
Google Web Toolkit in eclipse randomly requires me to reset GWT SDK

I downloaded and install the latest version of Google App Engine Plugin into my Eclipse and created a project with it using both GAE SDK and GWT SDK. The funny thing is, randomly, my project become subjective to error, like the class RemoteServiceServlet cannot be resolved. The errors will be removed if I go to the configure tab of the p...

GWT DatePicker Locale

is possible to set a Locale for I need to show the days and the weeks in italian style. thanks ...

Getting Java Security Exception with java comm api from GWT

Im developing a GWT application to control an X10 home automation controller(USB Device). It uses the java Comm APi to communicate witht the controller. But im getting this exception when trying to call the comm api remotly. Initializing AppEngine server The server is running at http://localhost:8888/ javax.comm: Error loading

server side RemoteService implementation?

I'm really impressed with the functionality and capability found in the GWT async RPC mechanism which defines Due to the extreme limitations in the GAE hosting environment, I'm needing to bridge requests from a GAE server to another non...

jre 1.6 with GWT

I have an application written in GWT 1.4 I am all set to up grade it to GWT 1.7/2.0 Before starting i just want to confirm that GWT 1.7.1 above versions supports jre 1.6?? ...

How to call jquery trigger from gwt?

public static native void doConnect() /*-{ $wnd.jQuery(document).trigger('connect', { jid: 'sss', password: 'sss' } ); }-*/; i tried the above ,but there is no error in firebug or gwt hosted mode console(so i cannot know ...

Blink/Flash effect or animation in gwt

Hi, I'm building an web intra-net application which has the need for a flashing/blinking button (this has been discussed in depth and is our design decision so please do not lecture me about it). Our UI framework is GWT. Currently in the prototype this effect is achieved be scheduling a timer which adds or removes a css style thus creati...

[GWT] StackLayoutPanel and MVP

Hello! Think there might be something about this MVP approach I have completely misunderstood. Currently I am struggling to apply the MVP pattern to the part of my application consisting of a StackLayoutPanel (accordion). To me it seems natural to have a presenter and a view per stack... but how do I allow the different presenters to r...

Where is ContentWidget.CwConstants located and what is it?

I´ve just started learning GWT and I´m trying to implement!CwFileUpload and but failing miserably. Where is the ContentWidget.CwConstants suppose to come from and what exactly is it? public static interface CwConstants extends Constants, ContentWidget.CwConstants { String ...

Flex Table in GWT

i want a table in gwt, which is used to update the database.. since the table is a updater of database, i need add, edit, remove and save commands.. The project is being created for internal purpose of the company, so I look for a solution that does not require commercial licensing for such uses. ...

Optimization tips and tricks

I need to optimize our web service, but don't know where to begin. We're running GWT, PHP and PostgreSQL. Without even having peaked at any performance data, I'm guessing that the major optimizations are going to happen in the database. I don't know anything about restructuring the DB, nor indexing. (Don't know anything 'bout DBs really...

Passing multiple variables from servlet to client

I hope someone can assist me with this. I'm trying to pass an customer id and customer name from a database result using rpc in gwt to the client. I found a way to pass one variable but I can't find a way to pass them both where the id is attached to the name. Can someone post a code example on how to do this. If you need more info let m...

GWT theme style overrides my css style

Hi, I have some html files with their own css. I want to use them in a gwt application so i copied the html and the css files in the application. The problem is when i open the html it uses the gwt theme style. For example in my css the html 'body' background color is black, but it looks white unless i deactivate the theme. How could ...

GWT Facebook fb:serverfbml problems

Hi, I have a app that is running on appengine and its written with gwt, the problem is that the fb:serverfbml content takes sometime to load and it doesnt show in any IE. I have the FeatureLoader.js.php import on top and window.onload = function() { FB_RequireFeatures(["XFBML"], function() { FB.Facebook.init(APPKEY, "/xd_receiver.htm...

How can I show Month View in smartgwt Calendar?

I want to show only Month view of Calendar in SmartGWT2.0 with Eclipse 3.5(Galilio) How can i do that? ...

How do I manage sessions in a hybrid Ruby/GWT system?

I currently have a Ruby on Rails system, and there are plans to port it to GWT. Before we do this, the powers that be want to have a proof of concept with part of the site being written in GWT to show that GWT can use and display the current content. The flow of data in the GWT portion of the system is as follows: Client sends an RPC c...

Using ClientBundle image resources in css urls

I'm building an application in GWT and have a skin from my graphic designer which I've plugged into the app using UIBinder and it works beautifully. Now I want to bundle all the images using ClientBundle. Mayne of these images are used in the css file e.g. .nav{background:url(nav_bg.jpg) left top repeat-x; height:27px; clear:both;} B...

How to enable servlet in GWT project

I created one GWT webapplication project.Inthat i want to create servlet program,but in that project not allow to create servlet program.How to solve this? ...

GWT Maven and Eclipse

Hi, A plea for help! Can anyone share a simple GWT2.0 project that uses the gwt-maven-plugin with Eclipse and demonstrates some simple RPC server calls. I've tried to follow examples, use archetypes, read badly documented websites, and follow threads on stackoverflow but all to no avail. I simply cannot get RPC to work. I'm going to g...

GWT eclispe embedded jetty and DBCP connection pooling

Hi all, I am trying to setup the embedded Jetty that comes with the GWT (2.0.3) Eclipse plugin to use a JNDI connection pool that works perfectly under Tomcat, without success. Now since i have read some things regarding the issue, i have managed to do the following: Included the Jetty naming initial context factory to the classpath by ...