
Datanucleus/Roo/GWT - Problems persisting beans with date fields

hello all! I tried running the sample GWT/Google Appengine application - expenses generated by ROO using the roo command "script expenses.roo" (as advised here)... This app uses datanucleus-core - 1.1.6 and a HSQLDB as the in-memory database. I was able to run the application and successfully store and retrieve Employee objects. (Thes...

Navigate between GWT modules

I've divided my GWT app into multiple modules, what's the best way to navigate between them? Currently I'm using Window.Location.assign("foo.html#bar") but is there a better way? ...

gwt-dev-mac.jar is missing?

I'm trying to use IntelliJ IDEA for GWT development on Mac OS X, and checked out a project from subversion a coworker created on Windows. The Project file came with paths to GWT ("C:..."), which obviously don't work for me. When I change the GWT facet path in the Module Settings dialog it complains that the directory i've chosen isn't ...

How do I get a GWT SoYC Method Dependency report?

I'm trying to figure out why my code splitting isn't working as I expect, so I'm generating a SoYC report by passing -compileReport and -XsoycDetailed to gwtc. However I can't figure out how to navigate from extras/MyModule/soycReport/compile-report/index.html to the method dependency view shown in figure 4 here. ...

GWT - Parameters in Fragment

Hi. Here's my history value change event handler: public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { String token = event.getValue(); if (token != null) { if (token.equals("!list")) { GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } ...

GWT setStylePrimaryName for all of instances of a widget

saveButton.setStylePrimaryName("jtyfj"); If I do that to a button, it removes the default "gwt-button' class and replaces it with 'jtyfj'. My question is, is there a way to apply this yo all buttons by default. I'd really rather not have any default gwt-styles being referenced. Also, is there a way to do it with a ClientBundle CSSReso...

GWT 2.1 CellTable Column Header click events

Is there any way to add clickHandlers (or any type of handler) to the headers of the columns in a CellTable? I want to add some sorting functionality to my CellTable and I dont see any methods in the Column or Header classes that will allow this. I used this post to figure out how to use the CellTable. ...

Servlet and error conditions

Hello I'm writing my first JAVA servlet and I have a question. May be it's important to say that my servlet will be called from Google Web Toolkit (AJAX) First thing that I do is to create PrintWriter and start to write in it my JSON output PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); ... out.println("["); out.println(" {"); out.println...

Gwt VerticalPanel Cell Height

Hi, I have a horizontalpanel with 3 verticalpanels inside. In the verticalpanels there are custom widgets I need all verticalpanels has the same height (even if they have different number of widgets inside) and a button in the empty space. So, I put all panels height = 100% and the buttons height = 100%. The problem is that the vert...

how to make a Ext gwt Grid movable ?

i have created a simple grid widget.but it sticks to the browser to make it movable i.e dragable ...

GWT project integration with an existing Deployed Project.

OK, so this has been asked before I know..but I read through and my question is more please help me, a newbie and I'll be very thankful. Its going to be a boring read, so sorry for that. Question : There exists a huge deployed project, all in JAVA, which has various components as its used internally by company and externall...

Events defined in UiBinder not working ?

Sorry if it's a silly question , but I'm just starting learning GWT and got stuck to this problem for a long time ... . Here is my code : public void onModuleLoad() { HelloWorldPanel helloWorldPanel = new HelloWorldPanel(); RootPanel.get().add(helloWorldPanel); //RootPanel.getBodyElement().appendChild(helloWorldPanel.getEle...

GWT RPC fails outside EntryPoint class

The following works when it's in the EntryPoint class of my application, but not when it's moved somewhere else. public MyServiceAsync service = GWT.create(MyService.class); service.someFunction(callback); It doesn't seem to throw an exception itself, but the application crashes on a NullPointerException when it looks for objects tha...

GWT RequestBuilder

How do i use GWT Request builder to pass on a String from my GWT code to a website would be greatly helpful if i can get the code for doing this. Thanks ...

How to collect a number of asynchronous callbacks?

Hi! Are there any techiques to collect a number of gwt-rpc service callback results? I have a dialog window used to create new or edit existing object. These objects have a number of references to other object. So when user creating or editing an object he may pick one in the ListBox. public class School { private String name; ...

GWT + GAE Servlet URL and Servlet Mapping That's the current URL for one of my servlets. My question is, how do I change it? In my web.xml file, altering <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>contactsServiceServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/socialnetwork/contactsService</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> to <serv...

How to respond (if possible) to http get requests in GWT?

I would like to make a http get request with my Android phone (i know how to do that) and get the file in return (or some other response from database on the server). Is it possible to do that in GWT (i just started reading tutorials) on the server side or will i have to learn PHP or sth. else? I've seen this

How secure is this GWT/RPC security method for a GWT GAE Java App?

Hi, Once a user is logged in, I create a Java session and store their userid and sessionid (sid) in the session, these two parameters are sent to GWT client and they are stored there in a base GWT client presenter (not as cookies). I am using MVP Architecture. Every call made to sever there after is sent with these two parameters userI...

What is the difference between a global variables and attributes of the window object?

Hi, I'm a bit confused by JavaScript's window object. For starters, consider the following two declarations: var imglobal = "I'm Global"; window.imglobal = "I'm Global"; As far as I understand it, this would be exactly the same (is it?) It can be accessed as "imglobal" or "window.imglobal" in both cases. I don't understand why, var ...

Spring's ContentLoaderListener not found in the web-app but was found on the system classpath

I am building a GWT app with Spring. I am having some issues to inject a dependency to one of my Servlets, so I am trying to narrow down what can be wrong. First, when my app starts I get: [WARN] Server class 'org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener' could not be found in the web app, but was found on the system ...