
Are there any good documents or websites that show design guidelines for XAML GUIs?

I am looking for some guidelines or standards for XAML GUI design... or even a very good set of examples that show nice GUI that I can use as a starting point. Over the years I have grown into a very good Battleship Grey Dialog designer, but those are old, and ugly now... and I need to revamp a couple of product GUIs. I know with XAML...

creating a bitmap pattern for a window's HBRUSH

Well, I sort of want to have sort of a faint striped pattern across a window... Just, 'cause it'd look nice. Anyways, I know I can just make a hatched brush, like so: however, I can only set the foreground color, and I don't know how to make the background not white (just use the default window color). I was poking around MSDN trying ...

How do I change the background of a STATIC win32 control?

If the parent form of a (text) static control has a pattern on its background, then the area around the static control is an ugly blotch of solid color. How can I paint the background of the static control with the same pattern that its parent window uses? I've tried this, SetClassLong(retval , GCL_HBRBACKGROUND, (LONG)stripes); w...

What is best programming language to make Windows GUIs?

What is best programming language to make Windows GUIs? ...

Swing: How to make non-rectangular windows with soft borders?

Hello! How could I make non-rectangular windows with soft borders in Java? Soft borders (also known as soft clipping) are borders without aliasing artifacts. I searched the web a lot and found several posts about translucent and/or non-rectangular windows. The topic "soft border" is confusing. It seems that the information I found dea...

Getting the containing window of a known control using the control's handle

This is probably an easy one for a GUI programmer, which I'm not... In a tool I'm working on (GUI "spy" for internal use) I have the handle of a control the user has chosen. I would like to get the handle of the window that contains the control, in order to sent it a certain message. Now: The control could be of various types, and po...

Get Active Tab in SWT TabFolder

I apologize if this question is too basic, but I just can't figure out how to do this. I have a SWT TableFolder with two tabs, and I need to determine which of those two tabs are currently active, as it effects the behavior of another part of the program. Is this possible? Thank you in advance. ...

GUI: Changing panels based on value of combo box

Hi, I have a question about GUI design, specifically with Java Swing and creating clean separation between presentation and model. It's a bit difficult to describe, but essentially we have lots of reference data in our system (i.e. that would correspond to lookup tables in the DB). We want people to be able to edit them all from one scr...

Question About Icons and GUI For Notepad++ Lovers

In the notepad++ website there's a technique to change the icons with any other "ico" format image. Each icon has it special name in order to be detected by notepad++. For instance, the new file icon is: new_normal.ico. The open file icon is: fileopen_normal.ico and so on. But I can't find the special names for Synchronize Vertical Scrol...

Vista style explorer/folder view

I am trying to have a list of large (256x256) icons in a listview similar to vista explorer windows, but the winforms' listview control doesn't look like vista's listview. Before I dig into WPF, can someone tell me if WPF listview can do this? Basically I get this (solid blue selection): instead of this (semi transparent blue select...

How to do smooth scrolling for lists in Swing

On the iPhone scrolling through lists is animated smoothly. Ignoring the inertia effect (though having it would be cool as well) - how would I go about making a Swing listbox scroll smoothly like that? There are other examples as well, like browsers, but those use native controls which I cannot use with Swing. ...

default and sdbarker_tiny GUI of NSIS

Hi All, I'm trying to modify and resize the windows of default.exe which you can find in the Contrib/UI subfolder of NSIS. However, after saving the modifications to it I'm not able to see the changes in my installer's GUI. I tried deleting default.exe only to find out that it's not the default GUI used by NSIS when you're not using ...

Static UI vs Dynamic UI

In some application with UI, what is better (easy, friendly, etc.) to a user: UI is static (don't depends on user state). E.g user see some button, but it's grayed out or when it's clicked, a message, that this action is not applicable right now, is shown. or UI is dynamic (depend on user state). E.g. user don't see buttons, that a...

Mercurial and gwsmhg

Has anybody use gwsmhg GUI tool for Mercurial? Any luck running it on Windows? ...

Qt must-read

Qt has power and lot's of conceptual intricacies - that's my ipression after using/learning it for a few months. Reading a whole book on the subject is unfeasible, because I neither possess the ignorance of "dummies" or "complete idiots" nor enough perseverance and free time. On the other hand official doc pages (even those broad-view ...

Swing tweaks for Mac OS X

I remember having once seen a list of properties that could be set on Swing components to make them look more native on Mac OS X. This included ways to mark "dirty" documents with the "dot" in the window close button, open dialogs as sheets (not sure about that, but sure would be nice) etc. I know Apple has let Java down as a "primary"...

Using Netbeans to design GUIs and the ability to start with Web Start.

I designed a GUI program using Netbeans 6.5 on a computer running Vista. I uploaded it to my server and tested out the web start. It worked fine. Later when using a Mac, it was not able to work. I tested it out in Ubuntu and was unsuccessful as well. I even tried to compile the source code on Ubuntu and I got this: Task required to...

Can a GNOME application be automated? How?

Can a GNOME application be automated? I.e., can I programatically interact with its user inteface? How? ...

minimal cross-platform gui lib?

Hi. I'm looking for a minimal and easy to learn C or C++ cross platform gui library. In a nutshell I only need the following functionality: application window menu bar some simple dialogs, File-open and save. Maybe a user-written one. user canvas where I can draw lines an circles on. some kind of message/event loop mechanism. Targ...

GUI to Business Object Mapping VB.Net

The issue I'm currently having is mapping multiple GUI fields to object properties (i.e. Presentation layer to Business Logic Layer mapping). To be more specific, this is in VB.Net 2.0 WinForms. The nature of the solution requires us to have 4 columns which exhibit the same type of behavior on our GUI - each column consisting of 11 tex...