
Switching from GUI to Command Prompt in Java?

My professor assigned a project where a simulation is ran through a GUI. To edit it, we need to create a "New" menu item. We haven't learned how to get data from a GUI, and our book does not cover it at all. What I'm trying to do, is when the "New" command is hit, focus gets shifted back to the CMD prompt, where System.out. starts work...

How do you test visual components?

I think I understand unit testing. But I was wondering: is there a way to automate something visual, like making sure anti-aliasing works or that the rounded corners on a web site look how they are supposed to? I have a feeling that it just isn't practical, but I have little experience in the QA world. ...

Reading from a text field in another application's window

Is there a way for a Windows application to access another applications data, more specifically a text input field in GUI, and grab the text there for processing in our own application? If it is possible, is there a way to "shield" your application to prevent it? EDIT: The three first answers seem to be about getting the another applic...

How to design a good "progress panel"

For tasks that will take more than a few seconds, a good user interface, in my opinion, should provide a progress bar along with appropriate information on the progress of the operation. (Microsoft kindly provide User Interface Guidelines on this topic, but I want a status panel that is a bit more advanced.) The "task" class I am using ...

Book Recommendation for Winforms Design & Programming

I'm looking for a book or a good resource about the following subjects : Best Practices on Windows Forms design (such best way to design GUIs -using anchors-, using default fonts, avoiding changing colours etc.) Advice about common GUI pitfalls (usability, accessibility, compatibility) Basically I've got a WinForms application and I...

How do I force an NSPopUpButtonCell to redisplay itself?

I'm creating a custom subclass of NSPopUpButton and NSPopUpButtonCell to display a lone icon on top of the button instead of the usual text. To do this I'm overriding - (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView in my button cell subclass to draw my icon at the appropriate size and location. When the ...

C++ developing a GUI - classes?

I do have to say I'm fairly inexperienced when it comes to C++, don't be too harsh on me. Recently stumbled unto the wonders of the win32 API and have chosen to practice using it (I'd rather not use MFC/wxWidgets/etc at this point, just for educational purposes). Well, my real question is: How do you properly code your win32 GUI stuff ...

What are some good examples showing that "I am not the user"?

I'm a software developer who has a background in usability engineering. When I studied usability engineering in grad school, one of the professors had a mantra: "You are not the user". The idea was that we need to base UI design on actual user research rather than our own ideas as to how the UI should work. Since then I've seen some goo...

Set a disabled TextBox's ForeColor to be the same as its BackColor in C#

How do I set a disabled TextBox's current text color to be the same as its current background color in C#? Simply doing txtLala.ForeColor = txtLala.BackColor does not seems to work. ...

Markup-based GUI for python

I want to get myself into programming some serious GUI based applications, but when I look at things like Swing/SWT from Java, I can't help but HATE programming a GUI interface by creating "widget" objects and populating them and calling methods on them. I think GUI design should be done in a separate text-based file in some markup fo...

What are some of the "best" cross-platform C++ UI toolkits today?

I am writing a high performance system in portable modern c++. A lot of STL and Boost. I'd like to start building some front ends to this system. Ordinarily I would opt to use a non c++ solution to a UI, however this is meant to be a very high performance UI, meaning low latency to respond to messages, high volume of messages to sort and...

Graphics library for embedded systems without Linux?

It seems that any kind of graphic library like DirectFB or MiniGui requires some sort of underlying operation system like Linux or uClinux. I am challenged with writing a software for a micro controller with just 512kb flash, an LCD display and a touchscreen to display and handle some pictures and GUI parts. Do you know any library whi...

What makes user interfaces appealing to you?

This is a question for anyone that has dealt with UI's or has a passion for UI's. There are numerous good user interface designs. Ranging from the iPhone UI (Black transparency w/blue highlights), to Windows XP (Blue and green fisher price), to Mac OS X (Blue/Grey matte), to the colourful World of Warcraft UI. What makes one user inter...

Java GUI - General

Hello all you helpful folks @ stackoverflow! Best resources for Java GUI's? Looking at the Java Documentation, it is pretty easy to figure out the basics of JButtons, JFrames, etc but grasping the concepts of accessing JComponents from a frame, what creating a different panel does, etc is not very easy to understand. Is there some tut...

Java GUI Creating Components

I hope it is correct term-wise to say that components in a GUI is like JButton, JPanel, JTextField, all that good stuff. I want to create a text field that takes in an integer. Then a submit button can be pressed and based on the integer that was inputted, create that many textfields in a popup window or whatever. I have no clue, could...

AJAX form editing and design

I want to build into mt ASP.NET application the ability for users to fill up forms, but the forms are not something I can hard-code into my (Enterprise) software. So I need one screen that lets end users create the forms. Doing it the 2.0 way, I just love what PollDaddy did in their survey editor (great job guys!). How do I replicate th...

Java GUI repaint() problem? [solved]

Hi, I have a JFrame. This JFrame contains a JButton. I click the JButton and 10 JTextFields are created. the problem: I cannot see them until "I force a repaint()" by resizing the window. Only then do I see the JTextFields created. CODE: JPanel points = new JPanel(); //Creating the JTextFields: for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { JTextFie...

Java GUI Swing Model Explanation

I've been working with Java GUI for a while now but the whole model/structure of JFrames, paint(), super, etc is all murky in my mind. I need a clear explanation or link that will explain how the whole GUI system is organized. stackoverflow-ers: can you help me? Thanks everyone, some more answers would be better but this is great! ...

JTable updates not appearing

I have a JTable with a custom TableModel called DataTableModel. I initialized the table with a set of column names and no data as follows: books = new JTable(new DataTableModel(new Vector<Vector<String>>(), title2)); JScrollPane scroll1 = new JScrollPane(books); scroll1.setEnabled(true); scroll1.setVisible(true); JSplitPane jsp1 = new J...

Close an easygui Python script with the standard 'close' button

I've created a very simple app, which presents an easygui entrybox() and continues to loop this indefinitely as it receives user input. I can quit the program using the Cancel button as this returns None, but I would also like to be able to use the standard 'close' button to quit the program. (ie. top right of a Windows window, top left...