
Modal operation using IMessageFilter and DoEvents

This is a Windows Forms application. I have a function which captures some mouse events modally till a condition is met. For example, I would like to wait for the user to select a point in the window's client area (or optionally cancel the operation using the Escape key) before the function returns. I am using the following structure: A...

PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom - What's the zoom factor?

I have a PictureBox (its SizeMode property set to Zoom) containing an image, and both may vary in size. Since the user has to interact with the image directly, I need to be able to convert the PictureBox click coordinates to image coordinates. What I have done so far, is compare the aspect ratio of the PictureBox to the aspect ratio of...

Unicode characters not showing in System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

These characters show fine when I cut-and-paste them here from the VisualStudio debugger, but both in the debugger, and in the TextBox where I am trying to display this text, it just shows squares. 说明\r\n海流受季风影响,3-9 月份其流向主要向北,流速为2 节,有时达3 节;10 月至次年4 月份其流向南至东南方向,流速为2 节。\r\n注意\r\n附近有火山爆发的危险,航行时严加注意\r\n I thought that the TextBox supported...

how to control focus in JTable

What I want to do is when user finish editing of data in table cell to move focus onto another cell depending of what user entered, and to turn that cell into editing mode so user can start typing immediately with no additional action. This way user can focus on his work and software will do the 'thinking' about which cell should be edit...

Is there a MVC pattern for C# in WPF

Howdy, Is there a pattern where in WPF, I can build a simple UI form from an XML like definition file pulled from a database? It would allow the user to enter data into this form, and submit it back. The data would be sent back in an XML structure that would closely/exactly mimic the UI definition. The definition should includ...

What cross-platform GUI libraries are simple, lightweight, and have minimal dependencies?

I've written a small command line utility in Python (ljdump if you're curious). I originally wrote it for a technical audience who is comfortable with editing textual config files and running Python scripts from the command line. With Python, I don't have to worry about cross-platform concerns very much. I would like to make this more a...

Looping buffered paint animations for custom default buttons in Vista

We custom draw our push buttons in Vista, which allows us to use the fading / BufferedPaintAnimation features. However one thing that has eluded me is how to handle the default button. This is the one that continues fading (pulsing) that is not in response to user action. I have considered setting a timer for the animation duration, but ...

Design from the database first through to UI or t'other way round?

Do you always lean towards thinking of db schema when starting or planning a new project it or do you go the other way and start designing UI then moving down the stack? Or do you have a different way of developing? Not really an agile/waterfall/specs/stories question just a way of getting a handle on which way people lean when working...

Swing components inside HTML

Does anybody know of a pure java (ar at least cross platform) open source component/library which displays HTML which can contain swing components inside it? All I could find were either abandoned or incomplete. I am asking because I'm thinking about trying out approach to do use this combination for creating desktop application. EDIT...

Java: How do you style Swing components?

Hello, I'm writing my first Java project. I was wondering if it's possible to style the Swing components (set a background color, remove the borders from the buttons, etc.) ...

"Connecting" nonGUI objects to GUI objects.

I have a set of nonGUI objects which have a one to one realtionship with GUI objects. All events are routed through the top level window. Many ( not all ) events occuring on the GUI object result in calling a method on the associated object. Some methods in the NonGui objects which when called change the GUI objects. One example wo...

How to implement full-screen mode?

How full-screen mode, like in web browsers, for application running under Windows OS is implemented? Is it more complex then maximizing a window and hiding window decoration? ...

Has anyone used smartwin (a Windows C++ GUI OS library)?

I am considering using smartwin for a Windows platform only C++ project but notice that there has not been a release for 18months since 2.0rc5 was released i.e. it appears that it is no longer maintained. After playing with it seems pretty good, I like it's use of templates, signals/slots (via boost) and it will meet the project needs ...

JSeparator with Title

Hi Do somebody knows a (free) horizontal JSeparator with a title label? Something like that: --- Title XYZ -------------------- Thank you in advance! Best Regards Thomas ...

How to make a wx Toolbar buttons larger?

I've got a wx.Toolbar and I'd like to make the buttons larger. I've searched and can't seem to find any concrete documentation on how to do this. I'm also wondering how well this will translate across platforms; what will happen to the buttons and icons on OSX? ...

Windows Task Manager style UI control

How do you write the kind of histogram UI like the one in Task Manager in Windows? The best I could find is this one below But it is web ui, which is not usable in my standalone executable project. I'm trying to write a performance history meter appl...

Is there a library that generates UIs based on metadata declarations like this>>?

Hello, Do you know about a library that allows us to generate UI by just stating that it should be generated? I think there must be a person who have implemented a mechanism allowing us to transform code like this: class Main { @Command int add(int a, int b) { return a+b; } } into, say, a dialog with 2 text fields...

Table cell widths - fixing width, wrapping/truncating long words

I have a table containing cells with text of various lengths. It is essential that all of the table cells are of the same width. If this means truncating long words or forcing a break in long words then that's OK. I cannot figure out any way of getting this to work. This is for an internal client application so needs to work in IE6 and...

How do you handle form customizations for different customers?

In our application we sometimes have to make minor GUI modifications for different customers: One customer has an input field the others don't have. Another customer has all default fields but one of the optional input fields is mandatory. A third customer has the default fields, but one field has its caption changed A fourth customer ...

best way to show several images on a winform in c#

best way to show several images on a winform in c#? Datagrid? ...