
How to use Django with GWT ?

So I know that I can communicate between those two using JSON, but I also know that I would have to manually recreate all Django objects in JS. Do you know of any tool or library that could help me do that? Or maybe even a better way of achieving the same goal? I only found these two:

Question with sending an array from PHP to GWT

Hey everyone, I am using a RequestBuilder in GWT (1.6) that successfully sends a String (formatted as a date) to a PHP script on my web server. My PHP then uses that String to query a MySQL Database. I am then able to echo a result, which is successfully interpreted by GWT. My issue is that I don't just want to "echo" back a String. I ...

Basic File upload in GWT

I'm trying to figure out how to upload one file using GWTs FileUpload widget. I'm using GWT and Google AppEngine with Java but I would like to upload file to my own Linux server. I have the following code already but now I can't figure out how to submit my file to the Google AppServer server and save it to another server: public class ...

Saving Large file using GWT + GAE + S3 path

I'm building app that will store large video files to the server and then user will be able to view them. For my app I'm using GWT + GAE/J and to store files I would like to use S3 account. But as we know that you can upload max 10mb to GAE. I have asked this kind of question before and the answer that I have accepted will work only if y...

Frustration in Parsing XML or JSON with GWT

Hey everyone, For the past couple of days, I have been trying to get GWT to interpret either a JSONValue or a string of XML that gets passed back from the server (using PHP). I'm pretty frustrated, because I can't seem to get anything to work. For the XML, I have confirmed that the String passed from PHP to GWT is a correct XML string...

Gears complaints about JRE 1.5 in GWT project

I just tried to use Gears in my GWT application and got following error: Jul 12, 2009 6:26:29 AM info INFO: jetty-6.1.x Jul 12, 2009 6:26:29 AM warn WARNING: failed{/,/Users/work/...

Issue with Iterator.remove() with JSONObject in GWT

Hey everyone, I have succesfully been able to parse a JSON into a JSONTree, however, my tree shows the iterators. I have tried iterator.remove(), but I get the error: Error: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Remove not supported on this list Can someone please look at my code, and let me know of anything I can do? Thanks! publ...

Getting the refresh count on server side of GWT web app

I am working on converting the functionality of some JSP pages to GWT. I noticed that javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request is an implied object in JSP, and one can obtain the client's refresh count by calling request.getParameter("refreshCount"). I noticed that one can also access this request object in GWT in the service impl...

java.lang.IllegalCastException for GWT

Hey everyone, I'm getting an IllegalCastException on the following (see bold line): public void renderXML(final String xml) { final Document xmlDoc = XMLParser.parse(xml); final root = xmlDoc.getDocumentElement(); XMLParser.removeWhitespace(xmlDoc); final NodeList collection = root.getElementsByTa...

gwt maven plugin - unable to run archetype generated sample project in eclipse

I'm trying to setup a new gwt project in Eclipse (3.4 Ganymede) using maven with the codehause gwt-mave-plugin (v. 1.1). I have installed the Google Eclipse Plugin including the Google App Engine Java SDK 1.2.2, the Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.4 and the Google Web Toolkit SDK 1.7.0. I'm using the gwt-maven-plugin archetype to generate ...

How to implement a Lazy List using SmartGWT and SQL

Hey all, I was trying all of yesterday to try and integrate a SQL Database with SmartGWT for a lazy list but I just couldn't figure out how to implement it. (JavaDoc, and example of a lazy list) What I want to do is create a list of a bunch of "sites" all over the world. The problem is there will probably be about a million of them, s...

Google DataStore Unowned One-to-Many Relationships

So, I'm using google datastore for my GWT app and my coworker came up with an interesting question that I don't have the answer to. What happens to the set of keys when you delete some of the objects? For example, @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION) public class Person { @PrimaryKey @Persi...

gwt mosaic preventing deploy

I have a gwt project that uses gwt-mosaic. Here is the error message I get: Compiling module com.athena.Athena Refreshing module from source Validating newly compiled units Removing units with errors [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/Users/kevmo/AthenaLibs/gwt-mosaic/gwt-mosaic-r951.jar!/org/gwt/mosaic...

Generate a short URL with entity key usig Google App Engine

I am using Google App Engine with Google's JDO implementation to save an entity for which I wish to provide an URL that a user can navigate to to view information about that entity. The problem I have is that the key generating strategy IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY produces very long keys while the INCREMENT and SEQUENCE strategies are ...

GWT URL Parameters

What is the proper way to use URL parameters? My URL is this: http://localhost:8080/#pg5?testing=abc In my code I try to get the value of testing using this line of code: String value ="testing"); Unfortunately all this does is set my string to "undefined". I thought perhaps ...

SubmitCompleteHandler GWT FormPanel never trigger

Hi all, This problem probably has been discussed, but this one is slightly different. I'm using GWT FormPanel + FileUpload widget to upload a file. My backend is python-django. My problem is, the GWT FormPanel never trigger the SubmitCompleteHandler event. And on the django log, I can see "Broken pipe", which probably indicates that...

Problem with GWT App can't get HTTP Response back from Servlet on another server

I have Application written with GWT 1.7. I have one page where I upload file to the remote server that is on different domain. So, when I do Post to the server files goes to the server but when it's time to get response I'm getting null in following function: Servlet: ... resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED); resp.getWriter()...

Create URL Parameters in GWT

I asked a related question here How do I programatically write parameters into the URL using GWT? I've learned from my previous question that parameters need to go before the anchor, but how do I do that from GWT? Here's the code that doesn't work: Hyperlink pg1 = new Hyperlink("Test", "?testing=abc#pg1"); It results in the followi...

Does GWT 1.7 have support for Class.getSimpleName()?

Does GWT 1.7 have support for Class.getSimpleName()? I am currently using 1.6, and it does not support this method. says its been fixed but not released, but perhaps the status hasn't been updated for a while. I could easily replicate it myself by manipulating Class.getNa...

Can I use GWT (or Script#) to write individual functions in Java (or C#) and compile them to JavaScript?

I understand the purpose of GWT, but I'm wondering if I can use it to compile a few functions from Java to JavaScript just to make sure that I don't have to maintain the same code in two different languages. Or would GWT bring along too much library/support overhead along to make this a reasonable choice? For future projects, I have th...