
Best GWT widget library?

Question for all the GWT gurus out there - which is the best GWT widgets library out there? And why? List based on the answers: Default EXT-GWT GWT Components Library GWT-EXT GWT Widget Library GWTiger Rocket GWT Dojo SmartGWT Vaadin Others ...

Dynamic coloring

Hi, any experience in changing a Widget's (background-) color dynamically? afaik I can only change the CSS style name but as the color is computed, I don't have a chance here? I found something like DOM.setStyleAttribute(mywidget.getElement(), "background", "#FF0000"); but that rather looks nasty. any ideas? ...

The cons and pros of smartGWT

I'm starting work on a smartGWT project in a few days and I'd like to know what kind of experiences you had. To avoid making this a bashing of smartGWT or GWT or a freestyle discussion, I'm going to provide some pointers for the discussion: Do you feel that the provided widgets are integrated well? Is there any widget you miss in parti...

Adding a MouseOverHandler to an Element?

I would like to listen for the mouse over event in GWT 1.6. Since GWT 1.6 has introduced handlers and deprecated listeners I'm unsure as to how I can accomplish this with what little information exists. Note: I have an Element object. That's what I need to add the mouse handler to. I apologize for my lack of clarity. Thanks! ...

Combining TimeItem and DateItem values

I have to combine the time value for TimeItem and date value from DateItem in smartgwt.In output I want the date object for java.util.Date.I tried to combine these two.I couldnot do that. Sample code is : DateItem date=new DateItem(); TimeItem time=new TimeItem(); DynamicForm form=new DynamicForm(); form.setFields(date,time); // java....

Can Java annotation do this?

Pardon me if this is a stupid question as I'm new to Java annotation. I'm looking into a solution that displays the subversion revision number and last modification date in my application (written in GWT, therefore reflection is not available). Encode the revision in subversion keyword doesn't work as it applies only to the current file....

Are there any good tools for integrating GWT with ASP.Net?

Are there any good tools available for using GWT (the Google Web Toolkit) with an ASP.Net server application? The programming model and tools for GWT are quite nice, however, it would be nice if the backend could remain in C#/ASP.Net. Is there currently a good solution available for this? ...

MS excel like functionality in web ui with more complexity?

I have swing application in which there is MS excel like functionality. User can enter data in the columns. Most of the columns are drop down lists, so use have to select from the list. Can this functionality be easily built in Adobe Flex or GWT? Second complexity is depending upon what value is selected in a column, another column sho...

Best way to detect browser closing/navigation to other page and do logout

I am writing an application in GWT and I need to detect when a user navigates away from my application or when he closes the browser window (onUnload event) and do a logout (session invalidation and few other cleanup tasks). The logout action is performed by a servlet. I am currently doing this by hooking into the onUnload() event and ...

Suppress control-click context menu, gwt 1.6

My gwt 1.6 application intercepts mouse clicks on hyperlinks, so when a user shift-clicks on links to "authors" they get an Edit... dialog box instead of navigating to the author's page. That's working nicely. I'd now like to allow the user to control-click to select more than one author, but I can't figure out how to suppress the bro...

GWT module XML - how to redefine and use more than one user agent;s=google-web-toolkit-doc-1-5&amp;t=FAQ_CompileOnePermutation In the article I learned I can speed up the compiler but specifying the target user agent. The problem how can I specify more than one user agent? Suppose my application supports ie6 and FF3 <set-property name...

GWT with spring dependency injection

I googled but couldn't find any answer. I am planning to use GWT. I want to know if I can use spring in my GWT code to use the dependency injection framework? I am not talking about GWT gui interaction with backend spring app. The reason I am asking is the GWT code gets compiled to JavaScript and this is what gets executed in browser. ...

GWT in eclipse javax.jws.WebMethod is not supported by Google App Engine's Java runtime environment

I created a GWT application in eclipse using the GWT eclipse plugin. By default it created and in client package. in server package. Now I want to call a CXF webservice from I used wsdl2java to generate java classes for my wsdl. I imported ...

Trouble upgrading from GWT 1.5 to 1.6; What to change in maven setup?

I've tried to upgrade a working GWT 1.5.2 application to 1.6.4 using maven to build. After fixing all errors and updating all deprecated calls, it compiles nicely. But when I try to start the application nothing happens, because (according to Firebug) the files I try to download is http://localhost:8080/softwarename/com.myCompany.Wor...

Is there a Flex equivalent of GWT-RPC?

Right now a lot of my applications use GWT-RPC for retrieving POJO's from a GWT RemoteService which in turn calls a Web Service (SOAP) to get the data. I am evaluating Flex and didn't really see anything truly analogous to this simple architecture. Anything I may have missed? ...

Looking for pros/cons of using GWT or JSF

I'm a long time Java developer who has been building UI with Adobe Flex for the past few years. I'm looking to broaden my repertoire with a RIA technology that runs in a plain-old browser, no plug-ins required. I've read a lot about GWT but don't know much about JSF, especially given the varying implementations. Below are some criteri...

Google App Engine + GWT + Eclipse: where do your unit tests live?

I'm just getting started with a project that combines GWT, Google App Engine and the Google Eclipse plugin. Where is the best place to store my tests? I normally keep my code organized Maven-style, with src/main/java, and tests in src/test/java. The default setup I get from the plugin dumped my source directly into src, which I'm not ...

Debug console for GWT/GXT

I need to see component tree of the GWT application. DOM tree will be also acceptable. Unfortunatelly GWT hosted browser does not provide access for devToolbar. The only way I found is to compile to javascript and then use regular browser. But compilation takes enormous ammount of time. ExtJS has Debug Console, but I was not able to fi...

The prefix "security" for element "security:http" is not bound

i get error 2009-05-24 21:49:56,399 ERROR [org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader] - Context initialization failed org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException: Line 38 in XML document from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml] is invalid; nested exception is org.xml.sax.SAXParseExc...

How to group gwt composite widgets change events as one change event

If i have a GWT composite widget with three text boxes like for SSN, and i need to fire change event only when focus is lost from the widget as a whole, not from individual text boxes how to go about doing that? ...