
Can Python + Qt combination produce a real time spectral analysis tool?

Hi I want to develop a tool that does the following things. take in a live voice recording produce a real time spectrogram show the time-domain signal output few values extracted from the spectral analysis All of these have to be kept updated in a window as the voice is recorded. I have worked with numpy. But I'm completely new to...

How do I code a GUI Selection Box?

I want to build into my app a way to select multiple objects on the screen (this is an HTML page with a bunch of absolutely positioned HTML divs). You know, like when you click down with the mouse and drag a transparent/translucent box and anything within that box gets selected upon mouse release? I don't know how to go about coding tha...

want to copy from one canvas to another

I want to copy the image drawn in one canvas (details) into another canvas. The commonly discussed solution of using bitmaps will not work because the Bitmap class does not have many of the important methods belonging to the Canvas class. Are there any other solutions? ...

For the same screen resolution and DPI settings, Can the pixels for a IDE control change between two OSes?

Assume a GUI application is opened on three machines running Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows7. In all the three machines, the screen resolution and the DPI settings are set to be the same value. Will there be a difference in the way the application is displayed on the screen in terms of number of pixels used and their position on t...

[Android] UI - How to display GridView and Linear layout togather.

Hello All, I want to display GridView (with text and image) and group of text box below grid view. Problem is my gridview do not have fixed entries. It is varying between 1 & 10. I want to resize it as per count of items in grid view. How can i do that? Where can i get height of gridview in JAVA code? Also, i want to display my group...

A firefox plugin for driving UI of web apps

Does anyone know of a firefox plugin that can be used to drive the UI of a Web app? ...

How does a Windows non-native user interface work?

Hello! Through experience I have found that the native windows forms/components don’t like to be changed. I know using Delphi or Visual Studio you are given native windows components to populate a form or window with and then you attach code on events that these components may do (onClick for example). However, how do all of these prog...

What's a good language and/or framework to get started with desktop GUI programming?

I've been doing web programming for a few years and not really done much desktop GUI programming except for a couple very small command line things. I would like to learn more about it just for the sake of learning but I'm not really sure where to start. The two main "camps" seem to be Java and .Net but I imagine there are others as well...

Themed progressbar for EasyDialogs or Python Win32's examples?

Looking for a way to have the native Windows progressbar implemented via EasyDialogs or Python Win32's example use the operating systems theme support so that the progressbar shows a modern user interface vs. something that's a throwback to Windows 95. I've tried compiling both these techniques as py2exe executables with ...

perl win32::gui remove elements

I have a dialogbox, to which i populate elements(labels) on activate event. I want to remove these elements(labels) when the window is being deactivated. something like:[its erroneous fragment of main code but explanatory] my $wchRW = Win32::GUI::DialogBox->new( -name => "wchR", -title => "whed", -left => CW_USEDEFAULT, -size ...

Android checkbox ui change

How can I have a checkbox in my ui alter my ui live? For example, if the box is unchecked I want a spinner to be displayed, and if the box is checked I want a text box to be displayed in place of the spinner. I know how to create the checkbox and check its status but I don't know how to hide and reveal other elements in an activity. ...

how to make a Command Line Interface from a given data model used for GUI

HI, guys. I am developing a GUI to configure and call several external programs with Python and I use wxPython for the GUI toolkits. Basically, instead of typing commands and parameters in each shell for each application (one application via one shell), the GUI is visualizing these parameters and call them as subprocesses. I have built t...

Android: GUI: Getting items from listview

I am having custom listview(with image, text and check box) and a button(named Done) in my listactivity. I am able to check/un check check box upon list item click event by implementing listvw.setOnItemClickListener(). Now when i click Done button, I want to know how many list items are checked. How to do that? ...

Android align Image Buttons on a curve?

I have a series of buttons on a main menu. Instead of the standard side by side, or one on top of the other, I'd like them to be aligned around a semi-circle. Since I can't drag and drop the buttons to the place I'd like to in the designer, I was wondering the best way to do this? Can I do it in the XML, or would it be best to do it prog...

WPF Set Owner on Window created on own dedicated UI thread

Hi All I have the following code, which runs a WPF window on it's own dedicated UI thread: // Create the dedicated UI thread for AddEditPair window Thread addEditPairThread = new Thread(() => { // Initialise the add edit pair window addEditPair = new AddEditPair(this); addEditPair.PairRecordAdded += new EventHandler<PairRec...

What prior knowledge do i need to have about socket programming?

0 down vote favorite I have to design GUI for authentication. Which will have 1. User name 2. Password using The stream socket, The packet socket or The raw it possible in php and mysql language. any references or tutorials? ...

Handle key presses using swt.

Hi! I'm want do someStuff() when CTRL-C pressed. I had wrote some code, but it "not enough good". What can I do with it?) //org.eclipse.draw2d.Shape getShape(){....} getShape().addKeyListener(new KeyListener(){ @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) { } @Override public void keyR...

Is there a library or reference around showing how to build a Ribbon menu using PyGTK?

Hey there, everyone. A really random question, but I'm looking to get into some GUI programming with Python, specifically with the PyGTK library. I've only ever done GUI programming with Java/Swing, and I'd like to do some independent, personal projects in Python as a way of learning my way around the language, since it's been something ...

What is the typical way of going about monitor resolution when making a full screen GUI?

I'm making a program that will have a widget that has to be fixed in size, is there an industry standard for smallest resolution width? What are some common way of dealing with this problem? ...

C++ to pyQt movie player Widget conversion example ?? I´ve found those links above but I must say I´m not familiar with C++ at all and I could not convert to PyQt ... Would be extremely helpfull if someone could post a simple conversion code here, so I could dig into that. Thanks...