
How to make PHP / Cakephp database driven pages that are indexed as static pages by Google

If you have a database driven website based on PHP / Cakephp , how do you make the database driven pages to look like somesite.html or somesite/ - so that the pages can be indexed by Google or so that these pages can be directly linked to ...

use of "setTimeout" to repeat function causes browser to display "Loading..." message

I have this banner rotator which is working fine except for one problem... This rotator here first goes through the function and when it reaches the "setTimeout" statement it triggers the "cycle" function again and again. You guys probably know that in Firefox there is a status-bar in the bottom-left corner, which says "loading" or "wa...

How can I highlight certain options in a HTML select - using javascript

Hello, I saw this post: which is similar to what I need to do, except a bit too complicated for my understanding. In the html body, I have a dynamically changing select form. The user can select multiple items from this form, and click a b...

Apply CSS to iframe

I add iframe from external site to mine like this: <iframe src=""&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt; It has some own css and javascript files. How can I add my own css styles to this iframe? ...

Changing element ID with javascript

I am loading in the following navbar html from a required PHP file: <ul id="navlist"> <li id="active"><a href="#" id="current">Home</a></li> <li><a href="about.php">About</a></li> <li><a href="news.php">News</a></li> <li><a href="applying.php">Applying</a></li> <li><a href="current.php">Curren...

Positioning to bottom of dynamic div

This is what I'm trying to achieve I tried this but as you can see the date overlaps on the image. So I added left:215px for the date It looks good but perhaps I don't have an image. How can I get the date back to the far left? I'm trying to achieve this withou...

How can I vertically align a <table> in the middle of a fixed height <div>?

Hi my dear friends. Why does the code below not cause the <table> to be vertically-aligned in the middle of the <div>? <div style="width: 850px; height: 470px;vertical-align: middle;" align="center"> <table style="padding-left: 20px; width: 700px; border: 10px groove #0033CC; background-color: #F9F9F9;"> <tr> ...

Google Analytics; Track outbound clicks; How?

I read this article about tracking outbound links on banners and such: So I added this code to the onClick event of my href: javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview('/outbound/top_banners/banner_name'); Is this enough? Because I have rea...

CSS: how to "plot" invisible text over an image?

Say I have a webpage containing a 200x200 image. At coordinates 50,50,150,150 (x1, y1, x2, y2), say I have the letter "A". How do I do the following in CSS: Overlay the image with the character "A" starting at the coordinates x1, y1? Size the text such that it fits x1, y1, x2, y2? Make the text invisible (but still on "top" of the ima...

Why doesn’t setting the “disabled” property of a <link> tag via JavaScript work in IE 8?

I am implementing a JavaScript function that enables/disables two CSS file of a website: function switch_style () { var i, link_tag ; for (i = 0, link_tag = document.getElementsByTagName("link"); i < link_tag.length ; i++ ) { if ((link_tag[i].rel.indexOf( "stylesheet" ) != -1) && link_tag[i].title) { ...

Garbage bytes in http output ?

When I use telnet to view my web, I get these weird numbers/letters in the output. This does not happen in a browser and they are definitely not in my source code. I have checked other sites and they do not have them. Any ideas why ? Are they garbage ? How can I get rid of them ? telnet 80 GET / HTTP/1.1 Host www...

JQGRID - Is it possible to change the background color of HTML header text in JavaScript?

Is it possible to change the background color of HTML header text in JavaScript? Edited: oops - i did forget to add that is it header text in jqGrid.. i'm sorry about that.. ...

Select option in select box will pass to another website JS

Hey I am not JS expert.. I want when I select a < option> in < select> it will pass the user to another page. How can I do it? ...

Dynamically generated HTML in C# to be formatted

Hi there, I have an ASP.NET web forms site with a rather large menu. The HTML for the menu is dynamically generated via a method in the C# as a string. I.e., what is being returned is something like this: <ul><li><a href='default.aspx?param=1&anotherparam=2'>LINK</a></li></ul> Except it is a lot bigger, and the lists are nested up to...

What is the most BEAUTIFUL html/css/javascript/php editor for windows in your opinion?

Guys, I've been using Notepad++ for some time now and I'm kinda sick of the UI it has. I don't know, it's just too... old or what should I say. I need something that is more simple in the UI but still has good functionality, I also need something that is really an eye-candy. Do you have anything to recommend? ...