
Searching for backslash character in vim

How to search word start \word in vim. I can do it using the find menu. Is there any other short cut for this? ...

TextMate equivalent to gVim Ctrl+P

To auto complete a previously written string. Is it possible? EDIT I'm editing javascript/java if that matters. ...

How to: assign vim cursor to a certain line in the window and have the text scroll underneath that cursor position?

You can keep the cursor line in the middle of the screen and then have the text scroll underneath it by setting the scrolloff to a very large number. Ex: :let &scrolloff = 999 To read more about how this works: :help scrolloff I love this feature and use it all the time but I would like the ability to keep the cursor at other locat...

Vim: Change start up directory?

When I start GVim and start writing my little program I'd like to save the file to the Desktop but it seems that Vim is starting the command line in: C:\Windows\System32 How would I go about changing that to: C:\Users\Casey so then I could just: :w Desktop\my_program.py Thank you :) ...

Is there anyway to have vim not count special characters as words?

I'm using VIM do alot of work for me using the macros. There's alot of text in columns and I want the macro to move between columns effortlessly by pressing the w key to "move to the beginning of the next word" For example: DataSourceName string "" DetailFields []string ...

Making tabulation look different than just whitespace

How to make tabulation look different than whitespace in vim (highlighted for example). That would be useful for code in Python. ...

How to force VIM/GVIM show last buffer line at the bottom (instead of top)?

If using mouse wheel (or scrollbar) to scroll to the bottom of current buffer, then VIM allows to "scroll bellow" the bottom of the file. So that the last line appears at the top of current buffer. This brings much pain for me as for VIM newbie used to deal with other editors (especially MS VS). Is there any way to disable "scrolling ...

Should i use gVim, or the terminal?

Hello Stackoverflow! I'm currently starting to learn how to use Vim, and it seems pretty cool. However, I'm kinda wondering if I should use the terminal for my editing, or gVim? I'm running Linux (Ubuntu). ...

Vim highlight characters/words/line for Copy to clipboard

I am fairly new to vim. I am trying to practice (been reading a couple of tutorials lately) but I found out I couldn't live without highlighting characters/words/lines for Copy-paste. In Textmate, I usually SHIFT+CTRL+LeftArrowKey to highlight words and then Copy. How do I do that in VIM? NOTE: I have NERDTree plugin installed and map...

How to run a terminal inside of vim?

I am used to emacs but I am trying out vim to see which one I like better. One thing that I like about emacs is the ability to run a terminal inside emacs. Is this possible inside of vim? I know that you can execute commands from vim, but I would like to be able to run a terminal inside of a tab. ...

Vim FTP Plugin for IDE-like behavior

Hello, I have gVim (with: NERDTree, minibufexpl). Right now, I can edit files locally with IDE-like feel with NERDTree for a file explorer and minibuf for tabs. However, I am used to editing files on dummy server I have set up at home. I use Zend Studio to edit files through FTP. Is this feature available in Vim? If so, does it "integ...

what is the difference between :.! and :r! ?

Hello vimmers, reading up on some vim tips, I came across :r!{command} and :.!{command}, both of which take the output of the shell <command> and put it in the current buffer. I imagine the 'r' to stand for 'read', but how am I to 'translate' the dot in the command above? And: do they have the exact same function? Thanks a lot for you...

VIM comma is missing in insert mode

Hi folks, I'm a VIM beginner, and I have a weird problem. I started using vim in a terminal emulator, but today I moved to gVim. Then I realized that I cannot write a comma in Insert mode! I tried :map ,, :imap , both said no mapping found. THen I tried :nomap , and :inomap , both without any luck. As writing the commands, I am able to ...

Adding vertical space between lines in vim.

Summary: I'd like to view my text in vim with a small bit of extra vertical space between some lines. I'm writing latex in vim, and have each sentence on a new line. I'd like to add a little bit of vertical space (a few pixels) between sentences to make them clearer. I don't want to add anything to the buffer, just to how I view it. I ...

Best gVim tricks for programming?

I've used Vim for about 8 years, and I am trying gVim for the first time. What settings do you to be productive? What's in your gvimrc? Note: gVim only. Vim stuff is quite well taken care of in: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/95072/what-are-your-favorite-vim-tricks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/164847/what-is-in-your-vimrc ht...

Quicker way to enter ex mode in vim?

Is there a somewhat orthodox way to enter ex mode faster, like with a single key stroke, instead of hitting shift-; for ':'? Why was that character ever chosen for such a frequently accessed mode? Often enough to be annoying I'll accidentally miss the shift key, start typing an ex command, and find I have a lot to undo. Thanks for you...

Change wrap width in a text file using Vim

I want to format srt subtitle text files to avoid wrapping problems on my media player. I need to set a line wrap width to a number of characters e.g. 43 I can do this with Editplus, its a built in function and works well. The reason I want to do it in Vim, firstly Editplus is only available on the PC and the secondly Vim is badass. ...

Vim - how to store and execute commonly used commands?

If I wanted to process a batch of text files with the same set of commands for example: :set tw=50 gggqG Can I save the above and run it with a shortcut command? ...

Have nautilus open file into new gvim buffer?

Is there a way to configure nautilus to open a file into an existing gvim process in a new buffer instead of loading a new instance of gvim? I know I can drag and drop the file into gvim, but it would be convenient if I could just double-click a file to open it. ...

How does one use Tim Pope's cucumber.vim plugin for vim?

I've loaded the cucumber.vim files into ftplugin and the other directories per instructions, but I don't understand the ftplugin syntax enough to figure out how to get the full benefits. From what I can tell, the plugin is supposed to be able to jump between step definitions and feature files, but I can't figure out what's wrong with my...