
Why don't I get hotkey underlines in a Delphi TMainMenu

In a Delphi 2007 program I am using a TMainMenu referencing actions in a TAction list. I have prefixed the hotkeys of all main captions with an ampersand: &File | &Edit | Ev&aluate | ... In design view these hotkeys are underlined as I would expect, but when I start the program they no longer are underlined but they work nonetheless. ...

Initiating a commandline tool from GUI

I want to fire a commandline exe with the parameters entered in GUI. The Process class can be used to fork my required commandline process from the java application. And I used the getInputStream() method of Process object to get the result and got it displayed in the GUI. private void confirmActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent ...

GUI Design in J2ME

I have been recently digging into Mobile Programming, I practically tried out the J2ME polish GUI framework, Although the GUI made with Polish looked pretty decent, I realized that The User Interface was not what I was looking. I started scourging the web most of all Stack Overflow and formulated certain rules : Java ME is ubiquito...

Editor for HMIs in Java

I found this question and mine is roughly the same, except, that I need a Java version. What I would need, is a editor which can be used standalone to create the GUI. It should support some kind of abstraction of datasources and data items which can be bound to the symbols placed on the view. I...

Plot Graphs in Java

The java Swing GUI im developing needs to plot a 2D graph based on the x and y coordinates generated in the program. Is there a Swing component for that? Or is there any other open source package for the purpose? Thanks in Advance.. ...

How to push GridbagLayout not to lay components in the center of JPanel

the problem is in centered layout of components, GridBagLayout always 'sits' in center of JPanel, so I don't care how it will layout components inside, my problem is where these components will start laying out on a panel. I tried with: panel.setAlignmentX( JPanel.LEFT_ALIGNMENT ); but it did not helped. Any idea? ...

GUI Design - Multiple forms vs Simulated MDI (Tabs) vs PageControl

Hello, which of the following styles do you prefer? An application which to perform tasks opens new forms An application which keeps the various "forms" in different tabs An application which is based on a PageControl and shows you the right tab depending on what you want to do. Something else Also do you have any good links for gui ...

GUI to set numeric ranges in Delphi

Once in a while I need a GUI to set numeric ranges, but so far I've never really found any component that does it nicely. I've attempted the following: 2 TTrackbars: 1 for min, 1 for max 2 TTackbars: 1 for min, 1 for range 2 TSpinEdit controls to type the numbers manually 1 TTrackbar control, with a little button to switch between ...

resizing item renderer when horizontalList resizes

I have a HorizontalList that is resized at runtime. The problem is that the items are not adjusting their height to the height of the HorizontalList. I use an item renderer (vBox) which has its height set to 100%. But the items always stay at their initial size. ...

Using Python to read the screen and controlling keyboard/mouse on OSX.

I'm looking for or trying to write a testing suite in Python which will control the mouse/keyboard and watch the screen for changes. The obvious parts I need are (1) screen watcher, (2) keyboard/mouse control. The latter is explained here, but what is the best way to go about doing the former on OSX? ...

Lightweight C++ Gui Library

Hello everyone! I want to create GUI applications with C++ on Windows. I have downloaded Qt, and it works well, but it has sooooo much stuff in it and so many header files that I really don't use. It is a nice framework, but it has more than just GUI. Are there any lighter gui libs out there for Windows C++ that is "just gui"? Thanks...

How to disable UI control based on domain object's state?

Here's my problem. I have a somewhat complex domain object, which, depending on its state, responds to certain actions. I think the state pattern is pretty much the solution for that. However, I need to display which actions are possible at any moment in the UI. Ex: The domain object is an audio player. Some songs can't be skipped (like...

Mobile device programming: best books?

I would like to focus on programming for mobile devices such as iPhone, Palm Pre and last Nokia series. I'm interested in usability, user interface design, memory management, application design... every single part of it. What books do you recommend for this topic? What are the must have books for mobile device programming? ...

FTP GUI client for Unix-like platform capable of TLS/SSL/SFTP

I know similar questions were already asked and answered, but not exactly the same. I'm looking for a FTP client that can do TLS/SSL connection and SFTP aswell on Linux with a nice GUI. This is main requirement, though tabbed session are a plus. FTPRush is my idol for FTP-ing on Windows, something similar on linux would be a rockstar. ...

Automated Testing for C/C++ GUI Applications.

I have a GUI application written in C/C++ using gcc. I need some recommendations for writing an automated test system for it. What tools/scripting should be used? The application runs on Windows. ...

not reimplementing GUI controls on new 'platform'

We're doing some serious games interface work. Games allow unique new interfaces, but we also want to avoid having to reimplement traditional 2D controls, we want to leverage the years of refinement to windows controls. How would we go about hosting and rendering .NET controls in a '3D' context? 3D in the sense of, eventually they wil...

Windows Forms (Or GUI development in general) advice.

How should I develop a form that can resize nicely? While that sounds like a simple question the problem I'm struggling with is the fact I'm reproducing an existing application I made in Swing several years back. Its built around a single form that hides/reveals panels as you select different options. Its around 600 x 700 pixels wide ...

GUI development with c#

Hi, I have a GUI that has a treeview on left side and a panel on the right side. The panel contains components like dropdown, radio buttons, textboxes,etc and I need to populate those according to the node selected on the tree. Works fine till here. Howeer when I click on a button or any component on the panel, the node that was previo...

Access 2003 - Front End GUI Display question

Just wondering, is there a way to tell access to only display the forms/reports without displaying the access window itself (the "shell" window that the access forms populate inside of). just wondering. ...

Is there a GUI that I can use to create XML documents based on my schema?

Hi all, I want to create a simple graphical user interface to allow non-technical users to create an XML file without having to manually edit the XML source. Ideally I'd like a drag and drop interface, but failing that, anything really. The contents of the XML file are similar to an encoded flow chart of a binary tree, so maybe somethin...