
Is there any easy way to convert Criteria to HQL?

Hi, I have posted a question few days ago about Querying on collections with the Criteria API and after all the answers i see that the thing that i am trying is not possible with the Criteria, there is a bug for the situation in nhibernate and also in hibernate I was using DetachedCriteria to get all criterias together and the list is ...

NHibernate HQL's Equivalent to T-SQL's TOP Keyword

What is NHibernate HQL's Equivalent to T-SQL's TOP Keyword? Also what is the non-HQL way for saying give me the first 15 of a class? ...

Nested JPQL queries in hibernate, are they creating nested objects?

Was thinking about a scenario, suppose two entities, Customer and Order. Suppose I want to see all distinct customers who fulfills a certain criteria, who has one or more orders fulfilling a criteria. If I use something like: Select distinct cust from Customer cust join cust.orders order where order.x = 'y' and cust.z = 1 The above ...

Hibernate HQL Query : How to set a Collection as a named parameter of a Query?

Given the following HQL Query: FROM Foo WHERE Id = :id AND Bar IN (:barList) I set :id using the Query objects' setInteger() method. I would like to set :barList using a List of objects, but looking at the Hibernate documentation and list of methods I cannot see an obvious choice of which to use. Any ideas? ...

HQL for finding starting index of objects in a predefined order?

Using HQL, I would like to search for the starting index of sequenced objects. For example, if I have the following persisted classes: <class name="Word"> <id name="id" type="int"> <meta attribute="scope-set">protected</meta> <generator class="native"/> </id> <many-to-one name="sentence" class="Sentence"/> <property name="...

Does between in HQL compare strictly or not?

if I write in HQL A between 5 and 10 is that equivalent to A >= 5 and A <= 10 or A > 5 and A < 10 or some other of the 4 combinations? ...

Where can I find a list of all HQL keywords?

Where can I find a list of all HQL keywords? ...

How do I write a HQL Query for this?

I want a single HQL query that returns all groups containing a given user that where created before a given date. Somehow I can't get it right. public class Group { @ManyToMany Set<User> users; Date created; } public class User { ... } ...

HQL Equivalent of SQL Contains

I'm trying to write an HQL query to select objects which contain an object in a child collection. Example: Contest Object ContestID ContestName RequiredCountries -> one to many collection of Country objects Country Object CountryCode CountryName The sql equivalent of what i want: SELECT * FROM CONTEST C WHERE C.CONTESTID IN(SELE...

How to simulate NVL in HQL

I tried this: from Table where (:par1 is null or col1 = :par1) but it happens that from Table where :par1 is null always returns all the rows of the table, even if the :par1 is not null. while select * from table where col1 = 'asdf' does not return any row. I can't use native grammars because my application is supposed to run...

How do I externalize named queries in a Hibernate annotations app?

Is there a way to externalize HQL named queries to an external file. I have too many named queries and using @NamedQueries/@NamedQuery at the head of my entities classes is hurting. Is there a way to externalize to several files? ...

Hibernate HQL: two levels of joins

I am new to HQL and have the following table relationships: Term has many Definitions Definition has many DefinitionProducts DefinitionProducts has one Product I want to get the list of Terms that have at least one Definition that has at least one DefinitionProduct that has a specific Product This is my best attempt (in Grails): Te...

Counting subqueries in NHibernate HQL

I need to do something like the following: select d.ID, count(from Lead l where l.DateCreated > DATEADD(day, -30, :todays_date) AND l.DealerId=d.ID), count(from Lead l where l.DateCreated < DATEADD(day, -30, :todays_date) and l.DateCreated >= DATEADD(day, -60, :todays_date)) FROM Dealer d GROUP BY d.ID Ordinarily I could do this: SE...

Performing Date/Time Math In HQL?

I'm looking how to perform date/time math within an HQL query. Specifically, how do I add or subtract (x) amount of time from the result of the current_timestamp() function? Or do I have to drop into SQL for this and hope that whatever database is being run supports it? HQL query example: FROM RandomThing WHERE randomTime IS NOT NULL A...

HQL order by within a collection

I have 2 entities: car and wheels (oneToMany) and I want to retrieve my car, with all the wheels and (this is the tricky part) ordered by wheels.location. Select c from Car LEFT JOIN FETCH c.wheels order by c.wheels.location doesn't work: "illegal attempt to dereference collection". Any idea how to do this and if this is possible in HQ...

How do I return a limited set of columns in a Castle ActiveRecord query?

and have it map to a strongly typed object? Suppose I have a entity Blog with Id,Name,Posted,IsUglyFace,YerMom but I just only want/need Name and Posted columns. I tried to do something like: IList blogs = repository.SimpleQuery("select Name, Posted from Blog"); This dumps out a ton more SQL and gives back an error, could not map to...

Grouping in hibernate - stupid question

Hi all, I'm in process of migrating an old "classic ASP" application to J2EE/Hibernate. I have a problem with the following type of SQL statements: SELECT parent.id, parent.name, parent.column1, count(child.id) AS no_of_children FROM parent INNER JOIN child ON child.parent_id = parent.id GROUP BY parent.id, parent.name, parent.column...

How do I get back a strongly typed collection that queries multiple entities with Castle's ActiveRecord?

I'm trying to get a specific set of data while joining 4 different entities together to do so. What I've done is setup a DTO to try to get this working: public class LatestThread { private readonly string comment; private readonly DateTime posted; private readonly string userName; private readonly int reputation; private readonly ...

NHibernate: HQL equivalent of Criteria Expression.In()?

How would you express the following Criteria query in HQL? var idArray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Foo)) .Add(Expression.In("Id", idArray) .List<Foo>(); I am aware of that there is an "in" keyword in HQL, but as I understand it that keyword is for use with subqueries rather than something like...

How do I do a custom projection with the Criteria API in NHibernate?

With HQL I can use dynamic instantiation like this: select new ItemRow(item.Id, item.Description, bid.Amount) from Item item join item.Bids bid where bid.Amount > 100 Now I need to create my queries dynamically with the Criteria API. How can I obtain the same results that I would have obtained with HQL, but using the Criteria API? Th...