
What constitutes a great GUI?

Possible Duplicates: Best Practices & Principles for GUI design Looking for some examples of GUI apps with great design. What would you say are the most important factors when programming a user interface? What makes it good, and what makes it great? Examples? ...

organizing gui code in c#

what are the best ways to manage code in a single-form app that has many different components? for example, think of a financial app that has a product picker for browsing/choosing a product to view; a handful of real-time tickers for prices, interest rates, or whatever; a scrolling news feed; various charts; a grid displaying locally ca...

How can I add the keys of a LinkedHashMap to a JList?

I have a LinkedHashMap<String,Object> and was wondering what the most efficient way to put the String portion of each element in the LinkedHashMap into a JList. ...

Prevent a timer from updating a text box if the key cursor is in the box

Is it possible to check if a TextCtrl is under keyboard focus (blinking cursor in text box) without defining a handler for EVT_SET_FOCUS? I just want to do a quick boolean check to prevent a wx.Timer from overwriting the text box if the user is writing something in the box. ...

Which components should I use to achieve such a visual effect?

Hi, I found a nice looking app made by Kap Lab. I like the components on the left, especially the grey background with rounded corners. It feels like one solid piece of GUI, despite it's made of four different components. I tried to put VBox, make its background grey, round corners and put other components with sligtly less width on the...

How to do pings in a rubyqt application so the GUI doesn't freeze?

I am writing an application, which shall work with networks. As a GUI I am using rubyqt. To determine if a Server is up I have to ping it (with net/ping). But I ran in to a problem. If the server is down, the GUI freezes for the timeout, even if I put the code in a Thread or IO.popen loop eg.'switch') do if Net::PingE...

Creating nice GUI

I'm seeking graphic advice on how to have your interface look better. So far I've been focusing on usability but its starting to look like a Jakob Nielsen kind of interface. I'm searching for tutorials on how to pimp up my windows forms application or at least general guidelines on how to do so edit : thank you for the info. I was lo...

How to draw your own NSTabView tabs?

Hi, I want to draw my own tabs for NSTabViewItems. My Tabs should look different and start in the top left corner and not centered. How can I do this? ...

Is there documentation available for Thinlet 0.75?

I've recently downloaded Thinlet 0.75 ( and was wondering if anyone knew of decent documentation for this framework? The tutorials/examples I have found online seem to refer to an older version of Thinlet as the code/xml is no longer applicable. The only semblance of documentation within the zip file...

Rotate graphic towards mouse in WPF (like an analog dial)

In WPF/C# how would I rotate a "graphic" to face the current mouse position? Basically what I want is a "wheel" UI Control (like an analog volume dial). I want to be able to click and drag the dial and it will rotate to follow the mouse. Then when I release the mouse it will stop following (obviously!). How would I create one of these?...

.NET Compact framework - make scrollbars wider

Is there some way, how to make scrollbar wider in winforms for .net compact framework? I want to be application finger-friendly, but the scrollbars are very narrow for people with not-small fingers. EDIT: The problem is with built-in scrollbars in components like ListView, DataGrid, etc... Windows Mobile 6.0, .NET Compact Framework 3....

Layered window still receiving WM_PAINT message after UpdateLayeredWindow call

I've got a few layered windows in my app that use UpdateLayeredWindow() to handle their visual representation. According to the MSDN article on layered windows, "when using UpdateLayeredWindow() the application doesn't need to respond to WM_PAINT or other painting messages." They shared some of the same message handlers as non-layered ...

Does Mediator Pattern work in this situation?

So for my current project, there are basically three main Java classes: GUI Instant Messaging Computation Essentially, there needs to be full communication, so we've decided to use the mediator approach rather than than allow the GUI to run the entire project. Basically, the mediator is going to encapsulate the communication. The pr...

select GUI on windows (wxPy vs pyQt)

Hello! We are plan to create an application for monitoring and configuring our service (which is running on remote server). After long time discuss, we decide for python as pl for our app, because we love and know python (better, than english, really). but we don't know, what GUI toolkit preffered for our aims. We need fast (for develop...

Easy-to-use GUI that is zoomable and pannable?

Hello: I am looking for a GUI toolkit that is easy to use and cross-platform. Another major requirement of the GUI is that it should support zoom and pan. For example, I should be able to zoom in on a picture and enlarge buttons. Something like this: But it should have Windows support also...

JQuery Slider, how to make "step" size change

Is it possible to use the JQuery Slider (range slider / dual slider) to have non-linear (non consistent "step" size) values? I want to horizontal Slider to look like: |----|----|----|----|----|--------|--------|-------------------------|--------------------------|... 0 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 ...

C# Where to place code that retrieves GUI data?

I'm puzzling with where to place some code. I have a listbox and the listitems are stored in the database. The thing is, where should I place the code that retrieves the data from the database? I do already have a database class with a method ExecuteSelectQuery(). Shall I create Utility class with a method public DataTable GetGroupData()...

What is the best way to make a QTableView's cells have up and down button pushed states in Qt?

I'm trying to make the cells of a QTableView look like 3D clickable buttons. So that when you click on a cell, the button looks pushed. Everyone seems to think I merely want to change the colour, I need to show images of a normal button, and a pushed button, that look 3-dimensional. I have done this already with calling QTableView::setI...

Is there a tool for automated user interface testing java mobile apps?

I'm looking for some sort of framework to automate user interface testing of a java mobile app. We're developing in netbeans ide for the most part, and I've found various articles related to unit testing, but what I'm really looking for is some way to simulate a user clicking through the various menus and dialogs. Does such a thing exis...

Double Click vs Single Click - are these mutually exclusive

Can anyone name an instance of an application where clicking an entity (say image) does one thing, but if you double-click it it does something different? The only example I've been able to find is in double-clicking a track in iTunes but then that selects it (single click function) and then plays it (double-click function) which implie...