
SWT Notification animated box (a.k.a toaster) needed

In a Java project (SWT desktop app), I want to inform the user about events through animated notification box (actually, it's not required to be animated). Something like MSN or any other IM client. There is JToaster for Swing, but I wonder if there isn't any other implementation based on SWT. Thanks! ...

Debugging GUI Applications in C++

Background: I'm currently debugging an application written over a custom-built GUI framework in C++. I've managed to pin down most bugs, but the bugs I'm having the most trouble with tend to have a common theme. All of them seem to be to do with the screen refreshing, redrawing or updating to match provided data. This is a pain to debug,...

Custom Publish/Subscribe eventing and the build it .Net eventing in Winforms

I had to design and implement my own publish subscribe eventing to satisfy the requirements of a dynamic UI Winform design. Is there any .Net library that supports pub/sub out there that I can compare mine and improve? ...

How is GUI and Game Program Flow compared to Web programs

I've been developing Web applications for a while now and have dipped my toe into GUI and Game application development. In the web application (php for me), a request is made to the file, that file includes all the necessary files to process the info into memory, then the flow is from Top to Bottom for each request. (mainly) I know tha...

Java GUI repainting problem?

This one's a tough one - I have a JFrame that generates JTextFields. When I go from generating 2 JTextFields to 12 JTextfields (for example), I see some error where there is an extra differently-sized JTextField at the end. It seems to be a repaint error. code: import java.awt.; import javax.swing.; public class Main ...

Pattern for UI: Same object, displayed differently

Hello all! I have an application for entering in serial numbers to a database. A serial number has a set number of attributes that defines it and the the user must/may provide them to generate. public class Serial { public string Number {get; set;} public string Part {get; set;} public string MfgOrder {get; set;} publi...

What is the draw order (OnPaint / OnPaintBackground event) in child-parent controls?

Using C# .NET Compact Framework I am creating a GUI control that contains and controls children that are also custom controls (i.e. System.Windows.Forms.UserControl). Both, children and parent have custom drawing routines (OnPaint). To better understand and optimize the drawing routines I would like to clarify the draw order under .NET. ...

How do I get the native "look and feel" using WPF?

I've just started developing a WPF application. This is not my first WPF app, but it will be the first that needs some polish. I know quite a bit about the "plumbing" of WPF such as binding, etc., but very little about how to polish it up. I don't need a snazzy UI. I just need something that looks like a native Windows app. For instance,...

WPF problems refreshing textblock bound to console.stdout

I am building a small wpf app in C#. When a button gets clicked a third party dll function constructs a tree like object. This object is bound to a treeview. This works fine but takes a bit of time to load. As the dll function constructs the object it prints progress info to the console. I want to redirect this into a TextBlock so th...

getting and handling the key presses in a J2ME GUI application

Hi, i am quiet new to J2ME GUI programming (or developing with java in general), so this question might sound very basic to some of you. I am going to ask it anyway since i can't figure out how to do this. Here it is: I programmed a bluetooth TV-Remote control for cellphones in J2ME using javax.microedition.lcdui.* (Gauge, List, ChoiseG...

How to change the layout of a WPF Control from outside of that Control

Hi, I am big into code generation for the service/data layer of my apps. What I would really love to do is generate some basic WPF Controls, Data Templates, or some other XAML code based on the metadata I use to generate my service/data layer. EDIT: This generation is done before compile time. What I envision is being able to generate...

GUI design: Merge 'Save' and 'Save as', any ideas?

I am working on a GUI (OpenG Builder), and want to merge the Save and Save As button into one button. Does anyone have an idea how to perform such an act? My thoughts go to a 'hot spot' for 'save as' on the right side of the button, indicated by a glyph. Any other ideas or GUI screenshots implementing such a feature in an intuitive way...

How to apply Test Driven development for GUI application(VC MFC)?

Can I use TDD for gui application? How to do it. ...

Where should I start drawing? (Java,GUI)

I have the points by the end of the GenerateButton class but now that I got my public double[][] matrix with all the points in, where do I begin drawing them??? my import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Main { public static Display display = new Display(); public static void main(String[] args) { ...

How do I retrofit a GUI to an existing C program?

I've been working on a project of porting an old solaris CL program to run on Linux, and barring some unrelated hardware issues, that's finished. Now I want a GUI for it, so the user can choose among the various options with drop downs and check boxes, as well as some text input areas for options that aren't so restricted, like the filen...

Hand Coded GUI Versus Qt Designer GUI

I'm spending these holidays learning to write Qt applications. I was reading about Qt Designer just a few hours ago, which made me wonder : what do people writing real world applications in Qt use to design their GUIs? In fact, how do people design GUIs in general? I, for one, found that writing the code by hand was conceptually simpler...

Is Java the best language to develop cross-platform GUI applications?

For "best" I intend that the code shouldn't need, or need very few, platform specific tweaks. ...

Emacs M-x commands for invoking "GUI-style" menus

Question: How could I find out the M-x equivalent commands for doing GUI-based operations in Emacs, in those cases where my Emacs-variant uses OS-specific desktop functionality? Background: Conventional understanding states that everything in Emacs is a command, and that commands can be invoked via M-x, as long as you know the name of t...

Are there any college programs centered around user interface design?

I am very interested in user interface design and application interaction. Are there any colleges or technical schools that offer degrees or programs in this area of study? ...

BlackBerry - Add items to a ListField

Can someone please give me a simple example on how to add three rows to a ListField so that the list shows something like this? Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 I just want to show a list in which the user can select one of the items and the program would do something depending on the item selected. I've search all over the internet but it seem...