
I don't know how to choose the gui develop tech, can some guys give me any advices?

Hi!guys. I mainly work on c#, and wpf is my first choice when I make desktop software. But I am lack of c++ experience, and I want to develop some desktop software in c++, now I have some problem with the gui framework. I'm learning qt, and compared to wpf, I have much more code to write, I like the xml way to describe gui. But qt's xml ...

gui implementation approach in c# and .NET

Hi, I am a complete begginer in C# and .NET. I am supposed to implement a GUI for a back-end process in C#. The design I am required to follow, is to have a datagrid to display the data and as users click on rows, other representations appear.E.g. a graph of the data. The gui is managed by a process, e.g. ProcessA. Another process, e.g....

Windows Forms GUI Stuck

lets say you are adding a feature to an old and running windows form application now the whole application is running in one thread and the application is really big and have many forms so you cant refract it to run in multithreads, now the application gui freeze everytime you make a process , is there is any way to have an indicator tha...

How to drawn my own progressbar on winforms?

Yoyo experts! I have several progressbars on my Windowsform (NOT WPF), and I would like to use different colors for each one. How can I do this? I've googled , and found that I have to create my own control. But I have no clue , how to do this. Any idea? For example progressBar1 green, progressbar2 red. Edit: ohh, I would like to solve ...

JQuery Visual Diff Plugin

Hello, is there a JQuery visual diff plugin that anybody knows about. Something like you would see on GitHub, BitBucket, or any standard source control site? I have found this and it looks pretty good, but wonder if there are more out there like it. Thank You. ...

Is there a way to call a function right before a PyQt application ends?

I am collecting usage stats for my applications which include how much each session lasts. However, I can't seem to be able to save this information because None Of the signals I tried yet actually succeeds to call my report_session function. This are the signals I have already tried: lastWindowClosed() aboutToQuit() destroyed() Ei...

Does Flex allow full control over UI components?

Hi, I'm wondering what the best tool is for developing a mobile UI is. My requirements are that I retain full control over the look and movement of every UI component. I think Flex might be the best way to do this but I can't tell if I'll have that level of control using their UI components. Any links would be appreciated. Thanks! Edi...

how to write a simple GUI application in VisualC++.

Hi, I wanted to do a simple GUI application in VC++ but can't find any good tutorial for same. I till now just worked in C,linux so dont know how to actually do that. If anyone can point me to some simple "Hello world" GUI application, it will be of great help. With this, I wanted to know is there any special things I need to do if I a...

What should I use to create a Windows GUI?

I'm an experienced UNIX programmer. Now I want to develop a simple Windows application; the programming part would be very easy with almost any tool (it might be C, Perl, or something else). However, I wonder what tool to use in order to have some simple GUI around it? I've read a little about Perl/TK, but understood that it's too old, ...

object oriented design question for gui application

Hello, guys, I am programming a GUI for an application, a cd container to insert cd, and currently I am not very clear and I think I need some help to clarify my understanding about object oriented design. so, first, I use observer pattern to build abstract Model and View classes and also the concrete models(cd container) and concrete ...

how to write a desktop application which uses HTML and CSS for user interface and python/perl/c++/java for the processing?

different languages have different GUI toolkits but It looks very difficult to achieve attractive user interfaces as good as we can using HTML and css with less effort. I dont my application in javascript as I doubt if it has all the required libraries and i want to do it in python. How do I use rendering engines like gecko,webkit etc ...

How to check if a QWidget is already showing?

I'm developing a plugin UI for an existing application using PyQt4. The window is created using uic.loadUi() on the press of a button in the main window. The problem is that if I press the button again (while the window is showing) the window is re-created and unsaved changes are lost. I don't want to make the window modal. Which options...

MakeTkinter take focus

I have a script that uses Tkinter to pop up a window with a message. How do I make sure it takes focus so the user doesn't miss it and explicitly has to dismis the window. the code is : root = Tk() to_read = "Stuff" w = Label(root, text=to_read) w.pack() root.mainloop() Thanks. ...

Why does Tkinter frame resize when text box is added to it?

With this code, the window is 500 by 500, which is what I'm going for: from tkinter import * root = Tk() frame = Frame(root, width=500, height=500) frame.pack() root.mainloop() When I add a text box to the frame, though, it shrinks to just the size of the text box: from tkinter import * root = Tk() frame = Frame(root, width=500, h...

Super-simple GUIs in JRuby

I'm porting Unix-land Ruby script to JRuby and Windows, and I need to give it very simple user interface. What I need is just selecting input file, select output directory, a few checkboxes or such trivial options, and big process button. There is no UI in Unix version, as this is trivial command line business in Unix world, but command...

Java - GUI's, Panels, and Subclassing.

I'm reading an introduction to Java book. I'm about three/fourths of the way through the GUI section, and learning about add different JComponents to a JFrame to create a UI. I'm confused about one thing, though. The book (in the examples) created a Frame, and then added 4 panels by subclassing one after the other. (In other words: It e...

Qt: Best way to implement "oscilloscope-like" realtime-plotting

Hi I'm working on a Gui-Module for Qt to plot realtime measurements like in an digital oscilloscope, based on Qwt. Everything works so far like it should, but maybe there are some features left to add ;-) In the moment the data is stored column-wise in QVectors, together with one global timeReference QVector in one seperate QObject. So...

How to learn xInput and gesture programming in Linux (GTK+)

Ramble: I have been goggling for the past ~week trying to get information on tablet programming for Linux. I am currently a student tasked with making a tablet application (mobile but tablet is the preferred device). I am allowed to program with Linux however the class instruction is based on Microsoft XP tablet input "Inking." I howe...

What prior knowledge do i need to have for socket programming?

I have to design GUI for authentication. Which will have 1. User name 2. Password using The stream socket, The packet socket or The raw packet in php and mysql language. any references or tutorials? ...

python glade: window doesn't appear

I initially had a GladeXML object error. But I solved it after reading this post --> I've tried both the solutions mentioned there. However the window still doesn't appear. ...