
GWT - no urls in development mode tab

What could be the reason for not showing any urls to html files while debugging the GWT project? The tab is empty, it is not possible to debug any of the pages that are stored in 'war' directory. I guess it is all about the configuration. Thank you for any hints on how to fix that. ...

<img> tag greyed out in firebug hence found the reason for image not showing up. Need help fixing it.

I'm debugging a website for missing images. The website heavily uses GWT hence the source code is not so verbose. I started debugging it with firebug and found out that the tags are all greyed out in the firebug DOM source. If I edit the image tag in firebug console, say by adding just a space, then the image tag is not greyed anymore h...

GWT+Java: Globals, Singletons, and Headaches.

So here's my project: I am building a central interface/dashboard to present the test data for several test types of multiple product versions. We're using TestNG on our massive product, and while not enough tests are being written, that's a discussion for another topic. Here's what the directory structure looks like: Filesystem/prod...

GWT2.0.3 and JDK1.6.0_21 does not work

Hello, Just to inform GWT developers, GWT 2.0.3 and 2.0.4 does not work in Intellij with JDK 1.6.0_20. Why is this? No error, no nothing, just no output of gwt in war. Me thinks Oracle has done something bad again. ...

GWT push button with text and image combination

Does anybody know of a way to make a push button with text on top of an image? ...

Need something like ImageMap in GWT

Dear all, I need something like Html ImageMap & Html MapArea in my GWT project. What is the best choice for me? Is there any widget in standard GWT 2.0? Thanks ...

Why are some of my tags being removed (GWT)?

I'm adding an element to a document with the following: Element parent = getParentElement(); // Returns the right thing. HTML html = new HTML(); html.setHTML( "<td>BLAH</td>" ); parent.appendChild( html.getElement() ); When I view the resulting document with FireBug though, the parent's child looks like this: <div class="gwt-HTML"> B...

use jquery to call gwt uibinder div element

i looking for a manual way of manipulate div element inside uibinder using jquery without using gwtQuery . is there any example? the jquery will be inside app.html that has the gwt-entry-point.nocache.js file <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="tex...

GWT Development Mode with Eclipse/Maven

Hi, I am just starting with GWT. I use Eclipse and have installed the GWT plugin. I have followed the directions here to set up a GWT project using the gwt-maven-plugin. When I run the Maven goals gwt:compile gwt:run, GWT Development Mode is launched and I can copy...

Wicket vs GWT - Advice needed

I am developing a Java EE based web application. We have a very limited time to come up with a alpha version and trying to decide on a web framework to use. It has to be something easy to learn but powerful. Standard JSP/Servlet is not an option here due to the time it takes for the development. Appreciate if anyone could advice. Current...

GWT/Javascript client side password encryption

I'm implementing authorization in my gwt app, and at the moment it's done in the following fashion: The user signs up by putting his credentials in a form, and I send them in clear text to the server The server code hashes the received password using BCrypt and puts the hash in a database When the user wishes to log in, his password is...

GWT Label like Hyperink

Hi I want a Gwt Label which acts like an hyperlink. Basically the label should have an on click method which when clicked opens up a website.I dont want to implement this using an IFrame. Is there any way i can do this? Soryy if the question is pathetically easy to solve. ...

GWT serialization of a subclass

I have RPC service that returns an object of type GameEvent that extends from Event (abstract). When I get the object on the client side, all the properties inherited from Event (eventId, copyEventId, gameTimeGMT) are set to null whereas on the server side, these properties have values. public class GameEvent extends Event implemen...

How can I dynamically access property of Java object in GWT?

Using GWT I have a Java class: public class Pojo { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } } The above class is shared between the client and server side code. From the client code I would like to dynamically access the property. That is, I would like ...

Application that provides local and remote access to data

Hello, I need to develop an application with following features and want to understand if GWT can be used to develop this application or is it the right technology to use ? 1) Backend is in Java and uses MySQL 2) Desktop based UI to create some datafiles and data will be stored in MySQL DB. This app will generate the data. 3) A desktop...

Passing parameter to GWT module

Hi, My GWT module UI is only single button (like AddThis/ShareThis Sharing Button), and all other stuff is done in JS Popup panels. Id is specified as Global JS variable (i.e. and getting that Id in GWT module using JSNI method ($ NOTE: There is also another way pass parameter, which is by setting <di...

How-to use GAE Blobstore Java API with GWT?

I have GAE application and I'd like to download CSV file from Blobstore and display it in a table using GWT. Is there any example showing how to do this? ...

Complie issue with Custom GWT project strcuture

I am working on a gwt module that is built using maven build system. I had a working module that had the following project structure. project-name/src/main/java/pkg1/pkg2/pkg3/EntryPoingClass project-name/src/man/resources/pkg1/pkg2/ModuleDef.gwt.xml The module definition was looking like this (I have put only this project speci...

GWT-Custom Button

Hi , I need a gwt widget which has a button and can display a number. The number indicates the number of updates present. The best example of this implementation which i can think of is facebook. The notification button on the facebook homepage displays a number which indicates the number of notifications from the last login. I want t...

why Twitter cannot handle multiple request in 1 hour ?

Hi All I am developing a web-based (Business)application in Java (GWT 2.0.1) where number of users comes & make request to twiter. Approx 1000 of usres (more than that) make request to Twitter through my web-based application.for that I used twitter4j-2.0.9.jar Is there any way... so I can avoid "Rate limit exceeded" problem. means nu...