
Is there a way to convert GUI in image to html?

Hi guys, i have this GUI screen shots from the design team which i needs to convert to a web page and what not. i'm thinking of finding some website which resembles the GUI so that i can copy and paste the html so i don't have to start from scratch. the only drawback about this method is i don't know what website actually looks like that...

How to select multiple folder path usingt FolderBrowserDialog control in

Is it posssible to select multiple folder path from browse dialoge box in Please let me know if there is any link or reference. Thank you. ...

Where can I find the Windows GUI Standard?

I've heard they have standard GUI guideline, but I can't seem to find a working link. Thanks. ...

What method should I use for making my java GUI?

Hi all. I'm making a AWT GUI for a simulation game. I have only been working with java for 2 years, and so have limited experience with building more complex GUIs. I have done a few simple ones, hard coded, and tried jigloo in eclipse. I am thinking of using MIG Layout, although some say I should really try and use jigloo more, or anothe...

JTable not returning selected row correctly

I am working with an extension of the DefaultTableModel as follows: This is the NEW AchievementTableModel after updating it to reflect input from some answers. public AchievementTableModel(Object[][] c, Object[] co) { super(c,co); } public boolean isCellEditable(int r, int c) {return false;} public void replace(Object[][] c, Object[]...

Adding a QT GUI to a Dynamic Library

Greetings overflowers. I am trying to add a GUI to to an existing project. More specifically to a plugin that is loaded as a .so file (or when compiled on win32 a .dll) The project has its own threading implimentation already to deal with portability. I know that QT has its own cross platform threading model but it would be preferable ...

Who decides how an application UI looks?

In some software company, who should be responsible for the UI design: User Designer Manager Boss Depends on company size etc. In UI design I mean not only colors and images, but also control's layout, count, size, style, may be text user see. ...

Swing: How could I get JInternalFrame treated equally to other components inside a container?

Hello! Background information: I am implementing a visual diagram editor, which consists of different complex elements (re-sizable, with title bar, sub-elements) and different simple elements (not re-sizable, no title bar, no sub-elements). All elements are draggable. I am using JInternalFrame (for complex elements) along with JPa...

wxPython SplitterWindow does not expand within a Panel

Hi, I'm trying a simple layout and the panel divided by a SplitterWindow doesn't expand to fill the whole area, what I want is this: [button] <= (fixed size) --------- TEXT AREA } ~~~~~~~~~ <= (this is the splitter) } this is a panel TEXT AREA } The a...

Is there a good GUI Mercurial Client for Windows?

Other than Tortoise HG, what is a good GUI client on windows? I've already looked at: ...

How to use Google Toolbox for Mac for UI unit testing.

Can u pls show a good example on how to use Google Toolbox for Mac for UI unit testing. And every time do i need to have a master image to compare with. Can i use it for testing whether pressing a button has called the right action?? Thank you ...

Standard margins between controls and standard control sizes

For example, Windows Forms Designer offers to place my controls on the form the way there are 12 pixels between form border and control border. It seems too much to me. Is it standard value? Also, as I understand standard button height should be 23 pixels. Am I right? Is there any documents that state all this? And can I setup this defau...

Swing: How to achieve forwarding of all events from subcomponents to parent container?

Hello! I'm looking for a straightforward way to make a Swing component forward all received events to its parent container (or even all parents up to root). EDIT: Where do I need this? I have a diagram editor. Components must forward key press and mouse clicks (to set themselves as "active" as soon as the user clicks a subelement of th...

Optional Entries: How do you Design for completion and reduced abandonment?

This is my first post on here though I read and browsed several questions. I am not sure if this has been asked before...Related Questions didn't seem to have anything with the GUI but optional parameters in language. Anyway, here are the question: Q) How do you design/develop a form with a few optional entries in the form? One option...

Java Swing GUIs on Mac OS X

Have you ever attempted using Swing only to end up changing courses because it just couldn't do what you wanted? I'm pretty new to Swing, having only used it for school projects over 5 years ago, but it seems Swing has come a long way in providing a more native look and feel, so much so that I'm considering using it to develop the GUI f...

Should a cancel button ask for confirmation?

If a user clicks a cancel button should it pop up a dialogue asking for confirmation? If so, should this be all the time, or only when there are unsaved changes on a form? ...

WPF owner window on top of child window

Is it possible for Owner window in WPF be on top of Child window when you click on it while Owner window is below Child window? here is example how I call child window: Window2 window = new Window2(); window.Owner = this; window.Show(); Parent/Owner window will always be under child window. ...

iPod app stops responding after iPod returns from standby mode

The GUI of my application stops responding after the iPod has been in standby mode. The application I have made is based on the "Utility application" template from the wizard in xcode - but the original application still works after the iPod returns from standby. My application plays music (AudioUnit) and when the iPod enters standby the...

How to add image in MATLAB GUI?

I want to switch back and forth between two images, like blinking: 1 second for the first image and one second for second image. ...

How to page through large amounts of historical data via a web application?

I have a web application that functions as a dashboard, allowing a user to see summaries of historical data to view trends, etc. As an extension to this, I want to allow the user to drill-down into the historical data if they so wish. What this will amount to is a table of time-value pairs, showing the time a particular data point was r...