
GWT RPC - Does it do enough to protect against CSRF ?

GWT's RPC mechanism does the following things on every HTTP Request - Sets two custom request headers - X-GWT-Permutation and X-GWT-Module-Base Sets the content-type as text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8 The HTTP request is always a POST, and on server side GET methods throw an exception (method not supported). Also, if these headers a...

Calling a GWT service in a different context than the GWT Module Base?

I have a GWT module with the X-GWT-Module-Base http://host:8080/foo/ and would like to call a (GWT) service which is located at http://host:8080/bar/. The reason is for example that I want to be able to share a GWT service between two different GWT client projects. All I've gotten to work so far is if the service is located within the m...

Strange GWT serialization exception when overiding method of serialized object

Hi there! I have a GWT serializable class, lets call it Foo. Foo implements IsSerializable, has primitive and serializable members as well as other transient members and a no-arg constructor. class Foo implements IsSerializable { // transient members // primitive members public Foo() {} public void bar() {} } Also a Service whi...

Request builder call not returning when using ssl(https)

Hi , I am using GWT. Currently using gwt-rpc to for login authentication. For only login purpose i want to use ssl(https) and so instead of using gwt-rpc i am trying Request Builder and calling a servlet with https. When in Servlet URL i use protocol as http the request builder works perfectly and response returns to client side(onRespon...

Gwt How to call servlet/rpc through https from page originated from http

Hi , is there any way to call servlet or make a gwt-rpc call from gwt client and get back the response. Or to call RPC over https only for login purpose. Please suggest any method or workaround to implement the above task ...

How to make a reference to a normal java class from GWT server side

I am building my project using GWT plugin for Eclipse Galileo. When I was done with RPC between the server and client, I tried to make a reference in the GWT project to a normal Java class in non-GWT project, but everytime when I create an object of this class I get a ClassNotFoundException. I did the buildpath for the GWT project, but i...

Guice and GWT problem - can't find GWT.rpc

Hi! I build a simple contact manager app with simple service and it did work. Then I decided I want to use Guice for managing my services and implementations. I also use mvp4g plugin for MVP design pattern. I followed the exmaple of Eric Burke on his blog, and my code looks like that: @RemoteServiceRelativePath("GWT....

GWT: Populating a page from datastore using RPC is too slow

Is there a way to speed up the population of a page with GWT's UI elements which are generated from data loaded from the datastore? Can I avoid making the unnecessary RPC call when the page is loaded? More details about the problem I am experiencing: There is a page on which I generate a table with names and buttons for a list of entiti...

How to include external classes in a GAE deployment?

I am using the Google plug-in for Eclipse and have the following problem: The project (A) consists of a GWT based GUI talking to a server running on GAE and using JPA. Additionally there is a project (B) to migrate the legacy data to the new datastore. Since these both project use a common data model, I have extracted a set of interface...

Can GWT's RPC be used in a chrome extension to talk to the server?

I would like to create a chrome extension with GWT. Is it possible to use GWT's RPC to communicate from the extension to the server? ...

How to sign in Chrome extension built with GWT using RPC.

I have an application built with GWT/Appengine/Jdo...and i am using Google User Service for authentication. Google Chrome Extensions can use OAuth...I don't really undestand OAuth yet.. Would GWT RPC have to be reworked to enable OAuth? Is there another way to authenticate users for Chrome Extensions? ...

GWT RPC and GoDaddy Shared Hosting

Hi, I've deployed the sample Stock Watcher app to my GoDaddy Hosting site, and I get the error below. I've tried compiling the Project in Eclipse with JRE 1.5 because my Host is using jre 1.5. I think the issue is the "gwt-servlet.jar" is not compatible with jre 1.5. Can anyone confirm this. The project runs fine on my local machine...

How can I pass an object as a parameter in the google app engine RPC flow?

I'm building a pretty basic app, and one thing I want to do is pass an object as a parameter up through the service -> async -> impl instead of passing up a million separate parameters. so in async, I do something like this: import shared.Profile; ... public interface ProfileServiceAsync { public void addProfile(Profile inProf, Asy...

GWT-RPC vs HTTP Call - which is better??

I am evaluating if there is a performance variation between calls made using GWT-RPC and HTTP Call. My appln services are hosted as Java servlets and I am currently using HTTPProxy connections to fetch data from them. I am looking to convert them to GWT-RPC calls if that brings in performance improvement. I would like to know about pro...

Google Web Toolkit Asynchronous Call from a Service Implementation

I'm writing a simple Google Web Toolkit service which acts as a proxy, which will basically exist to allow the client to make a POST to a different server. The client essentially uses this service to request an HTTP call. The service has only one asynchronous method call, called ajax(), which should just forward the server response. My c...

GWT-Rpc how to return a file so that the browser pops up with a download dialog.

Does anybody know if it is possible to have a GWT-rpc call cause a file download prompt to appear without having to do a second request to a separate servlet? I was thinking of having a method in the rpc servlet of return type void and then calling the response object directly to change the content type and cause the browser to open a d...

GWT : Type of Container

I see that there are two ways of transferring objects from server to client Use the same domain object ( as used in the service layer. (I do not use hibernate) Use the HashMap to send the domain object field values in the form of Map with the help of BeanUtilsBean class. For multiple objects, use the List>. Similary, use ...

open/save file in smartGWT

Hi All, I have implemented RPCService, RPCServiceAsync & RPCServieImpl. On clicking a button a service in server side will be called and it will fetch data from DB and file is created. Once the file is created, then i need to open that file in client side and need to prompt a dialog box with open/save options. how can i implement t...

Problem in IE in displaying some widgets in GWT.. !!

Hi all, I have a strange issue in my gwt app.. my application is working fine and looking good in Google chrome and firefox. But in IE i am facing some issues in visual display of widgets. The issues are : ListGrid is having some extraspaces (with dark black spaces)between each columns and misalignments of entire grid In Listgrid i h...

What is the purpose of the IsSerializable interface in GWT (regarding the RPC mechanism)

What is the purpose of the IsSerializable interface in GWT (regarding the RPC mechanism). I have never been able to find a good explanation as to why it is the way it is and why the default Java Serializable tagging interface does not work. ...