
Building JSON server-side with Google Web Toolkit

Google Web Toolkit has a JSON library ( The 'client' part of that name makes me suspect that it isn't intended for use server-side. The following code in a server-side RPC method confirms my suspicions: System.out.println("attempting to make JSONArray"); JSONArray test = new JSONArray(); System.out.println("M...

Unable to deploy a Roo/GWT application on Google AppEngine from Springsource Tool Suite

Hi everybody, I followed this excellent tutorial but, as it doensn't cover the deployment part, I tried to do it by myself. So, I installed Springsource Tool Suite in Ubuntu. Then, I create a "demo1" Roo project. Next, with the built-in Roo Shell, I taped the following commands: persistence setup --provider DATANUCLEUS --database HYPE...

Permanently-Caching images in GWT

Dear members, What's difference between cache & permanently cache in browser. In GWT framework image files rename to .cache. pattern and I read somewhere in google website to cache permanently images in GWT configure the App-Server for caching them permanently. But I don't know how to do this exactly. My website's images will never chan...

How do you access the parent window when you open a popup window to oauth with twitter using gwt?

I got oauth working fine with twitter in my GWT app. However, when I use to try and do the oauth flow, get a successful oauth, and twitter redirects the newly opened window to my callback url, I have an issue. The only way I can see to close the window is to use JSNI and call $wnd.close(). After I close the window I am u...

What is the best way to send data between dynamic widgets in GWT

I'm building GWT page with a dynamic widgets withing other dynamaic widgets. Here is the example of what I have: Course widget that is holding course name, course start time, and a list of Module widgets Module widget has module name, module type, a List of Document widgets, and a List of Audio widgets Document and Audio widget has sim...

GWT framework for iphone

i know Java,not Objective-c but like to program IPHONE and IPAD. now i need to use some sort of framework directly for device communication and function communication(http connection API,barcode reader API,remote file access API,twitter API) is there any framework that is written in Java using GWT. i saw phoneGAP.but like GWT. i like ...

Spring security in GWT applications - problem securing app host pages and other static files

Spring security works pretty fine for me, but I cannot understand why I can't limit access to HTML host page. The current situation is that my application starts and I have to handle login problem in gwt code by myself. I'd prefer Spring security to handle this, so when user is not logged, and try to load my /Application.html, he/she is...

Serializable Hibernate data object for GWT RPC

I have a simple POJO mapped to a table using Hibernate. Which works just fine. public class Patient implements Serializable { private int patientId; private String firstName; private String lastName; private Set<Prescription> patientPrescriptions; public Patient() {} ... } My problem is I want to be able ...

"org.datanucleus" is already registered under Spring Source Toosuite

Hi everybody, Exception in thread "main" Plugin (Bundle) "org.datanucleus" is already registered. Ensure you dont have multiple JAR versions of the same plugin in the classpath. The URL "file:/home/zakaria/.m2/repository/org/datanucleus/datanucleus-core/1.1.6/datanucleus-core-1.1.6.jar" is already registered, and you are trying to regis...

How to bring Spring Roo & GWT together

Hey guys, I am trying to develop a Spring Roo/GWT app with the newest integration of GWT in Roo. Getting the scaffolding to work is very straightforward, but I don't really understand how the RPC works there. Can someone of you provide a simple example how to do a simple service to connect client/server within Spring Roo and GWT. Wou...

GWT JDBC how can i do?

Hi, i am learning gwt and i'm getting troubles trying to do a query No source code is available for type [package.Class]; did you forget to inherit a required module? i dont understand very well how works a module do i have to write a module for each class? i just wanna call a class to insert data Thanks for advance ...

Spring XML files outside WEB-INF

I'm working in a multi-module maven2 project using Spring and GWT. Let's say I have two subprojects: service and presentation. "service" contains the actual implementations of the services and "presentation" is in charge of wrapping them for GWT. I have successfully loaded the Spring XML files that are in the WEB-INF directory (the same...

GWT custom widgets height

Hi, I need a custom widget height. I tried using this Integer.toString(yourWidget.getElement().getOffsetHeight()) but, If I use it when I create it or add it to the container panel, it returns 0 If I use it in the contrainer panel's onLoad method, it returns the widget height before the style is applied So, when should I use it ...

Ajax Crawling on Google App Engine - Does HtmlUnit work? Does HtmlUnit work on AppEngine? If not, are there any other ways to make my GWT app crawlable by search engines? ...

Calling a Composite's GWT method from another Composite

I'm new to GWT and trying to make a simple app (like a small version of fmylife). Up to now i made a composite that loads the facts and another composite that has a form to submit new facts (this one has a load method that clear the list and populate again). I have a button that when you press it, it shows a Window with a form. That fo...

How to make spring4gwt export more than 1 service ?

I successfully follow GWT and spring4gwt's tutorials and transform the StockWatcher's demo into a Spring(3.0) enabled service , by the following configurations : web.xml : <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>springGwtRemoteServiceServlet</servlet-name> <!-- stockWatcher module is rename-to="stock" --> <url-pattern>/stock/spri...

GWT serialization and decorator pattern

I use the decorator pattern to describe Actions, and I would like to use those Actions in RPC calls public abstract class Action implement Serializable { boolean isDecorated = false; public Action() {} // default constructor for Serialization } public abstract class ActionDecorator extends Action { private Action _decora...

Multiple Entry Points in GWT

I'm getting into Google Web Toolkit, and am a little confused about the Entry Points in GWT. Google's docs say: If you have multiple EntryPoints (the interface that defines onModuleLoad()) within a module, they will all be called in sequence as soon as that module (and the outer document) is ready. If you are loading multiple GWT ...

Has anyone successfully integrated chronoscope (timepedia) into a GWT app? I have a very specific charting need for a GWT application I am currently working on and found a reference to chronoscope in another stackoverflow post. I looked at it and tried to integrate it into my application but ran into this compiler error: [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/dev/Viper/war/WEB-INF...

Error in GWT compilation

Hi , I am compiling my project in GWT with any target . I get the following error on Linux and Solaris . I can compile the Samples which came with GWT but get this error . I am using GWT 2.0.3 and JDK 1.6.17 [java] Compiling module com.calix.ex1.webgui.ex1embeddedclient.Ex1EmbeddedGui [java] [ERROR] Unexpected [java] java.lang.N...