I am trying to stage an app on Heroku that uses the Authlogic plugin. The Logs show me this error. I first thought there is a problem with the gem version, but I tried several: 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3.
But I tried deploying the authlogic example but it throws the same error.
Thank you for your time.
Processing UserSessionsController#new (...
We have a series of applications that we host on services such as Heroku which are able to scale up and down on demand.
What we would like to acheive is a management tool that determines how much load a specific application is under so it can auto scale the app on a needs basis.
What are the best ways of figuring out application load i...
Let's say I have a Rails application deployed on Heroku. How can I display these pieces of information in my views?
The Git hash for the last revision
The Timestamp for the last revision
I have a question about hosting large dynamically-generated assets and Heroku.
My app will offer bulk download of a subset of its underlying data, which will consist of a large file (>100 MB) generated once every 24 hours. If I were running on a server, I'd just write the file into the public directory.
But as I understand it, this is ...
I'm currently looking at hosting solutions for my Ruby on Rails SaaS web application, and the biggest issue I see is that if I go with something like Amazon EC2, then I still need to configure my own server and install what I need (e.g. database, programming framework, application server, etc.). Each one of these is an opportunity for s...
I have a Sinatra DataMapper app hitting a sqlite3 database that I am attempting to deploy to Heroku. First pass, I included my database file in the git repo. This works, as in the app runs, but production data does not belong in the repository. It doesn't really work though because the database is read-only.
I then removed the db fil...
As a newbie to Postgresql (I'm moving over because I'm moving my site to heroku who only support it, I'm having to refactor some of my queries and code. Here's a problem that I can't quite understand the problem with:
PGError: ERROR: column "l_user_id" does not exist
LINE 1: ...t_id where l.user_id = 8 order by l2.geopoint_id, l_user_i...
Is it possible to setup a VPN using openVPN on heroku to keep a staging environment private? If so, anyone have a writeup or links?
I've been migrating some of my mySQL queries to postgreSQL to use Heroku... most of my queries work fine, but I keep having a similar recurring error when I use group by:
ERROR: column "XYZ" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Could someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong?
MySQL which works 100%...
I'm a rails newbie, I've been trying to figure out what is going on with the stylesheets_link_tag on heroku.
If I use
= stylesheet_link_tag "style", :cache => true
heroku uses "all.css" and does not pick up the stylesheet, but if I use
= stylesheet_link_tag "style", :cache => false
it serves the stylesheet using its name "style.c...
Both the following two statements produce an error in Postgres:
SELECT substring(start_time,1,8) AS date, count(*) as total from cdrs group by date;
SELECT substring(start_time,1,8) AS date, count(*) as total from cdrs group by substring(start_time,1,8);
The error is:
column "cdrs.start_time" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or ...
Has anyone got RadiantCMS with multi_site working on Heroku? I actually tried it and it bombed big-time giving the error:
Heroku | No such app
There is no app configured at that hostname.
Perhaps the app owner has renamed it, or you mistyped the URL.
This is what I tried:
Go to tractor.heroku.com and login using admin / radiant...
Ok, so I have a big github project that i'm not supposed to merge my little Stacia branch into. However, it seems like Heroku only takes pushing MASTER seriously. It looks like I pushed my branch, but for example if I only have my branch, it even acts like there's no code on the server. I can't even get my gems installed since the .gems ...
I am trying to clone a git repo that I forked in my GitHub Repository.It's a rails app. I want to clone it on my local git so that I can push it onto heroku. I generated a set of rsa keys and copied it onto my GitHUb public keys. When I try to git clone "public url" , It says public key denied. I tried an ssh git@github.com to verify my ...
(Using Vista)I'm trying to clone an app from my GitHub Repository and push it into Heroku. Okay, so I've tried to create an SSH key so many times with this:
`ssh-keygen -t rsa`
It seems to go perfectly. I have it on my C:/Users/***/.ssh folder. I now try to clone an app i forked in GitHub. When I try to clone it on the rails_apps dir...
I've got a project that I'm deploying to heroku. The source code tree includes a bunch of mp3 files (the website will be for a recording project I was heavily involved with).
I'd like to put the source code for it up on github, but github has a 300 MB limit on their free accounts. I don't want to use 50 MB of my limit on a bunch of m...
ActiveScaffold apparently creates public/blank.html every time the server starts, even if that file already exists (so adding it to version control doesn't help). This is causing my application to fail to boot on Heroku, since they have a read-only file system.
Can someone please tell me how to prevent this behavior or work around it s...
I've got a ruby web app that uses lilypond to generate sheet music based on user input. I'd like to move the hosting to heroku (I've recently used heroku on a few projects and really liked it, plus my traffic is low enough that it'd be free host it on heroku, for a while at least). However, heroku's dyno architecture doesn't allow you ...
First of all, according to this answer, the :cache => true option on stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag doesn't work on Heroku. Is this true? I've found :cache => true to work occasionally, but not always (weird!)
Also, what's the best solution here? Ideally it would seamlessly combine and minify all CSS / JS. Heroku Asset ...
I deployed a Ruby on Rails app to Heroku, and I realized they have a read-only file system (http://docs.heroku.com/constraints#read-only-filesystem). This means I can't cache images locally, for example. I was using a Ruby gem called "Rio" (Ruby Input/Output), and that let me save files to my /public/images directory. Are there any go...