
Passing variable name into GWT's JSNI

Using the JavaScript Native Interface of GWT I can perform the following: public native static String getNativeVariableFoo() /*-{ return $; }-*/; Which will return the contents of a JavaScript variable called foo. How can I expand upon this to accept the variable name as a parameter? ie: public native static String getNat...

GWT Themes and Component Libraries

Are there any good themes or component libraries for GWT? The built-in themes are rather plain for my purposes. I've seen gwt-ext and smartgwt, but those aren't that great looking. Are there any others that have a real nice look? I know of vaadin an I really really like the look, but from what I understand that just an entirely new fram...

long polling vs streaming for about 1 update/second

is streaming a viable option? will there be a performance difference on the server end depending on which i choose? is one better than the other for this case? I am working on a GWT application with Tomcat running on the server end. To understand my needs, imagine updating the stock prices of several stocks concurrently. ...

What would you go for a back-end web application: Flex, GWT, JQuery?

Hi, I should build a web application for back-office purposes and one of the main requisites is a good UI. On server-side I'll use Java very likely Spring framework, depending on what I'll be using client-side. I think to basically have 3 choices for client-side: a "normal" web application, meaning JSP pages, using JQuery framew...

GWT tutorial

I am willling to learn GWT, please help me getting the good tutorial for GWT. ...

Should web developers still learn JavaScript?

Now that frameworks like GWT, Morfik etc exist which compile Java client side code into major JavaScript dialects, is it still worth learning JavaScript? ...

GWT DecoratorPanel problem in Firefox 3.5

Rounded corners ing GWT's DecoratorPanels don't look right for me in FF3.5. See the gap below the upper right-hand corner: Anyone else having this problem? The showcase app uses rounded corners without issue. What am I doing wrong? I'm on GWT 1.6.4. -Mike ...

Capture Youtube player event in GWT app

I'm building an app using GWT with an embedded Youtube player. I intend to do some stuff when the video ends. How do I capture that event? By the way, I'm using gwt2swf to embed the player. Reference: gwt2swf Youtube player events ...

Get Object from GWT ScrollTable

Right now I'm playing with ScrollTable from GWT Incubator. I'm trying to make functionality when user select one row then click on Edit button and then he will be able to edit that particular Object. Right now I have to check what row has been selected Integer secRowPosition = e.getSelectedRows().iterator().next().getRowIndex(); then ...

GWT and .NET

Hi, How can I use GWT together with Visual Studio to create an ASP.NET website? If it is possible. Thanks ...

Firing Order of GWT EventHandlers

Is there a known order to the firing of GWT EventHandlers? ie. If I have a class that extends ListBox and add an EventHandler from the constructor, can I be sure that this Handler will be called before another Handler which is added later on by a surrounding class? Likewise, if a subclass takes the constructor: Subclass() { super(...

gwt error :component not available

anyone know what is error triggered from in gwt? [Exception... "Component is not available" nsresult: "0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)" location: "JS frame :: file:///Applications/ :: sss_saveState :: line 1909" data: no] getLabels()(Object t=Object name=iw, Object, "http://gg...

how do I integrate GWT with taglib?

Hi! I have an app what uses taglib. I would like to update to display a new GWT dialog. Can you get me any hints/links? Thanks! Jusa ...

What's the best .Net counterpart of Google Web Toolkit?

What's the best .Net counterpart of Google Web Toolkit? How can you compare both of technologies? ...

Learning JavaScript... Should I skip straight to the good stuff (the frameworks)?

I learnt HTML/CSS a good few years back, then PHP a little later. I've recently become interesting in web development again, just started playing with frameworks like Django and RoR. I'm curious as to how much time/effort I should spend learning straight JS before looking at frameworks. I've been reading through a let of articles called ...

Best Practices: How to build your UI depending on the logged user

Hi: I m trying to find the best way to build my UI based on whos logged in. The scenario is, there are (at the moment) 2 types of user normal and super-user the super-user will normally see more controls than a normal user I was gonna do some heavy inheritance, ie create by default SomeDialog or if super-user is logged instanciate Som...

How to integrate spring with GWT?

If I understand correctly, it's more efficient to use spring as a mediator for object persistence than using ibatis directly. There seem to be a lot of libraries which ease spring integration by implementing a dispatcher for gwt rpc calls. Would you recommend gwtrpc-spring or gwt-widgets? ...

GWT: Getting events in a button in a panel used as a Table cell

I'm using GWT 1.6. I am creating a panel that contains a Button and a Label, which I then add to a FlexTable as one of its cells. The Button is not receiving any Click events. I see that the table supports determining which Cell is clicked on, but in this case, I want the Mouse events to propagate to the various widgets inside the cell...

Getting "No Repository Found" error in Eclipse (Ganymede) while trying to install google plugins (GWT)

I'm trying to install the Google Web Toolkit for Eclipse (Ganymede), and I'm getting the following error. An error occurred while collecting items to be installed No repository found containing: org.eclipse.emf.common/osgi.bundle/2.4.0.v200808251517 No repository found containing: org.eclipse.emf.ecore/osgi.bundle/2.4.1.v2008082515...

GWT and Key object

I'm writing Java app using GWT on Google AppEngine. So I have JDO Entities on Server side and POJO DTOs on Client's side. For some of my entities I have to use Key objects for ids Pojo's cannot have that object because that is not standard class. is there any easy work around for this so I can use Key object on server side and String or ...