
What are good ways in which to specify custom currency, number and datetime formats in GWT?

I have a GWT project in which I need to manually specify currency, number and datetime formats. These customizations include specifying the currency symbols, grouping seperator, decimal seperator, negative number formats etc. What would be the best way to accomplish this? Should I use the GWT NumberFormat class? NumberFormat makes exten...

GWT Dynamic Menu from XML File. How to Reflect Class of the Composite?

Hello Everyone, I'm trying to make an Dynamic Menu in GWT, reading it from an XML file. The XML file must have the button name and the action (the composite associated that will be added to an Horizontal Panel). To make the action, a need to do Reflection of the Class, wish is given me a lot of problems. I've tried 2 different solution,...

GWT: How to get a submission result out of FormPanel

The example from FormPanel's javadoc says: "...Assuming the service returned a response of type text/html, we can get the result text here (see the FormPanel documentation for further explanation)..." However the javadoc doesn't explain a bit about this topic. Has anyone found how to get the HTML response sent back from server after a ...

Eclipse 3.4 GWT 1.6 project - how to reference source from other projects?

I've got a GWT 1.6 project in Eclipse 3.4 and am trying to reference source from another (non-GWT) project in my workspace. I've added the project to my build path, but I can't run the application in hosted mode. When I do, I get a "no source code is available" error. I've done some searching and reading and have tried a few things th...

GWT with a Content Management System

After seeing some of the benefits of GWT, my partner and I decided that it would be a good front end for the web app we hope to build. A main part of this web app will be content management. We were hoping to use a CMS framework and put GWT on the front end, but all the open source CMS systems we find seem to be very tied to their fron...

Easiest way to add GWT to a Spring MVC application?

I've got a Spring MVC application and I've decided that I'd like to try using GWT for the front end. I'd like to continue using MVC as I'll also be using Spring Security and some other springy stuff. I'm aware of the GWT-SL project, and I guess I'll use it. The documentation is light on examples unfortunately. What I'm wondering now ...

GWT-Designer does not bild Async interfaces upon addition of Remote Service

Hello, I'm using GWT-Designer on a GWT project. It has been working well however some configuration got fouled up and it no longer builds Async interfaces and Implementations when you create a new Remote service. It has something to do with Eclipse Auto Build but I don't know how to see if this is enabled or how to trouble shoot it. ...

When does lazy loading become a problem in RIAs?

So I've got a simple web application using Spring MVC + Hibernate and am using the OpenSessionInViewFilter. I've recently been thinking of replacing the UI with something like Flex or GWT. At first I thought it would be easy, in that I can just hit my service layer from the new front end. But as I consider this a bit more, I'm a littl...

Problems passing class objects through GWT RPC

I've run through the Google Web Toolkit StockWatcher Tutorial using Eclipse and the Google Plugin, and I'm attempting to make some basic changes to it so I can better understand the RPC framework. I've modified the "getStocks" method on the StockServiceImpl server-side class so that it returns an array of Stock objects instead of String...

GWT unsupported browser warning

I want to display a message to users with unsupported browsers, as opposed to having the site fail in an ugly manner. What's the best way to do that? ...

Getting the number of tabs in a TabBar

How can I find the number of tabs in a TabBar? ...

Why when starting GWT in debug mode, my break points don't break

I am using Eclipse 3.4.2 with the latest GWT. The IDE doesn't even switch to Debug Perspective automatically. ...

GWT - clear.cache.gif never goes away

I have a web site that is built with GWT 1.6. One of the nagging problems is that the image clear.cache.gif is displayed by one of the widgets, but it never goes away, and even bleeds through panels that are supposed to be on top. Has anyone else had this problem? How did you fix it? ...

Remove a generated panel in GWT after a button is clicked

I am attempting to create a Google Web Toolkit (GWT) application that also uses Google Gears, but every time I try to remove the panel, I get an exception and the panel stays there. Here is an excerpt from the exception I get (I've only included the relevant bits of the call stack, the rest just descends into the included function below...

Modifying GWT's user.agent when releasing

When developing, I set the user.agent property to a single value, to keep compile times down. When releasing, I have a WAR file built for all user agents. I unfortunately seem to keep forgetting to switch the property, either: wasting development time waiting for compiles, or preparing a WAR file with incomplete browser support ( not ...

gwt+grail.. advantages and shortcomings..

i wonder any folks doing gwt+grail integration . one advantage of grail is it has many plugins. while gwt is good and easy to create ajax ui. can anyone share some good and bad enperience doing gwt+grail integration. My question is triggered when i was looking for facebook connect . seems to me grail already has such plugin available whi...

Is it possible to use Visual Studio as an IDE for Google Web Toolkit?

As a long time user of Visual Studio, I feel comfortable using this as my primary IDE for editing code (I primarily code in C#/ASP.NET). Lately I've been looking more in depth into the Google Web Toolkit (or GWT) as a potential tool for building rapid web client tools for the web. I would therefore like to know whether it is possible to ...

In GWT, what does the "[...].java' is removed due to invalid reference(s)" mean?

I have converted a GWT Eclipse based project to GWT-Maven but when I run the command mvn clean gwt:compile I get an awful lot of errors that specify: [class name].java' is removed due to invalid reference(s): My pom.xml dependencies are: dom4j-1.6.1 commons-httpclient-3.1 gwt-servlet-1.6.4 gwt-user-1.6.4 junit-4.3.1 gwtext-2.0.5 ...

GWT/Firefox: getOffsetHeight() always returns 0

Using GWT 1.6.4, I have the following code to retrieve the dimensions of the browser window: RootPanel panel = RootPanel.get(); int height = panel.getOffsetHeight(); int width = panel.getOffsetWidth(); Now, in the Hosted Mode browser, and in IE (but I believe the hosted mode browser uses IE, right?), this returns the correct values f...

GWT MouseWheelHandler not working in Firefox

I'm trying to make a TextBox that will change value when someone scrolls the mouse wheel over it. Specifically, my goal is for the number in the text box to increase when i scroll up, and decrease when i scroll down. However, I'm having trouble figuring out the MouseWheelHandler. I simplified my code to just change the value to "UP" or "...