
How do I create a suitable .tar.gz file for use with `cabal upload`?

The standard way to share a Haskell library with other programmers is to create a Cabal package and upload it to http://hackage.haskell.org. I've written a library I wish to share, and I've successfully created a Cabal package using the guidelines online for creating cabal files. I've built the package and installed it locallyworks fi...

Cabal: Odd Error Message + Lack of Documentation

So I recently installed cabal (from the default binary of ArchLinux). I then tried to upgrade cabal as a user: cabal upgrade Cabal --user --prefix=$USER Resolving dependencies... cabal: fromFlag NoFlag. Use fromFlagOrDefault What I've already done: Googled the error message. Turned up the cabal source and little else. Looked ...

Haskell: Why is it saying my function type is off?

I wrote a little Haskell program to find the area of a triangle, primarily to practice custom types, but it keeps throwing the following error on compile: areafinder.hs:7:4: Couldn't match expected type `Triangle' against inferred type `m b' In a stmt of a 'do' expression: putStr "Base: " In the expression: do { putS...

Applying a function that may fail to all values in a list

I want to apply a function f to a list of values, however function f might randomly fail (it is in effect making a call out to a service in the cloud). I thought I'd want to use something like map, but I want to apply the function to all elements in the list and afterwards, I want to know which ones failed and which were successful. ...

[Haskell] Problem when mixing type classes and type families

Hi! This code compiles fine: {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, FlexibleContexts, EmptyDataDecls, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, TypeSynonymInstances, TypeFamilies #-} class Sel a s b where type Res a s b :: * instance Sel a s b where type Res a s b = (s -> ...

understanding syb boilerplate elimination

In the example given in http://web.archive.org/web/20080622204226/http://www.cs.vu.nl/boilerplate/ -- Increase salary by percentage increase :: Float -> Company -> Company increase k = everywhere (mkT (incS k)) -- "interesting" code for increase incS :: Float -> Salary -> Salary incS k (S s) = S (s * (1+k)) how come increase functio...

Are there tools that would be suitable for maintaining a changelog for a Cabal Haskell package?

I'm working fast and furiously on a new Haskell package for compiler writers. I'm going through many minor version numbers daily, and the Haskell packaging system, Cabal, doesn't seem to offer any tools for updating version numbers or for maintaining a change log. (Logs are going into git but that's not visible to anyone using the pack...

Haskell type classes and type families (cont'd)

I need some help in figuring a compiler error which is really driving me nuts... I have the following type class: infixl 7 --> class Selectable a s b where type Res a s b :: * (-->) :: (CNum n) => (Reference s a) -> (n,(a->b),(a->b->a)) -> Res a s b which I instance twice. First time goes like a charm: instance Selectable a s b ...

"Programming In Haskell" error in sat function

I'm in chapter 8 of Graham Hutton's Programming in Haskell and I'm copying the code and testing it in GHC. See the slides here: http://www.cis.syr.edu/~sueo/cis352/chapter8.pdf in particular slide 15 The relevant code I've copied so far is: type Parser a = String -> [(a, String)] pih_return :: a -> Parser a pih_return v = \inp -> [(v,...

Visual Haskell 2008/2010

Does Visual Haskell for Visual Studio 2008/2010 exist? Or what are the alternatives to try it? EDIT: I've got a lot of alternatives but it seems that there is no Visual Haskell right now. ...

Quicksort + Profiling

Hello! i'm trying to profile a quicksort code. the code is as follows: qsort [] = [] qsort (x:xs) = qsort (filter (< x) xs) ++ [x] ++ qsort (filter (>= x) xs) please help me out! ...

What do you do when you feel you need a variadic list comprehension?

I would like to make a method where I could give it a list of lengths and it would return all combinations of cartesian coordinates up to those lengths. Easier to explain with an example: cart [2,5] Prelude> [ [0,0],[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[0,4],[1,0],[1,1],[1,2],[1,3],[1,4] ] cart [2,2,2] Prelude> [ [0,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[0,1,1],[1,0,0],[...

Asymptotic runtime of list-to-tree function

I have a merge function which takes time O(log n) to combine two trees into one, and a listToTree function which converts an initial list of elements to singleton trees and repeatedly calls merge on each successive pair of trees until only one tree remains. Function signatures and relevant implementations are as follows: merge :: Tree ...

backtracking in haskell

I have to traverse a matrix and say how many "characteristic areas" of each type it has. A characteristic area is defined as a zone where elements of value n or >n are adjacent. For example, given the matrix: 0 1 2 2 0 1 1 2 0 3 0 0 There's a single characteristic area of type 1 which is equal to the original matrix: 0 1 2 2 0 1...

What are best practices for managing related Cabal packages?

I'm working on a dataflow-based optimization library written in Haskell. It now seems likely that the library is going to have to be split into two pieces: A core piece with minimal build dependencies; call it hoopl-core. A full piece, call it hoopl, which may have extra dependencies on packages like a prettyprinter, QuickCheck, and s...

"Pattern matching" of algebraic type data constructors

Let's consider a data type with many constructors: data T = Alpha Int | Beta Int | Gamma Int Int | Delta Int I want to write a function to check if two values are produced with the same constructor: sameK (Alpha _) (Alpha _) = True sameK (Beta _) (Beta _) = True sameK (Gamma _ _) (Gamma _ _) = True sameK _ _ = False Maintaining sam...

Usage of ! in a Haskell type

Possible Duplicate: What does the exclamation mark mean in a Haskell declaration? In Alex the generated boilerplate code includes data AlexPosn = AlexPn !Int -- absolute character offset !Int -- line number !Int -- column number What does the ! in front of the Int indicate? ...

Does F# have an equivalent to Haskell's take?

In Haskell, there is a function "take n list" which returns the first n elements from a list. For example "sum (take 3 xs)" sums up the first three elements in the list xs. Does F# have an equivalent? I expected it to be one of the List-functions, but I can't spot anything that seems to match. ...

can not get scion_server to be created using runghc

I downloaded the scion cabal and am attempting to created scion_server I ran all of the runghc Setup (configure/build/install) The Haskell libraries are installed, but the scion_server is not in the ~/.cabal/bin I have to use a --user on configure so I can install it on just my account. Any thoughts? ...

Custom whiteSpace using Haskell Parsec

I would like to use Parsec's makeTokenParser to build my parser, but I want to use my own definition of whiteSpace. Doing the following replaces whiteSpace with my definition, but all the lexeme parsers still use the old definition (e.g. P.identifier lexer will use the old whiteSpace). ... lexer :: P.TokenParser () lexer = l { P.w...