
What is required for building Java Windows Application to access Online MySQL Database

Hello Can anyone list the requirements (i.e. any books, tutorials, libraries etc) to build an application in Java, which could communicate with my MySQL Database which is running on web. I am running an online webstore built in PHP and MySQL. I would like to build a Java Application through which I can (CRUD) Products, Categories, Orde...

Design a GUI for a J2ME app

How do I create a J2ME app for cellphones with a GUI similar to the menus you see in Java games? I've tried MIDlets with Netbeans but they only show you one GUI element at a time. (textbox, choice, login, etc) And which Java IDE would you typically design these GUIs in? Netbeans or Eclipse? and is IntelliJ IDEA usable for this aswell? ...

.NET (C#) winforms "tweet" UI control question

I'm a real dummy at UI building, so I'm wondering - what .NET winforms control would be best to use if aiming to display tweets in a list fashion that updates with like boxes which contain the text of the tweet and its metadata below it. Is there a specific winforms list function for this type of thing? Or do you recommend I look for/use...

Tiny C++ cross-platform GUI toolkit

Which C++ cross-platform GUI toolkit gives smallest footprint with both static and dynamic builds? I don't need a very sophisticated GUI, just basic controls & widgets. Thank you in advance. ...

What's UI framework using by Google to build Gtalk?

Hi all, I like Gtalk's GUI very much. It's clear, simple, and pretty. I don't know What's UI framework using by Google to build Gtalk? Thanks for help. ...

How to communicate between Android tabs

Hi Im trying to setup some tabs for my android application, but i got stuck. I cant find a way to communicate between the tabs.. I got 2 tabs. |Search|Result| The search tab is simply showing a TextEdit and a "Search" button. Hitting the search button should make my app change to the result tab and display the result. i have adde...

Swing: How could I use JTree with JTextPanes as nodes?

JTree uses DefaultTreeCellRenderer as cell renderer. This class is a subclass of JLabel. I want to use JTree with more complex elements than JLabel, such as JTextPane. Problem is: I can't subclass DefaultTreeCellRenderer, because it would still be a JLabel. Writing an own TreeCellRenderer is too complex. Why? Because: DefaultTreeCell...

Is there a JToolBar replacement that offers more functionality?

I'm creating a simple Swing application, then I realized that JToolBar doesn't provide much functionality. For example, I want to add multiple dragable toolbars onto one JFrame, but but I can only have one floatable JToolBar per JFrame if I use JToolbar. I know that NetBeans is built with Swing, and the toolbars on NetBeans have more fu...

Newline in JLabel

How can I display a newline in JLabel? For example, if I wanted: Hello World! blahblahblah This is what I have right now: JLabel l = new JLabel("Hello World!\nblahblahblah", SwingConstants.CENTER); This is what is displayed: Hello World!blahblahblah Forgive me if this is a dumb question, I'm just learning some Swing b...

WinForms - Activity Indicator

In a WinForms application, I want to provide visual feedback that a looping background procedure is ongoing (It isn't something that is initiated by the user or blocks them from using the UI) Edit - It is going on all the time, looped. The user doesn't need to know when an iteration starts or finishes. I'm thinking some kind of small, ...

Dynamically add fields to MATLAB GUI?

I'm generating a MATLAB GUI using GUIDE, but I want to create fields when a user clicks on a button. Is there any way to dynamically add new GUI objects in the callbacks? ...

JRuby + monkeybars with handcoded view

I am looking for examples of handcoded views for JRuby using monkeybars. I need to create the gui dynamically based on external paratmeters. ...

How can web technology be used for a C++ application GUI?

Can web technologies be used for a desktop application written in a traditional language like C++? I'd guess that they can, though I've not been able to find any evidence of this. I understand Adobe Air can make desktop apps using Flash, but it uses web languages like php etc. What I'd like to do is to be able to build my GUI elements - ...

Java UI designer + framework similar to visual studio (drag and drop, floating controls)

I'm looking for a Java UI designer allowing me to drag and drop controls directly to the design surface in a floating mode (without the hassle of north, south etc that comes with SWT). Is there any such tool? Also, I'm only interested in tools offering a trial version. EDIT: I'm only interested in solutions allowing me to drag/drop item...

'Loading circle' or 'busy label' for Swing?

I've used this 'LoadingCircle' project in .net applications. Is there an equivalent component that provides a loading circle for Swing? Are there any other loading indicators available for Swing. ...

Is there a way to configure the fields that get "focus" when a record is opened up for editing in Quickbase?

This is Quickbase. When I open one of my forms to edit a record, the drop down at the top has "focus". That means, it's highlighted just as if the user clicked on it. In a second form I created, nothing seems to have focus when I open up a record to edit. Is this focus something that can be configured? I'd rather nothing had focus w...

Eclipse RCP-based appilication's GUI: interactive design or coding?

Hello. First of all, for the sake of clarity: the question is addressed to those who have experience with ERCP, for those who make, say, business applications. The question is not about a general approach to GUI creation. I am considering the Eclipse RCP as a platform for desktop applications. I am at the very start (I mean with ERCP),...

How can I pass a mouse click to a parent control?

In a Silverlight 2 app, I am using Rectangles on a Canvas to draw a representation of data. I would like to have mouse clicks on the Rectangles be passed on to the control that owns the Canvas. I would also like to be able to show a tooltip with a summary of the data when the mouse is over a Rectangle. So far I've only been able to ac...

Customizable Notifications UI

Hi, I am trying to implement customizable notifications. The notification itself consists of text and some placeholders for system-generated data: ( As you can see the placeholder is in square brackets: [User Name]. For each notification, a number of ...

I'm trying to return a SDL Mix_Music data type, but I'm having problems.

I know I could just make all the Mix_Musics public, and not worry about the problem, but I'd still like to understand how to do it. //header.h class Music { private: Mix_Music * BGMusic, * fall, * reset, * teleport, * win, * singleCubeWin; public: Music(); bool loadMusic(); ...