
Code sharing in GWT app engine

I have an Employee class @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION) public class Employee { @PrimaryKey @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY) private Key key; @Persistent private String firstName; @Persistent private String lastName; ...

What should I use for implementing list feature in GWT.

Hello, I want to implement list like "stackoverflow question list" (where each row has multiple items, text, tags, user, time etc) in GWT. What should be most appropriate approach? I tried using FlowPanel and inside that "HTML elements" so result will be DIVs inside DIV. But, then CSS is pain.. (unable to set right aligned multiple rows...

Get content from url with GWT

Hi, I need to get the content from url ( using Google Web Toolkit (GWT) I've tried this: GWT: RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, ""); try { rb.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(final Request req...

Grid Chart using GWT

Hi, Is there any library in gwt that will create grid chart, something similar to this : Thank you. ...

GWT check if flash is installed

Is there a way in GWT to check if the browser running is supporting Flash? ...

Scrolling TabPanel

Hi, I Am trying to create a Tab Panel where I can add and delete tabs on demand. Where I am getting stuck is that if a potential user adds too many tabs the new tabs go off the screen. Each Tab is to contain a text area widget where a user may enter text. Is there any way of horizontally scrolling the just the TabBar and not the wh...

Display Problem with absolutepanel with gwt-connector

Hi, I am trying to use GWT-Connector in one of my classes to create the connection point to the widgets. Here is what i have: public class Test extends Composite{ RequiredData rd = new RequiredData(); public Test(){ TextBox t1 = new TextBox(); t1.setSize("100px", "20px"); t1.setText("Hi"); t1.setTitle("textbox"); CustomSh...

How to create a development/debug and production setup

Hello there, I recently deployed inadvertently a debug version of our game typrX (typing races at - try it it's fun). It was quickly corrected but I know it may happen again. After digging on Google I found some info how to create 2 different profiles, one for development mode that has the debug functions and one used...

Achieving multipage GWT website

Hi, I have a question on managing a multipage GWT website. For now I only have one html page in which I embed lots of divs to store the widgets that I use. Then, according to the user's actions I add or remove the necessary divs using GWTs DOM class. Therefore, I use only one html page to simulate multiple pages. Is there a better way t...

Persisting a GWT Visualization API DataTable

What's the correct way to go about persisting a GWT Visualization API DataTable? Should I find a way to serialize the DataTable object or should I write the table cell by cell to a relational database? I'm trying to build a RIA using the GWT-MVP pattern described here

Refresh the UI in gwt

I have created some custom composite widget, which listens to an events (in my case loginEvent). Once the event is caught the state of the widget changes so as the way it should look (in my case I would like to change one of the icons to a signal that the user is logged in). How, after the event is cought, can I make the widget draw its...

Any good articles related to deploying GWT applications to production?

Hi everyone, Does anyone know any good articles on how to deploy Google Web Toolkit (GWT) applications to a production environment? What are the requirements? Should I use Tomcat or Jetty with or without Apache? My GWT app leverages GWT-RPC requiring it to be hosted on a JVM stack. My current experience with deployment to production is...

Error loading the grails gwt module xml

Hi, I've installed the plugin from this article by Peter While compile time its not able to find the module file which is present in the plugin. Since there are no jar files for the module, can you tell me what I'm missing here.. The stack trace is as follows: ...

grails + gwt request handling via controllers

I am new to gwt. I am trying to integrate gwt+grails.Can anybody provide me a good example for handling the request using grails controllers and not a custom servlet.I will be really thankful if anybody can guide me :) ...

Google App Engine Task Queue on GWT

I'm looking at Google App Engine's new task queue API for Java and I'm having a hard time relating that to my GWT application. If I wanted to use a task queue to do some asynchronous processing, how should I do that using GWT. The way I see it is, I'd have to send a server request that would then do the submission to the task queue API....

gwt request (via RequestBuilder) causing response to be treated as JavaScript

The following code RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, URL.encode("http://localhost:8080/xxxx/yyyy")); try { Request request = builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { } public void onResponseReceived(Req...

Spring configuration in GWT Project?

I am developing a GWT-Spring-Hibernate project and I want to use Spring Autowired annotation in GWT Service Servlet but my autowired annotated service is not injected. it is null. Is there a configuration detail that I missed? I add <context:annotation-config /> <context:component-scan base-package="" /> to my ApplicationConte...

How to handle image/gif type response on client side using GWT

Hi all, I have a question about how to handle image/gif type response on client side, any suggestion will be great. There is a service which responds for retrieving image (only one each time at the moment) from database. The code is something like, JDBC Connection Construct MYSQL query. Execute query If has ResultSet,...

placing widget in listbox/dropdown in gwt

hi, i am using gwt to build my web site. i would like to create a dropdown/listbox that contains no just text but also images, meaning that in the drop down there will be a what ever widget that ill create. please advise jaimon ...

GWT Books/Tutorial for GWT 1.4 --> 1.7

I'm taking over a colleague's GWT project soon and I've never coded in it before. However as I come from a Java background, I'm sure I won't be banging my head too much or be too overwhelmed when I open Eclipse! What would be the best book to pick up, or tutorial to go through? What particular packages / tricks do you recommend I look ...