
Bind the content of DataTemplate to another userControl

Hi all, may you happy every day I am new in silverlight Suppose I am writing a user control(name as AAA.xaml) which contains a DataTemplate, in which I want to have another user control's(defined in BBB.xaml) instance by data binding. I initilize a instance of BBB user control(name as bbb) in AAA.cs(the c# file of AAA.xaml), and I wan...

Best gVim tricks for programming?

I've used Vim for about 8 years, and I am trying gVim for the first time. What settings do you to be productive? What's in your gvimrc? Note: gVim only. Vim stuff is quite well taken care of in: ht...

How to use iTunes like scrollbars

Hi, what is the best way to display iTunes like scrollers in Leopard? Is there a 'system call' to change the look and feel of scrollers in cocoa or carbon? ...

Creating GUI for linux CLI

Hello, I am a final year computer engineering student. As my final year project, I have decided to create a multimedia encoder for linux, possibly cross platform. My question is: How can I create a GUI for ffmpeg (i.e. how can I pass command line arguments from the GUI)? I am trying to use QT for cross platform development. ...

Simulate flat button mouse MouseDown and MouseOver

I have a Windows Forms application with some buttons for the F keys. When you place the mouse over the buttons the get grey, and when you click they get a slightly lighyer grey. I would like to mimic that behaviour with F key keystrokes... how would you do it? ...

Fake modal dialog using Show ?

My application have several modules, each in one tab on the mainform. When using a dialog it is convenient to call ShowModal because you know when the dialog is finished. But for the user it is not good as it lock the whole program until the dialog closes. I want to have a locally modal dialog. So one module can open a dialog and it loc...

DataGridView scrollbars dissapear when dgv is hidden (GUI / Refresh problem)

Hi all, I have a forms application, showing results of several DataTables into several DataGridViews, each appearing in a different tab of an application. I've noticed weird behavior when I reload the data (a single button invokes filling all DGVs from the matching DTs): DGVs with a lot of rows (which require vertical scrolling) which ...

Simulating a click with the keyboard in Windows Forms

I want to make a button that acts with the keyboard as with the mouse. I'm implementing it this way: class FunctionButton : System.Windows.Forms.Button { public FunctionButton() : base() { } protected override void OnGotFocus(EventArgs e) { OnMouseEnter(null); base.OnGotFocus(e); } protected overrid...

How to port web ui to desktop app?

I have seen a lot of people try to make a web ui looks like a desktop ui. However, most of the time i feel web ui is much more interesting than the desktop ui, with the help of javascript toolkit like jquery, gwt-ext etc. My question is, how to port the web ui to desktop ui? Do I need to embed a javascript engine in java? css engine? ht...

Set text highlight colour of Blackberry RichTextField

Does anyone know how to set the background colour of just a section of text within a RichTextField on the Blackberry? I already use the offsets, attributes and fonts arrays to make changes to the appearance of certain sections of the text, but I would like to add a highlight colour to the background of one section too. I know there is ...

Infragistics UltraListView auto scroll

Hello, Does anyone knows how to make the Infragistics UltraListView control scrolls down automatically whenever a new item is added? ...

Form Builder GUI for PHP

I'm looking around for an open source form building package for PHP, and figured the hive-mob-mind of StackOverflow might be able to tilt me in the right direction. Specifically, I'm looking for a form/survey builder application. I want something that lets an end user use a web based GUI to create and configure/surveys and web-based fo...

Jump to listbox item by typing first few characters

I have a list of items (potentially large) from which the user must select one. I'd like to allow the user to type the first few letters of the desired item to jump to the correct place in the list. By default, each keypress jumps to the first item starting with that letter, so you can't type the first several letters. Is there any st...

Selected item in my CListCtrl shows ellipsis, despite having plenty of room!

I have a CListCtrl with plenty of room for all of the items, and they all display correctly --- until selected! As soon as any entry is selected, the end of that entry is truncated and an ellipsis is added: Click for Image I have no idea why this is happening. You can't see it in this image, but even very short entries show this beha...

Visual Studio UI Improvement OCD Mode

Hey, I am wondering if anyone knows how to pull this off. Here goes. I have a multi monitor setup, and I maximize Visual Studio to both windows. I create a new vertical document tab control, so that I have one document tab control in each physical screen. This is fine. Now, I want to be able to make them work as if they were connec...

Flipping a gui Component in the x-z plane

I would like to know the respective graphics transformations creating a flipping effect of a ui component about the x-z plane. It needs to be done only using 2d since the swing toolkit only supports 2d affine transformations. .... is an example of the effect to be achieved . ...

How does Java make its windows?

How does the JVM make it's windows, i know it has it's jar files and the executables, etc... what i would like to know is how exactly is a window made with java, the frame surrounding a desktop application. is it a graphics library standard on the machines it is installed in? ...

[Wizard] How to check previous tabsheet when moving from page to page in a pagecontrol?

Hello I'm using a TPageControl with the TTabsheets' tabs hidden so as to have the frames they contain appear to be stacked, and build some kind of wizard by displaying a different frame at different steps in the process. Problem is, after calling "PageControl1.ActivePageIndex := x;" to display the next frame, once in the new frame I ne...

How to draw my own key equivalents in NSMenuItem?

I would need something this owner drawn tab completition key equivalents in my own code. Like TextMate does in this example. I heared that the menu drawing is Carbon based but I don't hope it is such a huge hack. But whatever I tried and wherever I looked I couldn't find a clue. EDIT: I'm willing to accept even a carbon based answer,...

Please Recommend a Simple Automated GUI recording application?

I need to have an application simply record mouse gestures and keyboard strokes that will then be able to play this recording back. I will run this on a few computers on the network to simulate multi-users. The app does not need to create any output scripts or code I just want to run the recording over and over again. I'm not sure if...