
FLVPlayback component in Flash 8 (AS2) and support for HD H.264 video

I have developed a video player using Flash 8 Professional and the FLVPlayback component. Recently I have been testing a few 720p .mov files converted to FLV by FFMPEG running on an encoding server. I am noticing that these files do not play back in my video player. It appears that they do not have any audio attached to them but when I p...

Is there any non-GPL-opensource C\C++ H264 encoding library?

Could someone please point me to an opensource H264 encoding library (written with C/C++) that is not licensed under GPL? It is for not commercial app creation of cource. I just do not want to open its sources. ...

How can I send images to x264 one by one?

I've got an image generator written in C. Now I want to pass those images to x264 to encode them and write it to a file. Every 100th image should be a key frame in order to save the video to disk every 100th frame. The image generator calls onImageGenerated() after each image. I'd appreciate any pointers on how to set up x264 in this...

I'm creating opensource GPL H264 encoding lib/app (based on x264) do I need to pay for the license?

I'm creating opensource GPL H264 encoding lib/app (based on x264) do I need to pay for the license? ...

Does anyone have an easy solution to parsing Exp-Golomb codes using C++ ?

Trying to decode the SDP sprop-parameter-sets values for an H.264 video stream and have found to access some of the values will involve parsing of Exp-Golomb encoded data and my method contains the base64 decoded sprop-parameter-sets data in a byte array which I now bit walking but have come up to the first part of Exp-Golomb encoded dat...

How to decode sprop-parameter-sets in a H264 SDP?

What is the meaning of Base64 decoded bytes in sprop-parameter-sets in SDP for a h264 stream? How can I know the video size from this example? SDP example: sprop-parameter-sets=Z0IAKeNQFAe2AtwEBAaQeJEV,aM48gA== First part decoded from Base64 to Base16: 67 42 00 29 E3 50 14 07 B6 02 DC 04 04 06 90 78 91 15 Second part (comma separ...

h264 RTP timestamp

Hi Guys, I have a confusion about the timestamp of h264 RTP packet. I know the wall clock rate of video is 90KHz which I defined in the SIP SDP. The frame rate of my encoder is not exactly 30 FPS, it is variable. It varies from 15 FPS to 30 FPS on the fly. So, I cannot use any fixed timestamp. Could any one tell me the timestamp of the...

How can I create an H.264 encoded movie from a set of images in c#?

I have been doing a lot of searching today for C# libraries which will allow me to create H.264 encoded video files. Does anyone know if any such libraries or 3rd party components exist? ...

RTP H.264 save and replay

We are interested in saving a H.264 stream and replaying it. Is there any one who experience saving h.264 using winpcap and replaying it. We were able to save H.263 and replay, but same logic does not work for H.264. We also tried rtpdump tool to save H264 stream, but we were unable to replay it in that format? thanks in advance ...

.net rtsp capture stream to disk

Hi I have a camera that sends h264 mpeg video over rtsp. I am looking for a solution in .NET to save this stream to disk as either a movie file or in some format I can later 'restream'. Have so far, without success, attempted to use vlclibnet for this but am unable to reliabely get it captured to a file. Any suggestions? Thanks ...

H264 RTP packet dump and generating quicktime files

Hi, I have a dump of RTP packets of streaming H264 videos that i captured using libpcap. I was wondering if anyone knows of a tool that can generate a playable video file from that. Thanks ...

Which Flash video format is more compressed, FLV or H264?

I read an Adobe article which demonstrated H.264 video playback support in Flash Player. Would video encoded in this format be more compressed than typical FLV videos? Should I be using this format for video I place on websites from now on? ...

x264 IDR access unit with a SPS and a PPS

Hi All, I am trying to encode video in h.264 that when split with Apples HTTP Live Streaming tools media file segmenter will pass the media file validator I am getting two errors on the split MPEG-TS file WARNING: Media segment contains a video track but does not contain any IDR access unit with a SPS and a PPS. WARNING: 7 samples (17....

H.264 in Firefox

Hi all, As I understand it Firefox does not support H.264 encoded video using the tag. I've been told that Flash will quite happily handle such content however I have no experience with Flash nor do I have access to Adobe Creative Suite. I'm developing primarily for Firefox users and recoding our video content to OGG would not be pract...

raw h.264 packet capture and playing in VLC

Hi, I am capturing packets off the network from a video conference HDX. The video is sent in RTP and is encoded in H264. I am trying to capture these packets and generate a video file. I wrote raw H264 data from the packets to disk and i am trying to play it in VLC. VLC just shows a green box. Am i being too naive in my approach with...

Is it possible to render QuickTime movies on iPhone OS?

Any methods would be useful! (to clarify: by render, I mean create, not playback) ...

Streaming encoded video in Adobe AIR Application

Hi, I am developing a desktop application in Adobe AIR that will be used to stream the user's camera video to a wowza media server. I want to encode the video on the fly, means transmit the H.264 encoded video instead of the default flash player encoded video for quality purpose. Is there any way around for this? Waiting for the help...

How is a h264 idea bitstream organized? / header start codes

I was trying to learn a bit about h264 by looking at the bitstream of a video file with a hex editor. I found here the start codes for a video object planes (0x000001b6) and for i-frames (0x000001b600). But I can't find many of those bytes in video files. Most of the time those start codes appear at the beginning of a file with only a f...

video streaming infrastructure

We would like to set-up a live video-chat web site and are looking for basic architectural advice and/or a recomendation for a particular framework to use. Here are the basic features of the site: Most streams will be broadcast live from a single person with a web cam, etc., and viewed by typically 1-10 people, although there could be...

H.264 / FLV best practices for HTML

I run a website that has as part of it about 700 reference videos (And no, it's not porn -- get your mind out of the gutter :-) ). The videos are currently in FLV format. We use the JWPlayer to render those videos. IIS6 hosted. Everything works just fine. As I understand it, H.264 (not FLV and likely not OGG) is the emerging prefer...