
How to run multiple instances of a single GWT application with different web.xml files on different subdomains ?

I've a GWT application, I run my application on tomcat server. My application only uses MySQL database to save & retrieve all needed data & has no side effect on file system (I mean it does not change any file on it's deployment path). Now I want to run multiple instances of my application on different subdomains, the only different betw...

GWT I18N on the server side

What is the best way to implement GWT Server Side Internationalization? Use native Java properties files (not sure how to read and how to locate the right language file) (unicode string need to be ASCII encoded) Use - GWT module which gives you seamless use of GWT I18N on both the client and the server and uses "java.lang....

GWT / Mosaic - Use ComboBox

Hi everybody, I'm using a the combobox of the Mosaic library. I'd like to use that widget in order to customize the arrow part of the combobox. This is working well. But the combobox is placed in a scrollpanel. When i click on my combobox, it opens a dropdownpanel. If i start scrolling, the dropdownpanel don't move with the combobox wi...

GWT production mode doesn't work on Chrome browser.

Hi guys, I compiled my GWT application and am testing it in the production mode. The application works fine on all browsers, except Google Chrome, which only an empty page shows up. I tried to see if there were any options for compilation, but there weren't. Can somebody let me know what's wrong? thanks, -- Javad ...

GWT: Storing Session ID in cookie, and then what?

Hey, I'm currently making a site using GWT, being hosted on AppEngine. I'm making it with my own logins that I'm making (I know Google provides something with GWT, but I need my own login system), and I've been trying to figure out sessions for quite a while now. I've found a few tutorials, and one of the sites that I was reading is htt...

How to make GWT DatePicker to use Monday as the first day of the week?

Pretty much, what the title says. I need to make the GWT DatePicker component use Monday as the first day of the week. Currently the day labels are S M T W T F S, I want it to be M T W T F S S. Any way to accomplish it? ...

searching for a working GWT RPC library

hi im searching for a GWT-RPC lib for the client side to communicate with a zend framework php server thus rpc like json, xml or rest would be interesting all i find are projects which have been stuck in years 2007/08 which dont seem to work anymore so is there anyone who can suggest a working library? thx ...

save an uploaded file with GWT

Hello, am using org.apache.commons.fileupload to upload . public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request); GWT.log("is multipart? " + Boolean.toString(isMultipart), null); ServletFile...

What jar-files needed for gilead with GWT ?

I do not find a good tutorial on integrating gilead for GWT with hibernate. I miss the step what jar files to include in my application. Background: There is some example source code at: to be found here, but I do not see that the same jars are used in the d...

KeyPressFilter & KeyPressHandler at same time

Hi I m using SmartGwt java. Is there any way to use both keypresshandler and keypressfilter at the same time on textItem. Actually i m using keypress handler to control navigation in the form.. but I have observed that keypress filter is disabled when keypresshandler is applied on textitem. ...

GWT: FlexTable swaping rows with Up/Down Buttons

i want to design a FlexTable programmaticaly which looks like this: Since OnClick Methods can't get other Parameters then an Event and the buttons don't know "on which row they are", i can't tell the button "please swap the row, where you currently are with your buddy on top of you". I wo...

Using uibinder with SmartGWT?

Is it possible to use UiBinder with SmartGWT at all? I've heard that at the moment it's impossible, though there are efforts to bridge the gap. How are those efforts? Have they yielded any successes yet? Furthermore, if SmartGWT is still not UiBinder-friendly yet, are there any other GWT libraries that might be? ext-GWT, perhaps? ...

Smartgwt - create a panel with title and a border

This sounds like a pretty simple thing to do but I havent been able to find an easy way to do this. How do I create a panel with a title and a border which can contain my widgets? I have seen the SectionStack class which provides this. But I dont want to create a section stack. Window can be added to a layout and drawn. But is it the on...

Are there any data-binding solution that works in C++ and GWT and supports structures polymorphism?

I expect it should share a common description, like XmlSchema or IDL and should generate classes for target language. I found Thrift and it's really nice solution, but it doesn't support structures polymorphism. I would like to have collections of base class objects, where I could place instances of subclasses, serialize this and deseri...

How to know that app version changed in GWT?

Hi, I have a use case where my GWT application is running on a client browser and I stop my tomcat and update the relevant WAR. What I'd like to happen is that once I load the tomcat every existing client will be reloaded automatically so they will be using the correct version of the application. Currently I'm facing two problems: I do...

HttpSession changes inbetween calls to Servlet and GWT RPC Servlet (RemoteServiceServlet)

Hey guys, I have a GWT application which I would like to run from within a Joomla layout. The concept seems to work fine and the application loads up correctly. Joomla uses an iFrame to achieve this and just sends off the url which will kick start the GWT application. The issue I am having is that I require certain information from Joo...

GWT - Return object after file upload from FormPanel?

I'm uploading a file using FileUpload and a FormPanel, on the server I generate a List using the data from the uploaded file. The problem is that I need to display this List on the client, but I can't find a way to serialize it using GWT's serialization in a normal HttpServlet. Only in RemoteServiceServlets which can't process a FormPane...

PHP library for native GWT RPC

I can't find solution for parsing GWT RPC request with PHP. Request has strange format. I need find specifications for that format (parsing and expected response) or working server-side PHP library. Sample of GWT request: 5|0|5|http://tracker/gwt/war/trackingsystem/|6F50E78F07D452C741455B0CA20F764D|client.rpc.RPCApiInterface|getIssu...

Maven ejb client source - is there a consistent/easy way?

Hey all, I'm using the maven-ejb-plugin to generate an ejb-client version of an ejb project. I have a separate entity/domain project where I make a -sources version for use with GWT. I'm currently running into issues as to where to put persistence.xml for various unit test frameworks (some want it in the entity/domain, others ejb, some...

Need app-wide CSS constants in GWT

Hi. I'd like to define some colours as constants in a GWT CssResource, and use those constants throughout my application; but I don't know how to do that. I'll tell you what what I've tried. I've created a ClientBundle and a CssResource as follows: public interface Resources extends ClientBundle { public interface MyStyle extends Css...