
Send objects from/to Java using GWT

To learn GWT and Google AppEngine (GAE) I'm trying to create a simple application using GWT with two or three objects (entities). In this application one object, let's say Student, encapsulates ArrayList of other objects, say Classes and Books. Then it creates list of Students and sends it to Java code on GAE and stores it to the data st...

org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl not found when importing Gears API in GWT

I've created a GWT project using Eclipse which was working perfectly (I was able to run it in both Hosted Mode and on Google App Engine) until I tried to import the Gears API for Google Web Toolkit. After adding the following line to my java source file: import; I get the following ...

GWT Javascript Exception in Hosted Mode: Result of expression 'doc.getBoxObjectFor' [undefined] is not a function.

Anyone ever seen this exception? I'm running in hosted mode on GWT 1.6.4 on a mac. I'm using the AutoSuggest and it's throwing this exception trying to show the popup. It works fine in compiled mode, but obviously hosted mode is rather important. [ERROR] Uncaught exception escaped (TypeErr...

How do you rebuild the GWT History stack?

I have a larger application that I'm working with but the GWT History documentation has a simple example that demonstrates the problem. The example is copied for convenience: public class HistoryTest implements EntryPoint, ValueChangeHandler { private Label lbl = new Label(); public void onModuleLoad() { Hyperlink ...

Unable to get GWT FormPanel to work properly

I've been trying this for a few days now with no luck. final FormPanel form = new FormPanel(new NamedFrame("test")); form.setAction("/designer"); form.setMethod(FormPanel.METHOD_POST); VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel(); form.setWidget(panel); final TextBox tb = new TextBox(); tb.setName("style"); panel.add(tb); panel.add(new Bu...

How heavy is GWT?

I've used YUI ,which is too heavy. What about GWT? ...

Why are my breakpoints ignored with GWT, Eclipse, and Java 1.6.0_14?

After upgrading to Java 1.6.0_14, a GWT application in Eclipse no longer stops at breakpoints even though Eclipse shows that the breakpoints are active. Are there workarounds for this issue? ...

GWT application/eclipse plugin crashes JVM

I'm trying to set up the GWT framework. I'm following the quick start at: OS is Ubuntu 8.04. I create a new application and start/debug the application, and after a few seconds JVM crashes. Any ideas? Generated log is: # # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Env...

GWT DecoratedTabPanel tab button color

how can I change the color of a tab in a DecoratedTabPanel? I don't mean the content but the button you click on to select a tab. ...

Throwing exception to client in GWT (Google Web Toolkit)

I'm using GWT (currenly working with google's eclipse plugin), and I'm trying to throw an exception from the server to the client. My exception is something like class LoginException extends Exception implements IsSerializable But I get (upon loading in hosted mode): [ERROR] Errors in '[...]/src/myPackage/client/services/Sess...

GWT Visualisation API DataTable Serialization

I am trying to follow this tutorial on how to connect to a database in GWT, but instead of creating a login program, I am trying to retrieve a GWT Visulation DataTable from my DB so that I can then create a Annotated TimeLine. I have gotten very far, but I hit the final wall I can't figure out. Unlike the tut, I am not returning a simpl...

Reading Google Gears blobs with JavaScript

Does anybody know how to read google gears blob objects within the browser? I'm using gwt on top of gears, but I'm looking for any kind of solutions. The application needs to work fully offline so I can't post the files and process them server side. My files are simple text files that I want to upload and parse in offline mode. ...

How would I use GWT to create an infinite scroll panel

By infinite scrolling, I mean I initially load a few child widgets, and as the user scrolls down lazily load more to fill it out. Any ideas appreciated. (ideally would like something for GWT 1.6 and 1.5) ...

How to implement a custom cell renderer for ScrollTable in GWT

I've used the ScrollTable widget for GWT and I have a need for a custom cell renderer so I can isolate this code from the rest of the app. I would like to use generics if possible to get it type safe. This cell renderer will take a long as a value and do some calculation before displaying the result. Anyone having a good example on how ...

How can an iframe change its parent's URL fragment (without causing a refresh)?

I'm trying to get a child JavaScript application to update it's parent document. In essence, this is a very simple problem: a JavaScript program opens an iframe in it's own document. another JavaScript program is loaded into the iframe. the second program needs to change the fragment (anchor) in the original page. the first program, t...

Where do you load the Google Maps API in a GWT project?

In my project.gwt.xml file I have <script src=";amp;file=api&amp;amp;v=2&amp;amp;sensor=false;key=MYKEY" /> But, when I load my page I get the google map gadget to come up, but with no map and an error message "Your page is missing the Google Maps API." Is there a different place I need to load th...

Efficient representation for large numeric arrays in GWT

I have a timeseries class that, over the course of a day will hold 100K-200K values (basically market ticks, uniformly sampled). On the java side the most performant representation is to use double[] (as opposed to say List). I am doubtful that this approach maps well into javasctipt. On the Java side, the double[] array must grow pe...

Sending persisted JDO instances over GWT-RPC

I've just started learning Google Web Toolkit and finished writing the Stock Watcher tutorial app. Is my thinking correct that if one wants to persist a business object (like a Stock) using JDO and send it back and forth to/from the client over RPC then one has to create two separate classes for that object: One with the JDO annotations...

GWT Junit - error='no compilation unit for that type was seen'

I'm trying to run a GWT unit test in a sample app. I ran cmd /c /java/gwt-windows-1.6.4/webAppCreator.cmd -out gwttasks com.gwttasks.GwtTasks Copied in junit-4.5.jar into a lib directory, and added that to the classpath. Ran: cmd /c /java/gwt-windows-1.6.4/junitCreator.cmd -junit lib/junit-4.5.jar -module com.gwttasks.GwtTasks -...

Best java webframe backend for GWT frontend?

What is the best java based web framework backend for a GWT frontend? Possible Backends: seam, jsf, spring web ... ? Specially I am interested in practical experience and PROS and CONS. Btw: - No dynamic typed Languages please - Have anybody tried seam or spring for this? ...