
SmartGWT, appending HTML to HTMLPane

Hello, I am currently working with SmartGWT and have been trying to obtain a way of including a panel such as the gwt Standard VerticalPanel into a smart GWT window. The reason for the VerticalPanel is that I can append widgets to the verticalpanel object without having to re-set the entire content, for example: HTMLPane hPaneObj = new...

How to use JSTL in a GWT project?

i am building a GWT project, with GWT-2.0.3 and eclipse plugin. well, first i tried, JSTL1.2 and servlet 2.5, i do add jstl-1.2.jar to war/WEB-INF/lib in web.xml, i use: <web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:web="

Choosing between java or php for GWT!!

For my new heavy database read application ,i need to use GWT and mysql. But in choosing between java and PHP,i have some confusions, 1)JDBC with mysql is slower than PHP with mysql (PHP won) 2)if am going to use PHP ,i have to use JSON for transferring data between server and client. 3)This json parsing and handling overhead can be easi...

How to add external Jar file into GWT project.

I am going to use jacob.jar. But the problem is the jacob jar file don't have xxx.gwt.xml file. So I not able to inherit it into my project xml file. How to resolve this problem? or GWT not allow us to add external JAR file? ...

How to use UiHandler in a MVP pattern

Hi Accoring to the MVP pattern the view should contain all the UI components. Then i read about the new UiHandler introduced in the GWT 2.0. The UiHandler can be used only in the view. Should we use UiHandler in the mvp pattern, if so where should we use it. NOTE: i am a GWT n00b. ...

How to incorporate Spring security using open id into a GWT project

Well its simple, Basically I want to follow GWT's "One Page" paradigm and yet integrate Spring security into the application. What i understand that if the cookie is not found in the system, spring will redirect user to a Open id referrer page asking for login else it would simply send my server the user's open url id. This is what i tr...

Strange GWT behaviour in IE8

Hi, I experience a problem with GWT 1.6 in IE8 (I have enabled native XMLHTTP support). The scenario i this: The first time I enter a page, it renders fine with no problems. But in subsequent requests, the page fails with a JavaScript error: Message: Exception thrown and not caught Line: 5067 Char: 237 Code: 0 URI: http://someurl/some...

Problem with list and map in GWT

I have a problem with map and list in GWT. I need to put a map in to a list but GWT does not support ArrayList and HashMap since they are not serialized types. Exactly I want to create following list with out using ArrayList and HashMap ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> map = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,Object>>(); Thank you for new...

GWT visualization API Motion Chart language

I'm using the gwt visualization library to display motion charts in a gwt app. However, the language shown in the chart is random (different language every time it loads). This: says I can set it, but only through the load method. But the GWT load m...

Pretty Print / HTML Tidy for Google Web Toolkit (GWT)?

Is there a function for GWT (Google Web Toolkit) to pretty-print the html output of widgets? (apologies if the question is badly phrased - I'm not a GWT dev, but our developers are claiming that there's no way to do this) Currently all output is a huge single-line block, making debugging of CSS issues etc. a considerable task. HTML Tid...

Include a dynamically created GWT widget in a different Web page

Hi, I have the following requirement: Based on some user input, I need to generate a HTML form that the user can embed on a separate Web application. I thought on doing this with GWT since I'm familiar with it. I'm clear on the input parsing and widget generation part. What I don't know how to do is how to export the root widget's (most...

UiBinder FlexTable style

Hi, I want to add different styles to different rows, Which is the best way? I'm trying this (it doesnt works, no error but no changes): TWO INTERFACES: public interface StatiscticsTableResources extends ClientBundle { public static final StatiscticsTableResources INSTANCE = GWT.create(StatiscticsTableResources.class); @Source("S...

Remove style from all child elements

i have a panel (A), which contains 3 other panels (AA, AB, AC). Each of the subpanels contains Label and Button. The label has a style. How can i remove all styles from all labels over A. My idea was to make something like A.getChilds().removeStyleName();... edit: the number of the subpanels is variable...from 2 to 1000. Each subpanel h...

Help regarding database driver connection through gwt

Hello guys so i am just getting to terms with using gwt and the rpc services that i can implement. So i began with the gwt greeting service started project.(all gwt users know this starter app) all i wanted to do was to press the send button on the web page. it would retrieve a simple string from my database and display it on the webpa...

Adding style to Gwt-Connectors

Hi, I am using GWT-Connector for my project. I need to create two connectors which will look different from each other. Is there a way to make these connector look either thick or have double line. I don't want to use arrows. Any input will be of great help. Thank you. ...

Why element.getElementsByTagName() can't select the node dynamicly added?

final Button sendButton = new Button("Send"); sendButton.getElement().setId("button"); RootPanel.get().getElement().appendChild(sendButton.getElement()); NodeList buttonElement = Document.get().getElementsByTagName("button"); if(buttonElement != null && buttonElement.getLength() > 0){ buttonElement.getItem(0).setNodeValue("Changed"); }e...

Disable back button in GWT

Is there a way to disable the Back button in a browser (basically clearing the History token stack) in GWT? Once I browse to a certain page in my application I want to make sure that the user can't use the back button to go back, but only be able to use links on the page to navigate the site. ...

GWT Request Builder problem (same site policy issue?)

I am trying out GWT in this 'configuration': 1) I have written a server backend in python which will produce json output (running at localhot:8094) 2) I have written a very simple GWT app that will use RequestBuilder to set GET to the python server (in development mode of the GWT eclipse plugin, it is accessible via

What does it call in GWT to make 2 UI consistent?

I saw a video of Google I/O and found an example of GWT UI being very consistent between clients. Which you can save, add, drag and drop in almost real time between clients. I currently don't understand the basic of this (In GWT, i think it implement Comet), so is there anyone can give me a term or definition for this? so I can get it on...

GWT JUnit console warnings when running tests

So a couple days ago I created some simple unit tests on my GWT app (in eclipse, using JUnit). They ran fine, now when I try them again after adding lots of crap to my app, they still finish fine, they just take longer and pour out a fair bit of console spam, starting with CSS errors: [WARN] CSS error: null [485:24] Error in expression...