is almost invisible on HTC Desire (Sense UI - dark gray notification bar). Is there a way to overcome that? (The icon cannot be changed). Thanks a lot EDIT: "The icon cannot be changed meaning" that I am usi...

Drag-and-drop event override C# GUI

I have a drag-and-drop event handler registered to a parent form, this.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(Form_DragDrop); There are several child form that are derived from the parent form. However, when I drag an item inside the forms, the action is only valid if there are no other components in that area. I would like the drag-and-...

How to hide activity GUI in android 2.2

Hi all, I have an activity here. I want to click a button and then hide the activity GUI. That is, GUI is needed and you can hide it by clicking a "Hide App" button. How can i implement this "Hide App"? Somebody help! Thanks in advance! ...

Cannot refer to a non-final variable

Hi, I'm trying to create simple GUI program in Java and I couldn't find a proper solution to error cannot refer to a non-final variable inside an inner class defined in a different method. Here's my small code so far; myPanel = new JPanel(); JButton myButton = new JButton("create buttons"); myButton.addActionListener(new ActionListen...

App designer in GUI format

Hi All, My first post here so please be gentle. I have only just started looking to ios programming after working in the automation systems programming world for a while. it strikes me that there are no fast build program interfaces out there. the closest to what i have been looking for comes from CommandFusion but their GUIdesigner sof...

Making TAB key work on Windows dialog

I'm working on a Windows project with a simple dialog created with CreateWindowEx() it contains multiple panes loaded with CreateDialog() to load the layout from a resource file. On the child panes there are a number of controls including text boxes and buttons which I would like to use TAB to navigate around but all I get is the Windows...

visual c++ gui app implementing bonjour sdk

does anyone have a simple example on how to use the bonjour sdk with a windows visual c++ form application or a general gui application? as far as i know apple provides examples only for c sharp, java and vb thanks a lot for any help ...

Creating a GUI with different components

I want to develop a WinForms application and the purpose of this application is creation of a GUI with different components. I should have two forms: The GUI designer. It allows selecting components like Combobox, TextBox, Button, etc. for the form. It allows make changes for properties like Location, Size, Visible, Caption. It allows ...

[Android] Is there a way to disable all the items in a specific layout programmaticaly?

Hi, I have A game to which I recently added a global high score functionality which made a lot of people upset so I want to add the option of disabling it. What I did was this: in my settings activity view, I added the following: <!-- High Score Tracking --> <LinearLayout android:layout_weight="40" android:layout_width="fill_parent" ...

Passing events to parent

Hi, I'd like to create an app where some events are supposed to be handled as if they were delivered to parent containers. For example I've got a JPanel which contains JLabel. The top JPanel implements mousepress and dragging right now. What do I need to do, in order to make the events look like they arrived to JPanel instead of the labe...

How to tell if python script is being run in a terminal or via GUI?

I'm working in Linux and am wondering how to have python tell whether it is being run directly from a terminal or via a GUI (like alt-F2) where output will need to be sent to a window rather than stdout which will appear in a terminal. In bash, this done by: if [ -t 0 ] ; then echo "I'm in a terminal" else zenity --info --tit...